RPGs then

RPGs then
>NPCs don't give a fuck about you and your problems
>NPCs are busy doing their daily living and will refuse to talk to you until you have a good reputation with their people
>NPCs give you the shittiest incredibly dangerous or difficult challenges that they can't take on themselves
>otherwise they tell you to go fuck yourself

RPGs now
>NPCs don't do shit but walk around and sleep
>ask you for handouts
>ask you to help them do simple every day chores
>their list of problems never seems to end

Why is this allowed?

I miss the Reese's pieces meme



I would love to atleast try that thing
Looks disgusting but also beautiful

What the fuck is that and why was it necessary to set it on fire?

Someone fucking post the mexican dish with the doritos in it

I dare you


They're better with tostitos tbqh

Is that pizza?
Or some kind of fruit?
Why does it look leathery?

>tfw your inventory is too full

muh presentation

good old fashioned rock for dinner

RP"G"s then

RP"G"s now

This one?

What bothers me most is the way she removes the Doritos from the bag with motherfucking tongs.


>i like dorito dust on my hands

get out you fuck faggot

the worst part is how methodical it is. Like that is from muscle memory and she actually makes this often to serve to people for money.
It makes me mad every time.

she could have just worn gloves or fuck just dumped them on the plate like every thing else. Why the fuck was she only precise with an "ingredient" you can't fucking see. They could all be in the fucking corner and no one would find it because you would die from the ammount of salt in the 20 layers above it before you die.

>all of those fucking sauces

I fucking hate soggy chips, I would've tried this up until she puts on whatever the fuck is in the pot the first time.

It's a mexican thing where food stands have at least one cuhrayzee meal available

>mixing chocolate with meat

pig disgusting, fucking canadians

Where's her vagina?

What the fuck

reese pbc are my favorite candy and i could eat them all day, but that's fucking disgusting

ahh the volcano souffle. a fine choice.

It's hidden until she's aroused

Already inside your eye.