Is this just going to be Dragon Age: Inquisition reskinned as a third-person shooter in space?
Is this just going to be Dragon Age: Inquisition reskinned as a third-person shooter in space?
Its going to be amazing. Can't wait for it. Get hyped.
The bigger question is how many asari can you fug and will Bioware man up and do more sex scenes.
DA:I with somewhat better combat and shittier writing would be my guess.
its another personal soapbox game, so if nobody likes it they can blame it on racism instead of it being a shit game.
Pretty much.
It can go shittier?
>shittier writing
I wonder if there'll be a worse character than Sera. She's easily the worst character Bioware has ever created.
Well, given how insanely uninspired, dull and awkward every single piece of the propagation materials has been so far, I'd actually wager that it's going to be even worse than that.
It really, REALLY looks awful. Like: out of this world awful. "How can a company even get away with this" awful. There is also a really weird dissonance between the things they claim and the things they show. They talk about how they are enjoying making up this entire new galaxy and all the strange cultures and the feeling of being the first colonists: but everything we have seen is humans and generic humanoids walking around completely generic, brain-dead B'grade sci-fi setpieces basically identical to what original ME did but somehow even less inspired.
Maybe EA is just getting really, really bad at marketing, maybe I'll eat those words, (after all, Mirror's Edge 2 was not a terrible game and was entirely killed by very poor marketing decisions), but I somehow doubt it.
As it stands, it looks like those god-awful budget Mars Logs / Technomancer series games.
Which Ryder will you be, the greasy mulatta or the faggot?
Non-characters like Vega and Traynor are worse.
I think she can write something even worse.
first or custom
There's no character creator?
They both look mentally challenged.
>thanks to the matriarchy taking over bioware this game will be shit
What amused me is that they actually literally ripped off the Witcher sense mechanic from TW3.
Of ALL the things to rip off TW3: the Witcher sense is NOT the one you want.
I liked Inquisition, I'll probably like this. Inquisition was so different to the prior games that it was almost like a different IP, but it was fun. Mass Effect will probably be in the same category of different.
I enjoyed me 1 with the mako and the shitty minigame at each fucking ressources.
I'll probably enjoy that one too.
t. bioware employee
bullshit vision is a prevalent (horrible) mechanic. follow the red shit is lifted directly from bamham.
there is, those are the default preset for each sex
the detective mode type shit goes all the way back to the metroid prime days, famicom
epic meme friend
But they already ripped off the medallion ping in DA2 from 2, which was already a rip off from bamham's detective vision
Did you start playing videogames yesterday or have you come to realize how derivative video games are
Then why the fuck Sup Forums complain?
Of course it can, when you hire people who have no fucking experience
No she isn't, and I bet you've never even played Cisquisition if you think that. Nobody who attributes that much importance to Sera ever has.
But they do have experience, experience writing slash fan fiction for their favourite books.
because fags on Sup Forums permanently bait outrage so their ebin OP pandering to the hivemind can reach bumplimit to inflate their self worth
I played it for 30 hours and got bored of it. I couldn't stand Sera and kicked her out of my party after Haven got fucked.
Who said she was important? He only said she was shittily written. Maybe she would have worked better if she wasn't voiced.
I don't get what you people dislike.
It seems to promise the dramatic structure and pacing from Inquisition, the scanning mechanics from The Witcher and Batman, the jet pack, crafting and resource management straight from No Man's Sky, splash-damage based third person shooting from Binary Domain, animation quality from TOR, and the writing seems to be very much on par with Biowares latest and finest. What could ever go wrong?
Actually, people have the problem with the studio not being capable of modeling half-decent human face for their fucking key promo materials. Sure, you can make your own, but the fact that the studio can't be fucking arsed to make their own showcase characters not look like monsters speaks volumes about their actual idea of quality.
Yeah she was pretty shit, but Kaidan was far worse. I still made her leave or killed her or something, she left at least.
>its a "the character creator is so shitty that even the default faces look like shit" game
RIP Sheploo, the only face in the game I could actually deal with
No, he said she's the worst character that Bioware has ever created, and that's absolute bullshit. The fact alone that she's a completely optional party member who you don't have to recruit and can kick out at any time relegates her several tiers down the list.
Feel free to provide a compelling argument about why she's worse than, say, Anders though, someone you're forced into engaging with in DA2. I'll enjoy telling you why you're wrong.
When your default male character's face looks like a numale instead of Blast HardCheese here, you can tell what's coming.
>tfw you will never find old bearded Sheploo wandering the galaxy
More than anything else I just want a good story, why do I have the feeling it's not gonna have a good story...
I completely forgot about this one. Fortunately, you can limit your interaction with her to exactly nothing by just never talking to her.
Before he left, the lead writer was the guy who wrote Halo 4. Take that for what you will.
I think the main problem for Inquisition is that it was too akin to an MMO with little to no worthwile rewards, but the world was enjoyable enough for exploring (frostbite 3 is beautiful). If only there were more variations in the equipment and side quests that aren't just go there, kill a dude then go back, it would easily be the best in the series.
Here's hoping Andromeda would notice their mistakes from DAI
Meant for
Jacob is worse.
Jacob's real problem was that he was just boring, like most human characters in Mass Effect. Not really outright grating like Sera. His loyalty mission was actually pretty cool too when you find out that his dad was a sick fuck who fed his crew food that destroyed their minds.
There is pretty much nothing redeemable about Sera.
