Three times more powerful

>Three times more powerful
>Games look worse

How the hell did they fuck up the PS4 Pro this much?

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Support your claim.
Provide Examples.

It's fucking retarded to make straight upgraded consoles already. Now their playerbase is going to be split between specs and developers have to optimize for both.

This is exactly why PC games can get so iffy on performance other than just neglectful developers, they have to worry about all the poorfags playing on toasters too


provide counter-examples, faggot

My PS4 cables are tied up, can I just switch them straight to my pro?

I'm not making a claim, so I don't need to provide examples. I didn't say OP was wrong, I simply said he lacked proof.
That is interesting, the texture resolution seems to be higher but the frame-rate is slightly lower and the lighting needs some work, looks like they didn't know what they were doing when they ported it to the pro desu.

it's marketed at niggers with superiority complex
they'll pay the extra and just believe it is better
it's the greatest SJW console ever
literally what the PS3's 599 price tag couldn't do ath the time

It's really hard to tell on such a shitty stream, but the PS4Pro clearly has better LOD since you can make out details in the distance

Doesn't seem to look any worse.

If anything image quality is increased in the PS4Pro version.

Stupid idea which only leaves early supporters behind and new customers more or less confused.

4K console gaming at this time is a joke.


At the cost of framerate, which is more important than any level of detail.

Look at Metal Gear Rising. Looks like trash. Background images are literally 2D sprites from the PS1 era. Why? So the game stays super smooth at 60fps. When it runs that smooth you never even notice the detail flaws.

>Can't play TLG on the original PS$ because of muh 4k meme


You obviously didn't see the part where the PS4 Pro has lower framerates.

Actually MGR on both PS3 and 360 is closer to 50-40 frames on average.

Consoletards will defend this.

>AND it melts
Who the fuck would buy this?

You didn't say anything about framerates. Besides i can't see the framerate in a picture.
If a game drops 3 frames while a bunch of shit is going on, chances are i am not going to spot it either.

Confirmed for fake though. The PS4Pro doesn't get hot in that area.

boo hoo, shaders can be fixed in a patch

how is this not news for faggots?

Clearly shows how devs are caring and they utilize the power of Pro.

It's been months. No patch exists.

It fucking says the framerates right in the picture you retarded nigger.

Yeah but that doesn't mean i would be able to see it regardless.

Its like judging an experience by looking at statistics. Fucking meaningless.

Image quality is still better on PS4Pro so it "looks" better.

Only autistic retards would be bothered by this.


That's not how it works tho.

>You can't expect me to read words what am i a rocket surgeon

at least it runs some games better than pc lol

Are you implying you would be able to notice every single time a game drops 3fps in any game i could ever throw at you?

You fucking pieces of shit sonyggers are so annoying, it makes me want to hit myself on the head with a hammer.
Drink bleach and die, you pathetic disgusting fanboy.

Yes. It's called stuttering.

How does that work?
I mean, how can you look at the framerate when you're on a PS4, is there any programme or is it a streamed to a PC?

The fact alone that it has worse performance is the thing that matter in here you fucking delusional piece of shit.

That resolution is a lie though, they use all these tricks and manipulations to achieve it

>making use of theses memes when everyone and their mothers know FFXV will come out for PC

cant wait for 60fps and graphics you can only dream of because there is no physical way for your console to output them


>which is more important than any level of detail

Subjective. And that's why most pro games give you a choice between 1080p and "4k". Last Guardian for example looks amazing in 4K mode but sometimes the framerate dips down to -27 fps while in 1080p mode it never happens and it still looks great because of the HDR.

Sure you can.

>calling it a meme and yet waiting until you have one to play games that are available now

Are you like 15 or what?

Running games in slow mo is not acceptable in 2017-4 weeks

>It's been months

It hasn't even been one month you time traveling bandit scum.

Fucking reread the fucking post you retards.
Stop moving the goalpost you autistic children.

Fucking this board should be 18+ because you are all fucking disgustingly retarded.

Now reread the OP and tell me how it "looks worse".

Is this 1080p vs 4k?
You should scale it properly if so

When the framerate stutters, games look worse

Fuck off sonygger.

Not surprised that the PS4pro will become a forgotten hassle. Literally it will now say on the DVD box "supports PS4pro mode". No one cares and few are even going to upgrade to it. PS4 will cost less and that will attract everyone and the "Pro" will professionally disappear like the dinosaurs . People are so simple minded that any Jedi would be able to sway them. Who in the world would get a 4k tv when cable networks all over the world barely support 1080p. What the hell would force you to buy this HIGH TECH garbage when you don't understand that next year they will market the next BIG tech advancement. Seriously getting tired of everyone repeating things like a broken record.

