Is it morally wrong to kill Mr.House? By the time you find him he's a shriveled body in a pod, he can still control securitrons but by that point is his quality of life even existant, is it morally wrong to kill him?
New Vegas
Is Mr.House worth serving?
Fucker tried to kill me so I defended myself. Seems morally alright to me,
Well, you lose karma if you kill him. So clearly your conscience or whatever feels bad.
Kinda? Depends on the choices you made until you asked yourself that question, i guess....
I see, any good rewards from him?
>Taking game karma serious
You need religion for your moral choices in real life?
>Is such and such a moral action?
Only philosophers and faggots ask questions like this. What you SHOULD be asking is,
>Is this the proper course of action to take?
I'm kind of surprised someone is trying to apply morality to a game centered around the idea that every solution to a problem has pros and cons, and that nobody is purely good or evil
You lose karma because upon death EVERYONE IN THE STRIP gets his eulogy. It's not how good/bad you are, it's how the world perceives you and Strip citizens like House.
Or at least it fucking should be but the system is all over the place
Depends on who you are killing him for if i remember correctly, not sure which faction gives you which reward for it tho
you're playing your post-apocalyptic rpgs wrong
I felt a semblance of pity for him but he's a philanthropist himself, so it was simple business - surely he understood.
He was stating the fact that the game flags him as a morally "good" character according to the karma system you fucking autistic fedora tipper.
So what would be the proper course of action to take, would siding with house lead to a better future for new Vegas?
THE STUPIDITY! were his last words weren't they? and something something
Depends on what you tell him.
He called me a misguided whore on my NCR run
>caring about the arma system
>playing it wrong
Hundreds of threads, and Sup Forums still can't agree on this.
Of course! I don't want to go to hell user. I sunburn easily
Then fuck him, and start another run
Nah, that's Fallout 3s system. The karma system in New Vegas is representative of your "populairity" with the nearby inhabitants.
You might not think killing House was morally wrong, but the people of New Vegas (generally) liked him, so you they don't precieve you as a nice person for doing so.
Not a big fan of the system myself since it does feel like the game is guilting you, but they did good job at working with the hand they were dealt.
Is yes man a good choice? Not including karma
You make the mistake of assuming he can only decay.
With enough rebuilt & new tech, he could regrow his body and became an inspiring source of hope in the wasteland.
Imagine him, a man that not only signifies that we can have our golden eras again, but implies we maybe never lost it.
He could bring peace treaties that finally calm the Enclave even. He's the one man they would listen to.
Life without him is desolate and psycho.
If you truly believe in your Courier.
Whaddya mean by that?
and there never will be agreement because noaction offers true stability, you can convince yourself house has no ulterior motives and simply wants to restore the strip to it's former glory but you can just as easily argue it's possible his bots go rogue, or he loses his mind and all those people - safe and sated in the strip are suddenly tore ashred by gunfire
thats whats good about NV worldbuilding is there's no correct answer no matter how right you believe yourself to be
Im about to find out on my current run, went well so far
I'm disappointed they removed some dialog where you could convince House to spare the Brotherhood.
If you could do that I'd totally have let him have Vegas. I usually hand it over to the NCR.
Depends on the Courier.
This, just play it
From a gameplay standpoint House is the only faction worth siding with.
I just realized i misread your post... saving for serving
>tfw care more about Cass than BoS
Why does she have to get meme'd on in House's ending? Why?
What about the Legion? Everyone in there likes Caesar, but killing him is considered bad and they attack you.
What happens to her in the BoS ending?
Why didn't House just put his brain in a jar like the Think Tank did? Then he could have been somewhat mobile as well.
He made it very clear that it was something he wanted to do.
Wouldn't he have gone insane after a certain period of time like they did?
You can mod that shit back in if you want.
If my memory is correct, House had a lot of dialog (voiced) that was removed to make him a more 'grey' choice.
Didn't they go insane because they were doing drugs for 200+ years? At least a couple of them were
You mean House ending? Implied heart attack.
That's sad
I thought it was because they never had that liquid in their head domes replaced
Pretty sure they mentioned all preserved brains eventually go insane.
