Why don't games have boss fights anymore?
Why don't games have boss fights anymore?
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now there's a smart lad
if you reply below this containing 'videogamey' your mother will die in her sleep tonight
They are too hard. I don't want to play an entire level over and over just so I keep losing to the same cheap boss.
Too videogamey.
Because they're all meme 3deep5u cinematic experiences now and modern gamers don't like games that are challenging.
Why have boss fights when you can have a QTE.
say goodbye to mama
Because new devs are ashamed of their own chosen medium. Faggots.
They do
Have more variety in the games you play fag
Atleast 7 games this year had boss battles
That's funny. All of the games I've been playing do.
Name them.
A lot of games still have boss fights, I don't understand what you mean OP.
Too videogamey, much like 60fps games
Better have a cinematic experience at 30fps with a touching story with strong female characters like Uncharted and The Last of Us
I don't play many games these days - but Gears of War 4 and all those shootey games still have boss fights right? I mean, I know some skip them, like BS: Infinite etc
but unclarted have boss fights you IDIOT
Why are white women so terrible?
If Nenecchi was a boss, what kind of boss would she be?
loli boss
scripted sequences with QTE mashing don't count as boss fights you DORK
Shooter games dont/shouldnt have bosses because
>Grunt soldier with no armor or protection on head dies with one headshot
>Big leader boss of the evil organization just wears a suit.
>Takes 9999 headshots to kill
Well, depends on the game type...
Some, like FPS, RPGs of all flavours, Simulators, Action, Platformers do benefit from that.
Some, like RTS, really dont, unless we are talking about an opponent with better AI.
Most of the games i played had bossfights, and as long as they are not artificial difficulty bullshit (PoE, Souls...), it makes for a better experince and enjoyment.
Problem is that some/most devs cannot into bossfights.
off the charts TWO boss didnt have any quake time events you absolute BOOGER
Bosses are becoming more and more common place.
I hope you respond soon, I kinda wanna know what kind of games that have bossfights too
How is souls artificial difficulty
Dumb animeposter.
IDK man, considering she is crying in a carriage of District Line train, at nighttime?
I wonder why though? Did he decide she is unworthy? Did she fuck up badly (like cheating on him)? Or did he cheat on her?
Unless we get to know more, its a mystery.
or you could have the boss be a helicopter or tank or supersoldier
you fucking retard i hate you
Not him but D44M and Shadow Warrior 2 both have bosses. There's two.
>muh freedom to play however i like and not deal with bosses
>be told you're just as good as the other half of the population
>you're measurably not
It's like permanent purgatory for them.
Tank controls and shit hitboxes.
Ugly brown girl, no homo. Aryan girl is good
You have no idea what tank controls are.
>implying user knows what a good boss fight is
Take it back
There's no real skill involved. They just have more health and it's just a test of doing the same old cycles and hoping your hand doesnt slip during one. The real artificial difficulty comes in to play when they have a one hit kill move or teleports (see above about one hand slip)
Please do elaborate then.
Waste him Ahagon.
>some skip them, like BS: Infinite
Herp derp. Infinite absolutely has boss fights. In fact a lot of the cinematic games Sup Forums likes to trash have boss fights: Uncharted, Last of Us, etc.
Mario and Luigi Paper Jam
Kirby Planet Robobot
Star Fox Zero
Shadow Warrior 2
Pokémon Sun and Moon
Hyper Light Driftor
That's 8 and I can still count more
fuck ghost mom, that shit was retarded
How could you have forgotten Furi?
>Preschool shit
>Preschool shit
>Preschool shit
>Preschool shit
>Indie shit
>Listed doom twice
Question. Are you a nintoddler?
The good ones do.
You see 2deep4u wannabe movie directors and art school rejects and failed writers and numales and every other piece of shit cunt who becomes a game maker because they failed in every other industry they tried their hand in, they don't, but then their games are shit to begin with anyway.
ghost mom is just a respawn of soldiers. Boring
Just this year?
Titanfall 2
Dark Souls 3
Ratchet and Clank
He doesn't need to elaborate. Tank controls are well defined and no souls game fits the criteria. This isn't opinion. You're just wrong. Elaborate a noose around your neck, retard.
Nice samefag.
