What video games are you going to play today, Sup Forums?
What video games are you going to play today, Sup Forums?
Fuck off
please stop with the barneybait shit
whats so funny about it? what do you even gain from it?
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines my dude.
Still haven't finished it after having it for so long.
None. Got a night shift in a few hours, tommorow going to sink a good amount of hours into ffxv again.
It's finals week so this is what I do in between long study sessions.
Fuck off vendettafag, stop harassing me
Dunno, I'm feeling like trying out Ace Combat games but I'm not sure if I'll like it. I've been feeling like playing games focused on machines so I tried Armored Core but I couldn't get into it.
The work til 5 o clock, hit the gym, and buy groceries game. Fuck I can't wait til the weekend to play some FFXV.
Finally, someone who feels the same way.
No one's as crazy as you are.
Can you two faggots just fuck instead of arguing in this thread every day
Plying Overwatch on PS4
Feels like the nostalgic days of TF2
Not really
Consider suicide
Bloodborne. DOOM 4 and No Man's Sky. Maybe some Penumbra too.
Not really
Lotta GTAV
maybe some pokemon moon
gonna do at least one run in Christmas Nights. do that multiple times throughout december every year
Two questions though, firstly is Let it Die worth playing? And there's a holiday sale on PSN, anything good for sale?
I still don't get it
can someone explain this
Well I finished watching the Waterloo movie, so I'm going to play NapoopaN TotallatoT. Thanks for asking OP.
OP wasn't actually serious, all he wants to do is harass me
probably stealth inc, looks neat
it's just some dumb shitposter, ignore them
How the fuck his shit hasn't been dealt with is beyond me
Yeah I'm not sure why you aren't banned yet for spamming this
>open up steam
>look through my backlog
>some good games there
>i just cant be fucked starting anything and have no motivation
maybe tomorrow... i know i wont then either
>it's a "let's bait Lee Goldson autism" episode
I don't care about your autism or OP's.
This is a video games board, so I contributed by talking about a game.
You are the cancer that is killing this entire site, you take memes too seriously.
He ban evades nonstop and then acts like he's just trying to enforce the rules by backseat moderating.
There's a reason he has a thread on kiwifarms m8
You shouldn't be defending his actions whatsoever
Over the years of this happening. I've gone through several stages
1. Amusement at the threads
2. Annoyed by Barneyfag spamming his shit
to finally
3. Understand his point of view
But then I realise that if he stopped replying, people would stop baiting. But baiters are the actual cancer ruining Sup Forums. Both are terrible people, but if the baiting anons didn't bother, it wouldn't happen.
Always the same
>[Meta Question]?
>Picture of something cropped
Even I can tell when it's a bait thread. Will you just fucking stop? Please?
dumb idol poster
>he plays videogames
No, I'm just trying to shut their shit down
watching some E-Sports rn