What's your game of the year Sup Forums?
What's your game of the year Sup Forums?
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Probably DOOM 2016.
Xcom 2
Close Runner Up Dragon Ball Fusions
Hitman. Not a super enthusiastic GOTY choice, just my favourite of what I played.
let it die so far. incredible pacing once you get into the controls
Why do you make this thread every 2 hours?
runner up is Shadow warrior 2
Doom goes in the trash can
This cat game by Google
Steins;Gate 0
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir. Any other answer and you're newfag cancer.
Dark Souls 3 and FFXV. The latter surprised me, to be honest. I didn't think I'd really enjoy myself.
Came to post this and it's already here. Truly, this world is full of good people
even though it was released in December 2015 its this. siege hit peak form this year and will continue to improve
Titanfall 2
Even though ea is tryin to kill it I just love it
doom, dishonored 2, overwtch, hitman. all great.
Titanfall 2
It's literally a PS2 remaster
Not even trolling but Overwatch. Now I don't know if its my taste or whatever but I genuinely enjoy that game and look forward to the Christmas event next week. Mind you there were some fun games this year but I've spent a shed load of hours on Overwatch.
Future Tone
I've played that more than anything else this year
It's kept my attention for almost 6 months now
Me too man. This fucking multiplayer has had me playing too often for 5 month straight and am still not sick of it.
Gone Home
My Summer Car
Never would have expected it, but whaddya know
>hating on based incase
I cant decide between DOOM and Trackmania but both are really well designed and fun as fuck to keep replaying. At least for me.
Nothing comfier in the world. Besides that the only other real contender I can think of is Furi and its pacing between the story and battle bits is all kinds of fucked so that really hurts it in my opinion.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. It's an experience truly unlike anything else that came out this year.
The Secret World or Shadow Warrior 2.
I don't know why I liked shadow warrior 2 but not DOOM to be fair. It had moments but there weren't enough.
Probably Civ 6 or Dark Souls
Dark Souls 3 and Street Fighter 5.
They didn't blow me away, but I had a lot of fun with them and got the most mileage out of them.
Other games I enjoyed: Stardew Valley, Rez Infinite, Shenzhen I/O, Gravity Rush Remastered
FF15 monhun gen or SFV. Let it die seems pretty good so far too.
Hitman tm by a long shot.
Based Cyan does it again.
Just about to post this. One guy and his group of friends outdid a multi billion dollar company in making a simple game, or rather, improving on a heavily flawed game once considered the black sheep of the series pre-2010 (aka Metroid 2).
Also it doesn't needlessly sexualize Samus into some slutty bimbo, and leaves the suit fanservice until the very end of the game, when it can't hurt the gameplay via stupidly long cutscenes, since by then you've already enjoyed the gameplay. Something Sakamoto should've learned before he went George Lucas on the series.
Infinite warfare
definitely not infinite warfare or battlefield 1
Modern warfare
Memegame with one note gameplay
Dishonored 2.
Remakes don't count
Inside. I devoured that game.
this, or darksouls 3, or legion
Trump's Bizarre Adventure: Wall is Unbreakable
The only new game I played this year was Brigador. I really like it though, so it's my GOTY I guess.
Good taste senpai
that camera movement is smooth as butter
Dark Souls 3 with Xcom 2 as runner up.
>samus feeding.gif
I really wish she was breastfeeding that metroid.
Motherfucking Stardew Valley
Final Fantasy 15 and its not even close like the game is 10 times better than all the other garbage i played this year be it Dark souls 3 or any other "omg" game. Suck it /v you have no clue when it comes to which games will be good.
What is this game? Im interested but dont want to look like a weeb buying it
looks like somethign I would play for 2 hours, not goty
Nights of Azure.
Rabi ribi
it's on steam. no one even glances at what anyone else has on steam
Right now titanfall 2 but I haven't played tlg or XV yet and I'm hoping one of those might be it
but when i start it my friends will laugh at me :^(
Xenoblade X and FFXV, I know Xenoblade came out in December of 2015, but I got it this summer, enjoy it so much I can't help but mention it here.
Welcome to 2011 you peanut.
This game is so cute.
Can't wait for Nights of Azure 2 and the yuri love triangle!
Grim Dawn
Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 is the beta game of 2016
Prove me wrong, I dare you
Worse in every way from the original, not sure why you would pay money for that.