Why do modern game developers hate freedom of speech so much?

Why do modern game developers hate freedom of speech so much?

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The stuff in red is funny.
The stuff in white is not.
SJWs want to control how you think.

Because people finally realized that Hobbes was right and freedom is the biggest meme since the 1600s.

>Don't be that guy
Wow sexist much?

ugh sexist and racist much??

So the white checker means he's crossing the line? Cool!

Now kys OP!

What is it with SJW's and their usage of the word 'literal'?

That third one in the red!
Laughing my ass off!

I'm gonna start saying this online now because of that shit poster!


I think typing "gg ez" triggers many more people than "kill yourself".

>civilians asking other civilians not to be assholes is violating freedom of speech

have you actually read the constitution before?

For some reason when I was a kid, I wasn't that into it, but now when I play Overwatch with my friends on PC I fucking love acting like a raging asshole. It's pretty much the only fun I have with the game these days.

I bought a $200+ dollar real ass mic setup, studio level shit, just so that I can scream "Nigger" and "Fuck" and other extremely long and angry insults at my team.

>my little sister's a better awper


Because modern mainstream society is so devoid of problems and struggles that people literally make up issues.

Because traditionally nobody takes video games seriously, so developers desperate for recognition will readily stick their paws into the fire so the monkey can eat chestnuts.

>win game by 1 point
>rape ezez
>entire team rages
It triggers them because they cant say shit, they lost

I hate when movie theaters violate my constitutional freedom of speech by asking me to be quiet during the movie. Fuck you, I'll do what I want.


Also I can see people getting triggered by saying they play like a girl. You can't let them take any of those away or they'll take all of them away. Nigger.

>Literally assuming gender

Seriously, who doesn't enjoy shouting insults at others? Most of the time it's not even serious. I've never heard someone actually being mad and telling team mates to kill themselves in my 800 overwatch games.


>wahh mean words

To be honest, I don't really see a difference between the two. "My little sister's a better AWPer" is pretty much the same thing as "You're a worthless piece of garbage" and will likely trigger the same people.

that third one is pretty funny

I don't think it's possible to play 1000 hours of dota without telling a bunch of people to kill themselves. Elitist as they are, the community is largely filled with fucking retards that won't accept criticism while failing to learn for the thousandth time why you shouldn't auto creeps the entire time

TL;dr if I had the opportunity, I would tell MORE of these people to kill themselves

It's because modern people in the West hate freedom of speech.

all 6 of these are the same, none of them are constructive and they're all insults. The only difference is the top 3 are funnier.

>Don't call people worthless garbage you literal piece of trash

Does nobody proofread their work anymore?

>freedom of speech only exists as a concept in the way the first amendment is worded

OP is retarded but don't kid yourself. It's entire possible for non goverment agencies or organizatrions to have stifiling effects on creative expression.

Look up the comics code authority or the motion picture code. Those stranged creative freedom and blacklisted countless people for decades.

>implying that younger sisters are somehow worse at games
whoa what a literal piece of trash


>If I could go back in time and perform one abortion with the choice being between you or Hitler, I'd choose you.
Are they implying Hitler did something wrong? I don't get it.

Lmao sick joke brah, fresh out of the oven circa 2006.

>Telling someone to kill yourself or that they're a worthless piece of garbage is funny
Nah, mate. Those are fucking lame. If someone says something that terrible, especially if they say "degenerate" during it, then it just fuels me.

The last one is good, though. Honestly, the best insults are the really patronizing ones or the extremely braggy ones, like "gg ez all me" or "good try".
Those drive people crazy so much more than "Kill yourself" ever will.


It's the irony of people against "toxicity", they're usually as bad or worse than the toxic players they hate but they feel righteous so they don't even realize they're as bad as the people they criticize.

sjws and leftists taking over the internet

Because womyn hate freedom. For some reason these idiots would rather try to put their dick in womyn than women I guess.

>a bourgeois construct

I'd bet any money that whoever is posting that is part of the modern bourgeois. Nobody who's working poor would ever say "just fuck my unalienable rights up"

Also da kamerade hail Stalin and Kim Jong Un. People shouldn't be allowed to say things I don't like because there's a possibility I'd be proven wrong.

You literally made Adolf Hitler get off his dick throne in the midst of the flames of hell, walk into the bathroom, and sob quietly in the shower. He held a cheap bottle of whisky in his shaking hand, no longer secure in his position of world's least likable human being.

Kill yourself, you Communist faggot.


Hitler's actions led to the United States becoming a superpower.

He deserves some appreciation.

this is how Sup Forums really is online.


>when you cum but she keep femdomming

I don't care about the "offensive" nature of the joke. I care about how boring and unoriginal it is.

Memes were a mistake.


>t. thin skinned faggot who cant handle online banter

l bet you started playing games after 2007 too

Makes ya think

>are you crossing the (TOTALLY ARBITRARY) line?

