Remember Commandos?
Remember Commandos?
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I remember Desperados, and it had beautiful sprites and pre-rendered backgrounds, not disgusting low-end 3D models. Why do all these modern revivalsripoffs take a step back every fucking time?
OK I'm intrigued, please tell me more.
>game apparently set in medieval japan
>characters constantly make "funny" quips
it's commandos but in Japan.
There's even a character that's just a whore.
>why isn't everything exactly as it used to be
>Try to play commandos 2 again for the nostalgia
>Game is so old it runs way too fast in newer PCs and it becomes unplayable
Was this fixable? i tried this so long ago i don't remember if there was a fix.
sold, is it on gog or steam only? Please be on GoG
I remember that I was not able to beat the last level as a kid. These games were hard, weren't they?
>Humor didn't exist 400 years ago
humble store is DRM free + Steam key.
GoG might be better if you just want DRM free
Does someone know what did the german guards said when they yelled something like "veinaza"? I believe they did after they managed to kill a squad member.
if you don't think that looks better than deperados or commandos you dont know shit about art
>game apparently set in medieval japan
>playing with english voiceovers on
I'll get this when it's cheaper
yes 400 years ago in japan people were shooting quips at each other and talking about transmisogyny
I'm german and I have no idea what "Veinaza" could mean. Even saying it out loud it doesn't resemble an actual word.
A german friend of mine said the same, that word have been hunting me since I was a kid, guess I should reinstall the game and see if I get to record it.
"Ein verletzter"?
>user told me if i complete missions without killing anyone non-integral i get badges
>there was no badge
"Someone's wounded"
>There's even a character that's just a whore.
u wot
go suck a dick you faggot
what does Hi seletsta or whatever the soldier yells at 3:41 mean?
thats it, thanks a lot anons.
Those buttons prompts are so obnoxious. Is there a way to hide them?
That's what you're doing by playing this game.
I tried the demo for that and the mechanics have potential. Does the level design get more open or does it always more or less boil down to a series of smaller insulated challenges? It seems like something that'd be tutorial only, but I'd like to make sure.
Might just try out Commandos while waiting for this to go on sale though.
Yeah, the first mission and to some extent second are just tutorials. The openness and difficulty curve ramp up from mission 3 onwards.
Yeah, they say "Ein Verletzter!" which loosely translates to "Man down!"
Literally it means "A wounded", and gramatically you can tell that the wounded person is male. Otherwise it would be "Eine Verletzte!" for a woman.
"Verletzung" means "injury", "verletzen" is "to injure".
Perfect, thanks.