The only reason not to work for Mr House can morally be two choices
1. you believe that Caesar really is the better choice for the new world and that the current trajectory will just repeat the same mistakes of the last one.
2. u r a faggot. oh he's an egotist, he's gonna be evil and betray everyone.
fuck you. vegas was his by right. he did all the work. he's still doing all the work. he has only tried to advance and better mankind. but youre just a scared bitch with a gut feeling. fuck you. I love him.
>more than a dozen play throughs
>never brought myself to betray house
>every single courier went on to retire living in luxury fucking bitches and gambling all day as the agent of Mr House one of the best characters in a video game
buncha slack jawed NCR loving faggots ITT
Could have sworn I bluffed and told him I destroyed them. Probably remembering it wrong though.
Damn, this is a good pasta.
The ncr ending any good?
>killing house
no reason to kill what might be the only hope for the human race
NCR and Legion are meme factions
the system in NV is pointless and retarded, you have to struggle to be evil because every ghoul and raider you kill magically gives you karma
seriously, wtf, even f3 was more balanced than this shit when it came to karma
Would the ncr even be capable of helping the wasteland?
I would say so, because in the world of Fallout, the rules of the old world don't apply. Rebuilding and moving towards the future is the way to survival, and House is the only one who can provide that for the Mojave. The Legion falls apart after Caesar's death, NCR is too corrupt to do anything other than emulate America (poorly, at that), and the Courier can only provide a static existence for the Mojave at best. Of course, like said, the beauty of the game is that everyone is still discussing what the best course of action is after all these years.
plus the other brain (forgot his name, the main "villian") actually fucked them up somehow on his way out since he knew he had to to keep them contained
>Only betrayed house 3 times: First playthru because I dodn't know what I was doing, and for the legion/ncr ending for the achievements
>still feel bad everytime I think about it
House is one of the best characters in the gaming world, the feels I have for him cannot be replicated by almost anything else
It's the best ending if you got your cards right.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Karma doesn't matter
>It's the best ending if you got your cards right
nah, democracy as a concept is a failed experiment, no matter how good the ending, it's just going to fall apart. Sometimes, you need a cold, calculating leader, and that's what the mojave needs
The Mojave isn't just New Vegas.
But it might as well be. Communities outside of vegas seem fairly independent, they would do okay without either legion or NCR
House is the only one outside of the institute who can take humanity back to the pre war days, maybe even the starts, but the institute doesn't give a shit, it's just a group of autists in a basement who make sexbots by the dozens for no reason
How long do you truly think New Vegas can be independent? It's just one man controlling an entire army of robots. Considering how easy is to make his entire plan fall apart, kill him and control the robot army, I seriously have my doubts about putting the fate of humanity in his hands.
Also, he doesn't give a fuck about the rest of the Mojave Westland, so there's that too.
Well, it's all about how he plays his cards. Honestly, I hope they make new vegas 2 and make him the canon ending so we can find out
as for the rest of the mojave, see
sometimes, not caring is better than caring at all. See-NCR
There is no future for mankind in primm or goodsprings, but it's there in vegas
I agree, Mr.House only cares about the future of new Vegas, he doesn't care about any other civilizations in the Mojave, where as the NCR has its goals generally to help everybody.
Todd go back to your nap I'm not buying Far Harbor.
>the NCR has its goals generally to help everybody
Not exactly, although they are the closest through the Followers.
How do you put skinny jeans on a chimp?
Very carefully.
What are their goals, aside from defeating the legion?
If they somehow cut out all politics corruption or bureaucracy
Expand, maintain trade, and get elected.
Looks like a JRPG character.
Steal all the resources and leave the place to rot under "democracy"
Anybody that tells you otherwise is wrong
>Is it morally wrong to kill Mr.House?
It's nothing that going around slaughtering chem-addicted psychos for a few minutes can't fix.
the one doing drugs was the most sane one
fiends and ghoul karma is legit messed up.
Fiends are set to give you like 100 karma, which is massive.
Jsawyer fixes this, naturally.
Fuck man
>back to the pre war days
It's the pre-war days that caused the post-war days. You should not be aspiring to perfectly replicate the values of pre-war America. It fucking sucked.
