Who is our LOTY Sup Forums?

Who is our LOTY Sup Forums?

What new loli did we have this year?



Changing tactics won't work.

Why don't you have a seat over there?

epic maymay over 9000!!!!!

it has to be chicken-chan




>not SOTY


Why are flat girls so delicious?


There's been so many good lolis this year do we really need to pick a best one? let's just love them all together

Flat is spirit of justice!

Sorry to break it to you but pixels are not real.

Would you nep this nep?

oh my god Sup Forums, why do I love lolis so much

Because they're both cute and lewd.


I want to molest Nep in front of everyone.

Because you're disgusting, just like us.

Because youre an unwanted child.

Of course we can love them all. Its jyst like GOTY where we just pick the best one

Because you're a degenerate?


i didnt know this image existed without the creampie

>they released a new game
Oh thank fuck for letting me know. There was a long period of time where I was checking every single day, but I haven't had much time lately.

You're always the LOTY. L is for loser.

Sure showed him, iPhoneposter.