Get this game

>get this game
>play on ultraviolence for first playthrough since user said I should
>loving it in the beginning
>get to hell level
>get assblasted 5-12+ times every single fight to the point where it just gets frustrating
>don't want to change difficulty since i started on hard
is it supposed to be this damn hard?


I knew I'd get this retarded comment
>is it supposed to be THIS hard?

no, ultraviolence is piss easy only nightmare is "hard" but that's only because everything kills you in 1 or 2 hits and that is more tedious than actually challenging.
How the original got it so right 20 years ago but this multi million dollar effort is such a fuckup is something will never understand

its not hard if you play optimally, use all your your weapons until you need ammo then get a chainsaw kill, dont forget to get up close for health packs

You must be trash then.

Hey dumbfuck do birds fly?

So what type of response are expecting fuckstick? You come here and you literally say "is a hard difficulty supposed to hard?" like an absolute retard. Even a question like "how can I beat this" is a legit question unlike this bullshit.

Calm down.

if you had the brain capacity to interpret english then you'd know that's what I was asking you absolute fucking shit for brains

They had the advantage that they could throw in more enemies, this game would just crash if they added more enemies so they have to resort to damage boosts

Protip: To defeat the demons shoot them until they die.

Its more difficult than most shooters now days, but its not that hard.

Looks like you're a casual.

Technically UV is the normal difficulty.

Before this year when I got a ps4 I had only played gba games, a couple non action ps2 games, non retail WoW, LoL, hl2 and the portal games. Am I casual?

Ultra casual, yes. You've got a lot of catching up to do.

>put the game on hard mode
>it's hard
gg ez

You're the cancer killing this board.

out of the 10,000 posts made every second I doubt it

Nah, not even him, fuck off, you're a pussy.

Really? I thought UV was easy. Nightmare actual challenges me and gets my blood pumping, it's the true way to play the game.

you seem upset


Is the original doom packed in.

are you guys playing without runes or something?

cos once you get the armor one and the infinite ammo one the game becomes unloseable, just spam particle cannons errywhere. doesnt matter what mode you are playing on at that point, its all easy

This is a joke right?
Did you not obtain any of the upgrades?

Also use the plasma stun on bigger enemies. You'll thanks me for this.

>pinky's take 5 charge up cannons hits to glory kill
>right after you come out of it you get hit 5 10 fireballs from all directions
you guys just go ahead and keep pretending every game is "easy" to feel superior

>shooting a Pinky in the face
Just how retarded are you?

Plasma stun -> Super Shotgun
Plasma stun -> Siege mode Gauss
The only two weapon combos that matter

You don't shoot pinky's in the face.
The data log even covers this.
The fact that they ram walls, leaving their backs exposed should be more than enough of a hint to shoot them in the back.

Some people can't get the handle of not shooting pinky in the face with the super shotgun when they've been doing it for 20+ years

Them being heavily armored on the front fucked me up for a bit until I realized their new gimmick

>get to close to a Cacodemon
>he bites you
God fucking finally, I've been wanting that since Doom 1. Why was the demon with the biggest maw unable to bite?

you know you dont HAVE to go for the glory kill every time

if the situation calls for it (like when theres 10 imps flinging poo at you) just shoot the pinky again