>everything in real life can die in one gunshot
>Tank controls
stop being retarded on purpose
Nah son, the MGS series has some 10/10 bosses and it's a shooter
But they do
someone post that webm where the bride leaves the wedding and starts slutting it up with a bunch of different dudes.
fuck men
Tank controls: see MGS1-3
Tank controls control like a tank, which is to say you can only move forwards and backwards, and if you want to move in any other direction you need to turn your body to face that direction first. You can't be standing in one place and run diagonally to the left. Resident Evil 5 and God Hand have tank controls. Souls games do not have tank controls because you can run in any direction you desire no matter which way you're facing.
You retard.
Does no one here actually know what tank controls are anymore? REmake just got HDified. This shouldn't be hard.
Some games still do. Many don't though, because people who actually pay for games are casual.
Or make bosses like the Metroid Prime games.
Tank controls are basically what games that have sliding mechanics use. Like ice in Zelda.
>implying there has never been a game with boss fights and saving
Boss fights are a test of skill.
Casuals don't possess any skills.
As such, casuals can't get past boss fights.
In order to appeal more to casuals, developers have done away with boss fights and put in some cinematics instead.
>AA6 extra chapter
Because they don't make megaman games anymore and those games are the only ones with good bosses
Or they added "Boss fights", which are either QTEs, something retarded and unfun easy that you have to do three times, or just a recoloured enemy grunt that takes more bullets than usual.
Why do women wait until the wedding day to cancel?
tank controls are like this newfriend
How do you know the story? Maybe her fiance waited until the wedding day to bang the maid of honor.
Tank controls are like playing super Mario 64 with Mario kart controls. It doesn't make sense but retards eat it up
Thats the one singular thing I'll say in favor of The Division, the last mission is a fucking PS1-ass helicopter boss fight and it fucking rules.
>Named DOOM 4 twice
Because if she was the one left at the altar she'd have her family and friends surrounding her at that point and wouldn't be the one going home ashamed on a train.
Play Japanese games
Would you feed her eggs, Sup Forums?
Wouldn't her friends and family side with her regardless? She could bang the best man in front of the priest and they'd still be like "you go girl." I don't think the possibility that she called off the wedding herself is a good explanation for why she's alone.
I'll feed her eggs some protien if you catch my drift.
Can't all games be considered artificial difficulty?
>There's no real skill involved. They just have more health and
>it's just a test of doing the same old cycles and hoping your hand doesnt slip during one
like any fps ever
>there's more enemies than you and more bullets flying from more directions than from you
>you just have to hope your finger doesn't slip the real artificial difficultly comes into play
>when some guys ambush you from a direction they didn't during your last attempt
>Wouldn't her friends and family side with her regardless?
Not if she cancelled. Imagine you wasted not only months (possibly years, because holy fuck do women take a long time to plan out a marriage ceremony) but a ridiculous amount of money for two people to just stand in front of a priest and say "I do" and then your kid just fucking up and says "Never mind."
I'd be fucking pissed.
Not all families are Swedish, user.
>tank controls
tank controls are
up and down: forward and backwards
right or left : rotate clockwise and counterclockwise
>tattoo on her upper back
Groom dodged a bullet.
nice linebreak, are you phoneposter scum or something?
Ah, yes. The typical middle school pussy who thinks he's tough shit for looking down on games aimed at general audiences.
>white woman
He REALLY dodged a bullet there.
White women are a bad meme. Latina girls are still the best.
Tank controls are basically ocarina of time when you lock on to an enemy, except without the lock on
help user what is source?
The ‘Stamford Bridge Bride’ whose photo went viral on Twitter has put the record straight about her marriage.
Thousands saw an image of Hannah Booth sitting on the District line in her white dress, head in hands, appearing to cry.
She had gone to the Chelsea versus Liverpool match straight from her wedding and it looked like her marriage had gone sour in just one day.
But yesterday the Liverpool fan from Chertsey, Surrey, said: ‘It was a brilliant day, but unfortunately I’d just had a bit too much champagne.
‘Going to Stamford Bridge was perfect.
‘We couldn’t afford a honeymoon so this was the next best thing.’
The 24-year-old and her new husband, Chelsea supporter Christian Booth, 27, were handed tickets to the match at their registry office wedding that morning – on condition they did not get changed before the Premier League clash.
The game ended 1-1.
>come after one and a half hour back
>all these (you)
How about you play some fucking video games, faggot.
In my defence, i meant delayed reaction time. As in, i press the button, and half a second later the action is done. Telegraphing actions is what i lump in to definition of tank control.
I played UT, i know what an actual tank control in vidya is.
Agreed, games should be games! That means that every one of them has to use the same generic framework