She's the worst party member in inquisition by far tho, at the least. Characters like Dorian and Vivivian, which I thought I wouldn't like much going in, were actually surprisingly likeable and enjoyable at times.
But Sera fucking exceeded every expectation on how shit and annoying she was.
I hated cole more but yeah she's pretty shit.
Somehow he looks kind of annoying in this picture
sera was more annoying but kaiden was more boring
depends if you think the worst thing a character can do, inspire the incorrect emotional response out of the audience or generate none at all
Cheating on you for no good reason where every other love interest doesn't in ME3 was pretty shitty. It's like they didn't even take him seriously.
I thought his fade spirit commentary was interesting and ptsd kinda cute, but I can see him getting annoying
Some nitpicking here but some points are pretty valid.
shes hands down the most obnoxious and repulsive piece of shit bioware has ever written
>inb4 gameplay designer is racist so he cant do his job
to be honest the gameplay is the only good thing about this game.
But imagine what would happen if he hated blacks.
At its best, Andromeda will be better than Mass Effect 3.
It does not have competent staff with enough critical thought and passion for science fiction to make it as good as the first two
>Is this just going to be Dragon Age: Inquisition reskinned as a third-person shooter in space
This Wbcm sure gets my almonds rolling.
Right about all the competent people jumping ship. Many went to work on Destiny which despite Bungie going full retard firing the main writer and restructuring the entire game it was still cool.
>Sup Forums reasons to boycott a game
jesus fucking christ. I'm not buying this shit, but I do not care if someone is a feminist or made fun of white people on the internet.
Not really, Destiny was so fucking boring, only autists could play this turd.
It's so fucking dumb, it's like they tried to get the facial expressions to be as great as in Witcher 3, but they're still using shitty animations from DA:I and also their mocap actors can't act
yup, everything points out to it
funny how in DAI they took witcher2 medalion thingy ping
in this they took witcher senses
Well they did fix it a bit with the expacs. And their wasn't any creativity blocks limiting them to things with human figures due to shitty and lazy programmers.
I will never not be upset that a series with so much potential got absolutely shafted by shit writers. I fucking can't stand that I got so heavily invested in the lore after the first one, only to be more and more disappointed as time went on. I hate bioware and EA for this.
I know Sup Forums gets easily triggered by shit, but this is something that I'm all on board the hate train about. It's a fucking travesty. It just makes me really sad now that I know that I'll never get to have competent writers flesh out the universe more.
This. Bigoted white people need to understand that the world doesn't revolve around them.
>racism is not a reason to boycott a product
Sure sounds like Sup Forums here, ironically enough.
>boycotting a game because of the creators' personal views
And you sure sound like an utter idiot.
There's literally nothing wrong with not wanting to financially support a proven bigot.
This is all anybody cares about with mass effect
And that is what makes the people who are hype for thisbgarbage twice as pathetic
>fade- shit! arse!
What DID she mean by this?
>trying to be edgy while still using PG13 words
Really makes you think.
She has the mind of a particularly annoying and edgy 13 year old
Like when you first meet her, and she keeps going on about I STOLE THEIR BREECHES HEHEHEHE BREECHES THEY DON'T HAVE THEIR BREECHES, it never gets better
I mean let's be honest, Shepard also looked like a faggot. A muscly faggot, but still a faggot
If you made his eyes just a bit smaller, he'd look like Brad Pitt
Yes, but with combat that is actaully fun
Inquisition was good btw
She looks like the muscles on the bottom of her face have no connections to the muscles above her nose
you just wait user
holy shit i completely forgot about based smudboy
I have cautious optimism for Andromeda, but I know in my heart it's going to be bad. Still I might pirate it if only because I played through 1-3 numerous times and want to continue the story. I just hope it isn't going to be filled with characters like Steve "DID I MENTION I'M GAY?" Cortez and Eve "MEN ARE EVIL, NOW LET ME EXPLAIN HOW MY SISTERS THREW ME INTO A CAVE TO STARVE FOR A GOOD CAUSE" the Krogan.
>Smudboy we at the rpg codex disagree with you about story driven shit and turn based combat. Dispel the myth that ME1 was the best in the series, it wasn't. ME2 was the best.
>I only care about gameplay and ME Andromeda's gameplay looks good minus the weird animation.
one of the comments on his video. what did he mean by this?
>we at the rpg codex disagree with you about story driven shit and turn based combat. Dispel the myth that ME1 was the best in the series, it wasn't. ME2 was the best.
I don't go there but I find that hard to believe
>i only care about gameplay in mass effect
>a rpg heavily focused on story
lmao what the fuck who plays mass effect for gameplay?
Do people still care about Mass Effect after ME3? It was garbage, and now the lead writer is in the position that Casey Hudson was in, so it can only get worse.
I'm almost tempted to play DAI just to see how terrible she can be
there's a fucktonne of padding and grinding in the open world, I heartily recommend using CE
Cheat Engine
Fuck off, Vega was a pleasant surprise.
He's not as bad as people make him out to be.
The first link is fucking cringe, the second and the third are at least entertaining. He should stick to analysing the games instead of making "they are racist, don't buy their games" videos. Bad storytelling and fucking up established lore are much better reasons not to buy a game than not liking what someone of the dev team posts on their twitter.
The best part of ME3 was the multiplayer.
>Buy ME3
>Shit won't work
>Contact support
>No response
>Pirate ME3
>Shit works
>Tfw locked out of multiplayer
no he didnt.
>The best part of ME3 was the multiplayer.
After getting ME3 for 5bux, I only ever touched the multiplayer.