Post a game that is stronger than all of its sequels
Post a game that is stronger than all of its sequels
>D1 > D2
Look man, Dead Rising 1 is great and all,but let's be real here. All it really has going for it is Frank, infinity mode, and the original idea itself. DR2 is superior in every other way. Better follower AI, weapon combinations, better shooting, and better music convicts nonwithstanding. I think the mall layouts could be the subject of debate, but DR2 comes out as the technically superior game, even though one will always have a special place at the table.
Dead rising 4 could've been better if it had dr1 frank
>Watching LP of 4.
>Frank keeps acting like a retard and asian bitch keeps shitting on him for it.
Man CV really hates him.
They really push the "jerk reporter who only cares about getting the story" even though we've spent three full games where you can go out of your way to save dozens of people with him. Hell, you save random fucks in this one too.
I hope the inevitable Yakuza 2 Kiwami gets localized so more people will be able to play this game without having to pay $60+ or have to resort to emulating.
>weapon combinations
>weapon combinations
The story in the first is better by far, though. Not to mention Overtime mode actually has a reason to be there.
>Weapon combinations
What ruined dead rising and the reason why we have dead rising 4 as retarded as it is.
My nigga
theyre localizing 0, kiwami and 6
why do you have any doubts?
Off the Record is better is a direct upgrade to 1. 1 is still good though.
someone needs to explain to me why the xbox 360 launch title is fucking 20 bucks on steam and none of the ai or shitty fps is fixed
I need answers to this bs
how about burning an ISO
That just isn't true
As much as I enjoyed HR, I still prefer the overall style of the original.
God yes
There's a lot of charm in many areas that the later games couldn't match.