Remember the The Sega CD, the 32X, the Saturn, the Dreamcast. Or how about the multitude of PS2 peripherals that no one had like the HDD, the Network adapter (later incorporated into the PS2 slim) or the special additions like the camera and the Sing star peripherals. Simply put none of this sells well. Not the VR nor the PS4pro. Its all marketing to make it look like sony are advancing their tech while they only increased the Processor power by a little. The ps4pro upscales to 4K and little else. There are no improvements over graphical fidelity like one would see from a PS2 to a PS3.

Just wondering. How's the framerate for FFXV on the PS4 Pro in 1080p?

It runs the same on PS4 normal as it does on the pro in 4k mode, which is just fine for a game like this. It's not like Bloodborne levels of slowdown, not even close. I've played in both modes and yeah it runs smoother in 1080p but I still play in 4k because it's a fucking beautiful game and I'm far too immersed to be bothered by the occasional 3 frame drop. Just play the game you stupid faggot, you don't need a pro.

Give me an example of The Last of Us remastered stuttering on PS4Pro.
Then i'll tell you if its worth my time being worried about it.

Then next time Sony will make a PS5, then release PS6 4 years later and you'll still be fucked

Not really. Game happens to drop to 20s (even literal 20) when Pro in 4K manages at the same time run in 30 fps. It seems it's more of a CPU problem.

Why would you want to play TLOU again? You played it on PS3

The thing about Pro is, it's just a bonus. No one normal is going to focus on Pro, when most of consumers use weaker console and it has to run on it.

what? Didn't catch your argument there? Did you not catch what the sony reps said when they were releasing the PS4pro. There will be no PS5. They are making a streaming portal that you can get on pc and play ps3 games currently by streaming them remotely from a server to your PC. Times a changing and I believe that Sony is out of the Console market. But that there is Sup Forums for you full of kids getting all up and tight in their undies. Been around a long time and I know that this signals the end of a loved console but better they go out remembered for quality than go out like SEGA.

As for us with the PS4 slim...... heh I got mine for $200 and trust me it will get even cheaper which means more developers will jump on board to make games for the popular version.

It has a multiplayer component.


>Three times more powerful
It's only two times though


Peace out brothers.

Consoles provide decent graphics because it's one type of hardware allowing developers to focus on it, not because they're "powerful". Make one that's more powerful but different would obviously fuck that up at some point.

1. PCs run 3840X2160
2. FFXV isn't even running at 3440x2160 it far lower than that

Kill yourself

The eyetoy sold great and had alot of support though. It was also the basis of the move technology which everyone says they copied from Nintendo lol.

As for the network adapter/hdd package, it also sold great, but only because it was bundled with FFXI. I never upgraded to the slim, I played the shit out of Fight Night and Battlefield 2 on my fat ps2 with the brick sticking out of the back.

And why the fuck are you comparing Segas console upgrades to their failed actual consoles?



>1. PCs run 3840X2160
not in this game they don't, and seriously what games are you playing at 4K anyway on PC?

>10x more powerful
>games run worse

Still not as bad as bloodborne could be in some areas and if you can handle that you can handle this, as the game is already very slow by nature in everything from the animations to the camera movement.

All you funny people who think there will be no more consoles are out of your minds. Until the Internet in murika improves (hint: never) streaming will never work

>The thing about PS4 is, it's just a bonus. No one normal is going to focus on PS4, when most of consumers use PS3 and it has to run on it.


All of them
SLI 980ti 1.5ghz

Never a final fantasy fan so I'm literally missing nothing, not saying the grapes are probably sour I'm just saying I don't like grapes

>friend got PS4 Pro
>he waited on PS4 to get one
>just don't have the heart to break it to him

At least he's happy



why did you buy a PS2?
I had a wheel and pedals from logic tech for Gran Tourismo 3.

Who are you? And where were you raised. Sega was the primary console till $299. Sega was everything in the west till $299.

And if you don't understand $299 you weren't there when PS was announced and you do not understand why sony should know better then to PS4pro the crap out of all of us.

Comparing to PS3, PS4 is a new generation. Comparing to PS4, Pro isn't a new generation, thus people won't feel obligated to buy it.
PS5 will still be a thing.

>All of them
Not all of them user, how's Dishonored 2 run at 4K?

Who defines what a generation is?

hahahahahahahaha PS5.

