what the fuck is notch's problem?
What the fuck is notch's problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
He's going full Kanye West
He hates minorities
Nothing. Other guy got btfo.
Why do people care about Notch again?
No idea who Maggie Cole is, but he clearly got #BTFO.
He's a misogynist who kills women for fun
>literal fedora
>Who are you?
>I'm you but better.
He looks like a chubby Indiana Jones in that picture.
He's not entirely wrong in my case, I'm a fat balding virgin but without his money
>get btfo by swedish millionare
>make a thread on Sup Forums about it
He's a rebel of today's full of SJW world.
Jesus Christ, it's Sam Hyde!
>what the fuck is notch's problem?
he inherited the mantle of the king
Cole absolutely BTFO
He's been dealing with internet edgelords for an eternity, more and more are old enough to edge it up on the internet everyday. The cycle will never end, it's why Sup Forums will go on indefinitely
>some literally who faggot calling the guy who made the most successful indie game of all time and one of the most successful games of all time in general irrelevant
I know your butt hurts, Maggle, but don't make stupid threads on Sup Forums because of it
how are you comfortable with yourself as a person unironically using the word SJW
>everything you wish you were
"you arent donald trump, you're a fat guy in a fedora"
Notch is pretty good at Twitter. If Twitter had a donation/reward system I presume he'd amongst the top earners.
is notch at it again?
>Get's btfo by a fat Swedish cuck
>make a thread on Sup Forums about it.
lmaoing at your life OP
I don't know but that other guy is gonna have a problem recovering from that
How are you comfortable with yourself as a person unironically being such a faggot?
Was it ever established that he has a writer for his twitter shitposting
user's twitter account BTFO
notch is just reactionary, he is but responding to stupidity and it's quite entertaining
t. cuck for life
He redeemed himself. I'd say he should be venerated as a saint of Sup Forums.
Notch knows about pizzagate
To be fair she apologized later and admitted she was acting in an immature way
A fat anti-social neckbeard with money and a dwindling influence.
Give a man an audience and watch his sense of self-importance blow up.
notch used to be one of us and he has enough money that he doesn't need to filter himself on twitter so I don't see why he wouldn't just go full shitposter
he's our guy
>I don't know what reactionary means
In a world that is growing with SJW's he is the man when need but not the one we deserve.
i hope you phase all this edgy shit out of your system by 2k17. i know puberty is tough but youll get by lol
notch is living the dream
RIP EmptyHero, did he ever make a new account?
I wonder if he ever pulls a Cosby out of boredom and loneliness. I'm sure there's at least one golddigger who tries to suck his willy and then drugs herself to scream rape and make a living off that.
cosplay is not reality user
>faggot trying to take the maturity high ground without any punctuation
Irony at its finest
name one tweet that he himself instigate what happened.
He is reacting and giving his impression to things he sees people say and do
Gee, I wonder who is behind this post. . .
This! Both should start a movement of fuck SJW and Liberal faggots.
Is he a madman now?
he has no friends
>that tshirt
Fucking embarrassing. This is called being a tryhard and I fucking hate how many underage faggots there are on Sup Forums now love it, and believe anyone who doesn't love it is triggered lel xD
is this the face of a liar?
of a corpulent swedish charlatan?
I don't think so either
lol yet you reply
>next year is the new current year
Fuck off, Oliver. You're still stuck on 2016.
it was banned after one tweet
The guy is literally living the dream.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
my lack of punctuation doesn't have anything to do with you being a lil bitch, my guy
Notch is the original slayer of legbeards
>I hate you straight white people
>straight white people help me plz
better not or he might get "mysteriously" deadly sick
>our guy
>this fedora lord
I'll gladly trade friends for billions.
Oy rabbi, what are you doing!
What a faggot.
>Word used to define genitalia of a gender is an gendered insult
>Word used to define genitalia fo this other gender isn't
This is beyond parody level at this point
This was one of the worse moments for SJW, I remember a Neofag thread where people were bitching about no niggers being in The Witcher 3 and the game being "too white" and that it doesn't represent the "multiculturalism" view they have on the world only to been BTFO by facts like the game being made by slaves and that in Polland the white population has always been over 99% of their entire population.
And still they keep crying that CDPR was promoting white culture while not realizing that they were just promoting POLISH culture and they were basically just representing their cultural heritage.
Liberals are fucking brain damaged.
not being a cuck is great user
you should try
>go tumblr a patreon
Now you're sounding angry.
This guy should go back to developing games, he's the hero gaming needs
Liberals are hypocritical morons who think something is bad when it doesn't work in their favor but good when it does. They build their entire lives around the concept of "two wrongs make a right"
what the fuck is he saying ?
>Don't you hate those nightmares where you can barely move and monsters are chasing you, and it turns out you're recording for polygon?
Every time.
Are you actually a fat balding virgin? I tell people in multiplayer games that I am one just so they get angrier when I win.
Does he make millions a month from bank interest only?
>tfw I didn't buy Braid
feels good
I like this guy. Saying what he wants and giving zero fuck.
Le you replied I win :^)
You posted i win ;^)
He was Sup Forums. Then he sold his soul to normies for SWEET DOSH.
Now he regrets, this is his way of redeeming. Trashing dumb people to show Sup Forums (and more) he is sorry.
He's on another level, you wouldn't understand his genius. At least thats what all these dicksuckers on Sup Forums think
>these tweets
he is our fucking KING
i like Notch now