PS TV should be here any minute
what are you waiting on, Sup Forums?
PS TV should be here any minute
this, i already have a PSTV
Came here just to post this
my prime pantry box of every type of poptart
This tbqh
waiting on a call about a job interview
nobody is waiting on vidya in the mail?
A rug
A Holiday Barbie
The cat bank where the cat paw grabs the coin
An Itty Bitty Boo
I wish Canada had stock of this fucking thing and wasn't super expensive. Americans get this shit for dirt cheap within arms reach.
cost me $47 desu
>Package arrived at 10AM to my city
>1PM and still not here
nothing vidya, but I'm waiting on pic related
Lain is for my dad, he actually got me into anime and I want to rewatch the series with him since I think he'd like it.
Looks great user, i wanna one too.
forgot pic
The Last Guardian from Gamefly
>Lain is for my dad
>I want to rewatch the series with him
I doubt he'll really want to rewatch that shit. Get him something new that he hasn't watched yet.
Just glasses from zenni optical and some wall cement so I can fix a hole in some wall..
I think that user means that HE'S rewatching it, his dad will be seeing it for the first time.
green, blue or red dress holiday barbie?
He hasn't seen it yet, I meant I wanted to rewatch it.
They keep pushing back the delivery. It was supposed to release back in mid October.
I don't have high hopes of getting it.
Not videogames but I don't care
I feel like amazon is slow as shit nowadays.
Thanks USPS for the tracking that doesnt work...
Your DAD watches anime? That's a first, unless you're actually Japanese.
Thank god we dont have to deal with them here in Mexico.
Our version UPS doesnt work for amazon, only for third party stores.
Not waiting on it anymore, but I just got pic related.
USPS is not the same thing as UPS.
The one with white skin.
UPS actually had tracking that updated. USPS just fucking died and hasnt updated in like 4 days now.
Waiting for a new earth patch.
I hope for the day we get good covers instead of burger covers. The jap one is great.
Google your tracking number. Don't use it on the website
Having the same problem rn.
the problem is since it's the holidays they've hired a lot of temps to help out with the holiday mail loads
and those new people fuck up a lot of the time and forget to properly scan packages, so they're not properly tracked in their system and sometimes end up arriving late
I swear whenever it's amazon themselves delivering they always miss the delivery date.
Whatever i just send an email complaining and they extend my prime membership another month
Doesnt do shit. Just errors me.
i could be lost there
I'm actually waiting for a game for my PSTV, but something must have gone wrong since it should have been here a week ago.
Now I'm wrestling with support to find out where the package is...
UPS = United Parcel Service. It's a private company and they actually aren't too bad most of the time, even though they deliver really fucking late at times.
USPS = United States Postal Service. Like almost everything run by the government, they are slow and inefficient.
And it arrived.
what gaem?
>mortar launcher
I hate this cod/battlefield tacticool shit on tech
i already have 2, one on 3.20 and one on 3.60
Me too but its a good motherboard for $50 so you cant really complain.
yea I wasnt knocking you just the companies that do this
my PC case box was like that as well, I just bought it because it was a good case for the price like I'm sure you did
i order things online so i don't have to go out
what the fuck is this shit
Enjoy, OP.
Dad's present for Christmas.
Also trying to find a copy of Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations for not full fucking price in the UK is insanity.
3rd party memory card adapters are in the work.
Which will still be expensive because it will be a MicroSD to M2 adapter.
Annnnd USPS came and didn't deliver it.
nobody denies vita memory cards are grand kikery and a blight on the system, but it's still worth owning a vita
OP here
i already own a vita with a 32GB memory card and a ton of games
just gonna switch over the memory card to the PSTV and sell the vita cause fuck the screen and control layout on the vita