Oh lol. Try harder. More like Nintendo BOX TWO with sony Blueray 3 reader and panasonic sound and intel inside and GTX 1080 gamers edition. This is becoming ridiculous.

Sitting here reading this crap and playing retro vidya.

60FPS ultra
it has an SLI profile you know

A number.
PS4 Pro is still a PS4.
inb4 Wii and Wii U, yeah Nintendo is retarded with names.

If games work on an older console. PS4 games don't work on PS3, PS4 Pro games work on PS4.

Then see Their mistake was naming it PS4pro rather than PS5

So Wii isn't a gen above Gamecube? PS2 is the same gen as PS1?

If you consider 18 fps "working"

>why did you buy a PS2

For the games obviously and because I had so much fun with the PSX.

>Who are you? And where were you raised.

I'm a North American. About as "west" as it gets and hardly anybody had a sega. I had both snes and sms, but I didn't know anyone else who did. I'd say out the people I met and went to school with 80% of them were Nintendo players. I'm 27 years old dude. I've played PSX since day one even though I was nowhere close to being able to afford it (thanks gamepro magazine). There's no reason to be upset about the Pro unless they start making exclusive games for it before it's time for a new gen.

>they'll pay the extra and just believe it is better
Its objectively better you fucking retard
>it's the greatest SJW console ever
What does this mean?

Are we seriously starting with the whole "there wont be a PS5" thing? Couple years ago it was memed so hard people actually believed there was no PS4 right up until it was shown.

Sony’s Shuhei Yoshida recently commented on the PS5, saying that it’s up to developers if they want it — if developers need more power than what the PS4 currently can offer, Sony will step up and make a new console.

In a lengthy interview with Re/code, Yoshida was asked if there will be a PS5 in “six or seven years”.

“It’s really up to the game creators,” Yoshida said regarding a possible PS5 console. “If they still feel that we need more machine power, ‘We want to realize this and that and that, but we cannot do it with the PS4’ — if that’s the case, there’s a good reason to have PS5, so that developers can create their vision. So, we’ll see.”

Can't you play games at the resolution and framerate they were released at, i.e. as if you were playing on a regular PS4? There's like three separate options you can run games at, original, lite, and "4k"?

No console should be trying to do 4k right now.The games just aren't being made properly for the system.

30 still but unlike the 4k mode it doesn't dip. Some reason 1080 mode has some odd framepacing during cutscenes but 4k doesn't

Bb--b-b-ut---the cl-cl-loud!

Yes. But there's problems on all of them.

Speaking of the cloud what ever happened with that and the xbone? Wasn't it supposed to draw computational power from "the cloud" to make up for it's lack of performance?

Serves sonyponies right for caring about graphics in the first place

Realistically they only need to optimize for base ps4. The problem devs have right now is trying to do 4K/psuedo 4K with the Pro.

>it's the greatest SJW console ever
>What does this mean?
Means TLoU2 Independent Tattooed Woman Edition, MonHun SWJ Edition, The last of Kratos: Don't talk to my wife's Son and Totally Not TLoU: Biker Edition.

The only games that are not SJW pandering are Bloodborne and Last Guardian but they run at 18-24 FPS to discourage CIS Players.

I have a Pro since launch and it's standing vertically. This pic made me regularly touch it after each play to check if it was overheating. Nothing out of the ordinary, so I know it's bullshit.

>works on my machine

Garbage CPU and incompetent devs.

Damn, what a waste.

>Owned by a Jew

erry time

They were hoping to force all games to basically become always online. Only the early titles would work offline with "THE CLOUD" providing even the basic computation power needed for the games--such that Xbone itself couldn't run them even at 720p--being the excuse for why they had to move to online only titles. They expected everyone to stay connected all the time such that the games basically wouldn't work without their cloud support. People didn't like that idea, so MS said "fuck it, you get nothing" and canceled the cloud crap completely. They're not going to give you the benefit of the cloud computing platform unless they can fuck you in the asshole with it.

Would that have even worked though? Could cloud computing have turned Dead Rising 3 from a 540p/20fps game into a 720p/30fps one? Like if all the processing is done "in the cloud" then isn't that just streaming games like Onlive? Sounds like convoluted bullshit either way.

Yes, it's for the most part streaming the game. It would've worked for those who have good internet connections with more latency than usual (just like playing online). Would've totally fucked people with poor internet or spotty connections.

Nice memes, i genuinely keked, but i'd like to say
>Means TLoU2 Independent Tattooed Woman Edition
Last of us 1 wasn't this at all.Shes a main character from the previous game
Fucks a monhun SWJ edition?