>Final boss comes out of nowhere
>Replay game
>They were there all along
Is Persona 4 the only game that does this?
>Final boss comes out of nowhere
>Replay game
>They were there all along
Is Persona 4 the only game that does this?
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I don't really get it, Bayonetta does something like that?
The normalfags deserved it to be honest
>can't do finger guns without being a school shooter anymore
Fuck liberals
Bravely default is the first to come to mind
Reminder if you are a bully you need to be lined up and shot
No, ToS does this as well
But did you see the moonwalking bear?
Would the original Final Fantasy count?
Final Fantasy VI
FF9 if you're not retarded
You just need to man the fuck up.
I was both bullied and the bully and the answer is you are always a bully to someone less confident than you by choice or accident.
witcher 3, you even talk to o'dimm in the prologue
You get away with it if you get dubs.
Take yourself outside and shoot yourself then, cause you are bullying him right now.
You stupid bully.
>he was there that one time
is not
>they were there all along
Metal Gear Rising: Revengance does this with Armstrong.
Looking back at it, you see him mentioned and show up a lot more than when you thought he was just a random background character.
Ok, story time (mostly cause I'm bored)
Other day I was getting out of a Safety class and was getting out the door. There was this dweeb looking guy with a Deadpool bandoleer shirt on following me out and I held the door for him.
At this point I kept the door open so I can put in my ear buds, and this nice looking fit black chick shows up. The dweeb is really turned on by her and wants to hold the door but I was still there getting buds on and she walks inside.
The dweeb was pissed and stared at me with anger. I just jolted at hims saying "what'cha gonna do" and he got spooked and fell over, then took off.
>gets bullied
>decides to end the bullying
>suddenly he's the villain
How does Kefka come out of nowhere? He is the main antagonist throughout the first half, is literally the main bad guy for the second half the game.
>see you at school
The weird kid in the background of every shot was pretty obvious
I remember drawing stick guys shooting at each other and killing
i got suspended for 2 weeks
Exactly the same as Persona 4 though
Except all the other times in P4.
Yep, I get called a bully for that and in middle school I used to spar fight with another kid during gym class and this nerdy kid came up to me and said he wanted to fight for real with me (not just spar like the other).
I agreed, we started and I knocked him to the ground after one punch to the face. I almost freaked out that I might have broken his glasses cause that shit is expensive. But no, he was just crying on the ground
Heard he manned up and actually got a good looking wife now.
>Went to all boys private grammar school for autistic savants and the incredibly wealthy
>Everyone spent all day discussing and doodling the most violent shit
>tfw making flipbooks of stick figures having death battles
>tfw entire history lessons spent going off curriculum to discuss weapons and vehicles in /k/ detail
>if you fought someone and your cause was just you didn't get in shit, someone snapped and finally went apeshit on a bully? The bully got in trouble and the victim walked free, same if someone started shit with you and you retaliated
Felt good. The only time I got into a fight was over Mario Tennis, because I kept picking Boo and some guy on the other team was claiming he was OP.
>Persona 4 is the only JRPG I played
Making the main villain you've been seeing throughout the game is so boring, even if they transform into something.
Who else didn't see the school sjooter until after the fact?
Should do Vidya edits
yeah, that would totally convince one to not be a mass murderer