It's the american way!
Just think of Vegas as Iraq or afganistan and it all makes sense
Pre war days meaning bringing back factories and skyscrapers, cars and roads, civilization, but without the politicians and all the other garbage that ruined it in the first place
Goddamn I guess there really are now winners
His quality of life doesn't matter, odds are he doesn't even feel his body when he's in the machine and instead is connected to the many cameras and securitrons he has in his possession. Whether or not you believe a New Vegas under House is a good decision is irrelevant, killing him is morally unjustifiable, he's not an evil person.
Also House is the best ending, NCR is corrupt and is becoming too big for its own good, the Legion may or may not be good in the long term depending on how things are run, and an Independent New Vegas is open to people like Benny coming in and seizing power through popularity with a high possibility of making things worse than they already are.
OP here, this actually makes sense. But how would a new Vegas fully run by house go?
same as it has before you got there, except without legion and NCR
Securitrons keep the order, people pay high taxes and house uses those and the earnings from the casinos to rebuild the civilization, or rebuild vegas, at least. Once factories open up, he can just make more securitrons and even upgrade them. Hell, if the courier is willing to share the location of Big MT to him, that process can be accelerated, the crater even has a securitron factory all ready to go
What more do you want?
But doesn't House make money because of the NCR? Being openly hostile to them wouldn't seriously hurt his business?
Fuck from the perspective you're weaving it's incredibly logical to side with him
That's basically what House says. He shit talks the NCR and legion for repeating past mistakes. Also says, "If you want to see the logical outcome of democracy, look out the window."
The thing is, though, aliens canologically started the great war. So does that mean that none of it was man's fault?
He hinted at it himself, his primary goal is to help advance mankind, he's no stranger to being diplomatic with other "political" powers in the wasteland seen with the NCR embassy and the fact that the major houses were originally tribes he offered a spot in his city. Whatever plans he may have to "better mankind" weren't exactly talked upon aside from his goals to bring more industrialization, opening up more areas for scientific research, and to rebuild the parts of Vegas that were destroyed back (and possibly go beyond) to their former glory.
He also mentioned something about making spaceships n shit but that was probably wishful thinking on his part.
Todd "The Liar" Howard's head cannon need not apply
He's not openly hostile to them, that's why he wants you to keep the president alive, so he takes the blame. He loses profit for a few months, but there is no other place like vegas, they will come back eventually .Business 101
Of course, there was never another logical option. That's how politics work
We don't know that, it's just a possibility. And even if they did, then we need house more than ever, who knows when they will come back and do more than just probe us? We need to be able to reach the stars and we need to do it now, and only house can do that
It's almost like he's trying to convince you or something.
Never played mother's hip zeta, why is it considered so bad?
It's just really dumb and implies that the aliens caused the nukes on top of breaking fallout lore in a few places.
Well nuka world does that too what with the whole x-01 suit
Fallout 4 is a big lore breaking mess already, coupled with peter hines being a massive faggot, so nothing new there
Maybe someone from the enclave just decided to get enough tickets to open that place and then he left his suit in it.
So Mr.House does seem like the best and most logical choice, thank you friends.
But what if
C0DA is just cleverly disguised multiverse theory and contains every video game and television series ever made including Fallout and DBZ super?
House understands that the NCR is too big for him to go directly against them, and logically it would be a terrible idea since most of the people that frequent his casinos are NCR citizens that are visiting.
It's important to remember that House originally gave Hoover Dam to the NCR for 3 major reasons
1. As an olive branch to be on peaceful terms
2. To ensure that the dam would be protected, since at the time he lacked the Securitrons to defend it himself
3. As a means to distance himself from the Legion
In the ending sequence House retakes The Strip along with the Dam, pushing the NCR *Military* out of his borders, but he doesn't go as far as to directly command you to kill the General or President, in fact the terms of surrender convert New Vegas into a free economic zone, he also mentions that the money may dip for months to maybe a year, but eventually NCR citizens and the like will return.
The only downside I see is that you have to kill the brotherhood of steel. There's a mod that lets you restore the option of letting them live, though.