What does your dream roster look like Sup Forums? Any specific characters you want to see?
MvCI dream roster list
Nova, Non-MCU Hawkeye, Iron Fist, Wolvie, Cyclops, Akuma, Spencer, Cable (to play nothing like his MvC2 style).
And probably some Darkstalker toons.
I won't count X since he's already confirmed and it's pretty obvious that Zero is also in.
Post the template and I might
>Captain Commando
You know it's not gonna happen but you guys are alright.
Just gimmie my boy back, I don't care who else gets in.
Akuma is probably the most likely of those you named actually.
I hope the rumored "2v2" mechanic has two characters in the foreground while two giant characters fight in the background
>Jin vs. Magneto in the foreground
>Blodia vs. MvC1 giant Onslaught in the background
Would it work?
Now to google image search
>But no Hayato
Get fucked, guy
May take you a bit senpai but it is fun at least.
I like your tastes.
Keep Rocket and Im good.
>he wants a lightsaber guy
If you want a lightsaber Capcom user Sigma or pic related is way better.
Female Thor
Emo Gay Captain America
Muslim Ms Marvel
Female Black Iron Man
Doc ock is all I want
I just want to take a second and say how good the logo looks.
Also, I was excited about injustice 2 until this was announced. Finally a modern fighting game where I can care enough about the roster to get good. That was a horribly structured sentence but you get it.
Really I'm only worried about amaterasu, any one else I want is certainly getting in
Definitely better than 3's
It's pretty nice.
Agreed. A nice break from minimalist bullshit.
90's Rogue
Black suit spiderman
Ghost Ridered Hulk
Chun li
more waifus
I don't know what ghost ridered Hulk is, but I'd like for Ghost Rider, Banner Hulk, and she hulk to be in it again
>more waifus
one time hulk bonded with venom and became a ghost rider
just give me captain commando please
or better yet, the baby from captain commando
that's amazing.
too bad it'll never make it in game.
C'mon Capcom. He'd be perfect. A Zero the size of Sentinel, whats not to love.
Capcom side:
>BB Hood
>Nero or Lady
>Scrooge McDuck
This one sucks because of the MCU limits and shit
>Dr. Strange
Also Donte, for non-stop Sup Forumsrage
>MCU limits
This is why I am unexcited for this game
>Scrooge McDuck
OP here
That is why my pic is the way it is.
Not him
He had a game made by Capcom and Disney owns Marvel.
It makes me more excited because we won't have marvel side being 1/3 x-men
Pretty much this, i just want pogo stick scrooge in a fighting game
this is my chance, dont take this from me
Don't really care for the Marvel roster because it's gonna be MCU crap
Chris Pratt with a space gun
I don't think you get it. The X-Men are what MAKE MARVEL INTERESTING in the first place. If it weren't for the X-Men Marvel probably wouldn't even exist. There would have been no sale to Disney. They would have long ago died. Same with Spiderman. Without those two Marvel was nothing. Even after all this shilling Spiderman and X-Men are still more popular.
Does Capcom own Skullomania or does Arika?
Really makes you think...
My friend told me it won't have x-men, is that confirmed? If so why even bother?
They still don't own him.
X-men have not been interesting in a long time. I would rather people from cosmic marvel or gotg get in over wolverine and friends
I've probably sunk over 10000 hours in mvc 1-2-3, but I have zero interest if there's no x-men, I can name maybe 1 friend who's lineup wasn't consistently 2 xmen minimum.
Besides after sfv I have zero faith in capcom.
And I'd rather no game than just MCU shit
I don't see a connection
What exactly is wrong with the xmen?
I want them to put Frank West back in it, but if they did, it would probably be the shitty DR4 one.
Sour grapes.
Everybody knows they were the only worthwhile characters in mvc1 and 2.
Nothing really. People do believe marvel won't let in this game however.
good taste user-kun
>cosmic marvel
Fox owns the license to Silver Surfer, Annihilus, Super-Skrull, and Galactus
Dream roster
>all the x-men
>no capcom characters
What isn't wrong about them user?
X-Men are last season
So you'd rather be stagnant and have the same old characters or no game.
You strike me as a very boring person.
But you're the boring one for wanting only a very small possible pool, of which we all know.
