35 Years Old

>35 Years Old
>playing overwatch as D.va main from 10am to 5am the next day, for weeks
>no job
>living off savings
>no friends

What am I doing with my life.

Other urls found in this thread:



You could always get a job and make friends. Nothing you can do about the age, though.

making america great again?

living the dream?

I guess I need to go back to corporate america.

>maining in overwatch

Clearly you're doing a lot wrong.

How do you do it? I play one match and if I don't force myself I just can't start new one. I get this huge urge just to do anything else than play.

you are me except you don't work for a mcburger


>This is the average overwatch player

What I do is talk to people about D.va all the time and watch D.va Montages, after a while I become so entrenched I can't even stop thinking about D.va

You think so?

Start lifting

The only thing you need is a few NEET friends to hang out/drink/play vidya with and you´re set.

That's pretty much what I've been doing from 34 - 38. It's the bull market's fault.

>living off savings

At least you're not living off your parents.

Sounds normal except playing as Dva. That sounds pretty degenerate.

Sounds like you have a waifu.

You don't main in overwatch

Sounds like me. Except I sit up all night shitposting and listening to Japanese funk.


yes you do

no you dont the game is and all that

If you were in my area I would try to weasel you a job so we can be depressed together.

kill yuorself

I consider you my friend user and I just wanted to let you know i think youre a swell guy.

Out of all the saddest people in this thread I pity you the most user.

D.va is alright

Widowmaker and Mercy are best girls though.

I consider you my friend and I'm not op.

mommy and le mama? good taste faggot 10/10 i would let u come over and fuck my sister.

Stop playing online multiplayer games.

>What am I doing with my life.
Hopefully ending it soon.

all i wanted to do last time was to see whats people opinion on overwatch memes but no that was too hard to understand

if you actually devoted all that time to playing characters that took skill you might develop some ability and be able to go pro

Not you faggot. kek

So OP what do you do when someone grabs Dva before you do ?

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman is that you or are you John Wayne?

Well that's the breaking point.

I'll go kill myself now.


I love you and I think you are a swell guy too. god damn how many dicks do i have to suck in this thread.

I tried making a thread on /adv/ to see if people can give me some enlightening advice but it's just no use. I'm 22 but I fear I'm heading straight into your direction like a vehicle that can't turn. I just don't know what to do with myself at all or where to start improving and how. I'm more concerned about knowledge, my weight has been flying off by extremely unhealthy means.

>playing a female in a video game when you're male
There's your problem

wrong memes

Good joke. well memed friend.

25-30 is the point of no return, isn't it?

Start hitting the gym.
It will also give a nice boost to hormones making you less depressed.

I quit my perfectly stable job due to panic attacks and depression. Everyone there thinks I have a new job, but I don't. Can't use them as references or they'll know. Can't go back, can't go forward. I guess when money runs out I'll down a few bottles of sleeping pills and wine.

don't listen to him

i did the gym thing for 1½ years and it didn't do fucking shit for me

It wont work if you keep the shitty attitude about it.
If you are genuinely ready to improve yourself you should do it. If you just want to complain about it stay on Sup Forums.

I don't have a job to pay for that. I can do everything at home too, can't I? I don't feel depressed I just feel lost.

If you don't have shit going on by the time you're 30, you're in trouble. But 25 is nothing. Hell, I didn't even go to grad school until I was 25.

Misery loves company. Most NEETs are boring as shit.

sounds like he has a mental issue

same here user, just been doing russian roulette every birthday for the past 2 years, this is the year i though i feel.

Just kill yourself, holy shit. And take somebody you don't like with you.

I don't know what to do now, and I'm afraid I won't know what to do later.


You dont have some outdoor gyms that would be free? Jogging and those can help you clear your mind. Otherwise just do pushups and the likes at home.
Physical exercise gets your mind running so it might give you an extra jolt.
How long have you been unemployed?

>almost 25
>living with a friend
>known eachother since 8th grade
>every day he tries to start something
>threatens to kick me out of the house
>does this more often and seriously when he is drunk
>brush it off as him being super pissed that i do not work and he does
>still pay my bills anyway

can anyone explain to me why he would be this angry at me all the time? i keep getting vibes that he wants me to move out and it just boggles my mind.

it can't be that im dirty, he is far dirtier than myself. im the one who does Dishes, im the one who cleans the cat litter and lets the dog out and all sorts of other shit.
but he just does this way to often and its starting to get to the point where im gonna get pissed off.