>getting butthurt that people don't want to play with a cancerous faggot who constantly rages/screams nigger/faggot/jew/cuck etc

top kek, cry me a river.

maybe you shouldn't be trash if you don't want people to trash you lmao


I don't think killyourself of calling someone garbage is funny but I don't think it's inherently harmful or offensive either.

keep crying faggot cuckboi

Clearly people are hiding behind, "muh bantz" when being called out for their lack of creativity. "Kill yourself nigger faggot retard," are ususally the reactions I want to receive from children when watching a GMOD trolling video. Actually carrying a conversation while shit talking instead of breaking down into tears spouting death threats is the way to go.

not him
I think they're funny, not because they're especially witty or humorous insults, but because they so easily trigger redditors who have been playing games for less than five years.

>because you have the right to be a dick it means you should be a dick
>*goes up to people and starts shouting FUCK OFF NIGGER* *farts in face*

I bet you think "I fucked your mom" is quality banter too.

I think he refered to Hobbes as a way to say: "People are assholes unless there are rules".

Thomas Hobbes was one of the first modern political philosophers.

His point, quickly summarised, was that people are fucking assholes who will kill and rape each other unless restrained by a sovereign. Unlike later philosophers he was pessimistic even about this; the sovereign doesn't have to be benevolent or even competent, he just has to prevent complete anarchy. So stop trying to kill your king because it's better than no king at all. And while you might get a better king afterwards, there's always the potential of it ending out in a "war of all against all", and that potential must be avoided at all cost.

You should try reading up on him some time, he's really great.


it's pretty good ironic banter

The difference between them is that the lower 3 are only insulting a person's skills in the game, while the top three are insulting the person's worth as a human being

maybe you should put down the controller if they bother you then

Freedom of Speech is a US thing, so when you don't have region locking you have to make sure 3rd world mudslime nations like the UK and Germany don't express themselves since it's against the law in their countries.

But user, Sup Forums taught me that having bad skills in a video game makes you worthless as a human being.

>never leave your caves because maybe there's no better caves and you die

Wow I'm so enlightened

Why don't people just mute if theyre so triggered.
There is literally no obligation for you to listen.

Farting on people isn't covered by the 1st amendment, it's technically assault.

>Can insult the shit out of Euros
>Can't do anything back to me



user, what I posted was a really quick condensation of a political theory written for 17th century politics. It's incredibly brilliant if you consider the context and the actual arguments and nuances. It's also hugely influential on later political thought.

(white) people cant call other people nigger faggots to their face so we don't want to stifle their only outlet in online gaming

>Is Farting an Assault?

>Technically, a proverbial pulling of the finger could count as assault and/or battery.

See you in court you DOUBLE NIGGER

>"You're a worthless piece of garbage."

>"[...] and being a literal piece of trash."



They don't, I'm just telling the difference between the two

>modern game developers

But this image originated from a small blog that nobody cares about, not some group claiming to represent game developers

Why are you lying?

Kill yourself.

t. 17 year old Sup Forumstard

I don't know if I'm autistic or what but I genuinely cannot tell the pattern this example is trying to highlight.
It doesn't explain to me where the line is at all.
How am I supposed to stay behind the line if it isn't fully and clearly defined?

muh slippery slope, muh artistic integrity

>all over telling people to kill themselves in CS

you might be a retard

no it isn't, you humourless knob

drink bleach

>this is what American children think "banter" is

your mom drank MY bleach you bitch
mix that with some salty coins and milk and it'll kill her like you killed yourself

You honestly can't tell the difference between snarky lighthearted ribbing and spewing hateful shit?

then you should disregard them and advise everyone else to as well

>drink bleach
The ironing.

shut the fuck up you reddit cuck blacked nigger gay queer SJW tumblr triggered kike memeing faggot spics

grow some thick skin and maybe you'll be funny

This image sucks at what it's trying to do. It wants to say "Don't make death threats or bullying insults" when it's really just saying "Only hurl insults that sound creative."

>Using insults
>not just playing like a huge faggot, t-bagging, hiding behind corners to shotgun the same guy over and over, jumping around like an idiot every fight etc

I swear it makes them even more mad than any insult

Not in completely out of context quotes I can't.
Hate is an emotion, tone and context are very important.
But please, tell me more about your feeling.

this makes you sound more mad than funny

I think the red ones are personnal insults while the white ones just tell you suck at the game.

>this is neo-Sup Forums

Where did it go wrong, lads?

user, you ok?

this is the worst attempt at an insult I've seen in a while. Are you American?

I'm bringing out this image for the first time in a long time.

they're not personal insults, because the only thing one player knows about another is how they are doing in the game. "kill yourself" is a very hyperbolic insult, no sane human being is going to kill themselves because someone told them to in a video game. they're just lazy insults that are surprisingly effective at triggering people, which is why they keep being used. because people keep reacting to them.