It's weird that you can't find any recent pictures of this guy
>only a very small possible pool
The only way you'd think it's very small is if you are really negative or are just disregarding the TV shows and Netflix originals.
The pool is still large without X-Men.
IIRC he once showed up with a fake mustache disguise at a conference for one of the Iron Man movies.
It's been years since someone took that picture of Pelrmutter.
Only one can imagine how he looks like now
Moon Knight
Green Goblin
Rival Schools rep (Akira or Hyo, please no Batsu)
Captain Commando
The Scorpion (Slammasters)
I would love to see some characters from the Zero series.
Everyone get upset this guy won't play because there's no x-men
I'd be more disappointed by a lack of Doom or Super Skrull than X-Men 2bh.
Fuck Galactus to? Marvel really is cucked hard aren't they?
I want pic related as a high tier gag character
Why did they sell comic and video game rights to fox?
I spent way too much time on this.
Mahvel: Daredevil, Black Panther, Moon Knight, Star-Lord, Silver Surfer.
Capcom: Asura, Batsu, Gene, Proto Man, Alex.
They didn't, just movie rights. Don't listen to anyone talking about the situation with Marvel character licensing because there's a 99% chance they have no idea what the fuck they're talking about.
They didn't, but Disney/Marvel wants to snuff anything that could be seen as advertisement for whatever properties Fox owns.
So we're ruining marvel because of movies? What the fuck?
Let's put like this. Technically Marvel can put X-men and such in. But most likely won't just to spite the movie rights owners.
Yes it's petty as fuck. But oh well.
Darkstalkers characters. Please give me Darkstalkers characters.
And by Darkstalkers characters I don't mean fucking Felicia.
>Even the fucking Fish
I guess you don't care for Marvel either? Not bad desu. You are just missing the confirmed characters for Capcom.
And Venom/Anti-Venom
actually nevermind all that.
put in Jean reno
You do know there are tons of past and present xmen, right? And that only a handful have been featured in an MVC Game?
Xmen doesn't have to mean Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Magneto. Emma Frost, Jubilee, Rogue, Colossus, would all be Xmen characters I'd like to see, and that's just a few.
So they have entirely killed the xmen in the comics and everywhere else and removed one of the most popular group of characters in marvel, because of fox? Why didn't they do the same to spiderman?
The movies are worth billions, far more than anything comic related, and effectively are Marvel now. They're not going to support anything that doesn't promote putting shekels in their pockets.
Its not that I don't care. I'm just not as informed about that side. Any Marvel picks I make will be based on past games and character design until I'm more familiar with them.
So marvel comics are dead?
>So they have entirely killed the xmen in the comics
They haven't. They're literally launching a bunch of new X-Men books next year.
because that one's a joint venture between sony and marvel studios, X-Men is entirely run by sony
>Lord Raptor
Anything else is just gravy
Pretty good, just replace SonSon with Frank West & it'd be perfect.
Sony has the movie rights for Spiderman, and are apparently more cooperative with Marvel/Disney than Fox is.
Comics have been withering in relevance for a long time, and are now mostly a legacy thing and test beds for future movies.
They sold movie rights because they were going bankrupt in the 90s and didn't have plans for an MCU.
Now the past is biting them in the ass.
No we're not
It's just one guy; most of the rest of Marvel are cool with the X-Men
Sadly, that one guy is the CEO of Marvel
Ike "The Kike" Perlmutter
That sounds wrong, when I read
I don't blame you being surprised user
Pic related
>hurr mcu boogerman
>captain mahvel is confirmed
This is why v is the dumb board
uhhh I guess Doc Octopus would be neat
I want Tron to stay, really glad X is in, it'd be neat to see an Onimusha character get in, and almost anything else I want on this side is basically guaranteed.
I say almost because I know full-well that Megaman.exe will never get in.
Doctor Strange
Doctor Doom
Mr Fantastic
Silver Surfer
Dare Devil
Ghost Rider
Blank Panther
Ant Man
Moon Knight
Megaman classic
Waka from Okami
Dimiri or Jedah
BB Hood
Phoenix Wright
El Fuerte
Viewtiful Joe
Savan from Dragon's Dogma
Francesca Von Karma
Ryu from Breath of Fire
>Moon Knight
My fucking nigger. No Moon Knight, no buy.
Carnage (could be a Spidy skin)