Yeah, you fucked up. I don't know what you want us to tell you.

nobody wants to live with a neet. just kill yourself or move out jesus loser

ah, so its jealousy. thanks.

no 35 year old should be playing that shit

have you ever thought that he just doesnt like you and your attitude/demeanor/whatever its shitty? maybe you are not a nice person to live with

Why don't you try streaming? That sounds like what most streamers do, to be honest.

sounds like paradise.

No. you are a third wheel to his house. Just leave. It's not jealousy. Living with roommates sucks. I'm glad I kicked all mine out.

we are like Abed and Troy from Community, tightest friends but the last month has been complete shit.

does life get better after high school?

rofl, so you're a biased asshole, ok.

Slightly, in that you are not in high school.

>Few day ago
>see meme thread
>join meme thread
>try to meme
>not sure whats going on
>post a re ddit meme to make sure everyone is talking about that meme so i know whats going on and we are all in tune
>The shitposters throw a fit and tell you to go back to re ddit without letting you type
>All they keep circlejerking about how they like or hate re ddit
>Dont get the memes
>memers can't into memes
i dont know what i expected never again ill meme threads

Watch one of those animus that inspire you to get your life together and find happiness.

There is nothing near. I do exercise and have weights. I've been unemployed for a couple months. I had a summer job to clean bathrooms that I was lucky enough to get. Other than that, for the past 4-6 years I've just been a lift operator at a ski resort during the winter. It's just a trashy job that anyone can get. The scheduler was a heroin addict.

don't fall for the meme. working out is healthy but it isn't going to cure all your problems magically as they would have you believe

You got any higher education? Sounds like you need a change in the scenery.

Highschool was great though.
>no responsibilities
>no hardships
>make friends without effort beause you are forced to interact with the same people day in day out
>get to take it easy every day for five years

The meme wasnt the point it was just to make sure everyone was posting about the same meme

thats nice chad

>even video games are no longer fun
>spend all day lamenting your wasted life and no future
>in 10 years you will be OP

Whenever I'll see some jaded asshole talking shit to me here, I'll project you.

No, it does not.

All the people you knew and potentially enjoyed/loved having around slowly drift apart.

They all have their own lives to deal with.

I remember how it was when we all graduated. 2 of my friends moved in with me at my old house, friendly get-togethers often.

Then people find love and jobs that take them farther away and other shit that goes on in life.

You try to cling onto what friends remain but soon everyone become jaded and even the ones closest to you will either leave or backstab you somehow.

This is especially true if you live in a town, since jobs are scarce and you have to actually move somewhere relevent.

>tfw you're underage shitter just here for memes
>tfw in 10+ years you'll be op

I'm a turbo autist with no friends but even I was able to get into a great group of pals in highscool.

I can't believe anyone over 25 plays this abortion of a gameplay

Just a high school degree. I went to computer networking classes and that was it. It didn't really do much for me.

You won't be here for long don't worry.

School years are something that one should treasure. After them, you end up in a job where you scrape enough cash to pay back your loans and buy new shit every now and then.
Its not bad, but its nothing exciting either.

You're depressed, aren't you OP?

>still have savings from being neet

You're enjoying yourself right?

Don't let anyone tell you that you need to live a certain way to be happy.

Well what do you enjoy doing then?
What really makes you happy and you could consider it as a job?

the gook moot wil run out of money soon so say goodbye to this garbage site

you need to live a certain way to keep living though

i agree it is fucking girlfriend shit.

he fucking once told me "i shouldn't have to tell you to do X" holy fuck do i read minds now? is this some kind of fucking woman mindgame?

we have cats about 2 months old.

his brother was living with us for a bit too, but he got into an accident and had to live with their parents for a bit, soon to move back though. We tried to kick him out 2 months ago because he does fucking nothing but Drink his paycheck away and cut his wrists i actually found this faggot bleeding out in his room but their parents went all "give him another chance!". so waiting the months notice didn't work...

Maybe start streaming. Are you any good?

Start HRT and become a streamer. Be sure to manufacture as much controversy as possible and then launch a patreon.

Why does online multiplayer attract these types?
The need to git gud is because they aren't good at anything else or the potential online friend?

I swear it's grown over from MMOs to esport shitters now. Not that it wasn't always there but the numbers have grown considerably.

>What am I doing with my life.
Playing video games.

You can still use em for references if you want a new job.

Feel good to know someone have it worse than you
Sorry bro

if your a skillless heck

I think ill stay away from overwatch threads no one understands anyone. Literally projection the thread