You're either with us or against us
50 Million PS4 Units sold
im neither PS4 is ass
>You're either with us or against us
This is why you're the worst fanbase, because you don't like games, you just like the brand.
>You were born in the timeline where sonyggers become stormtroopers for some kind of Sony space nazi empire.
>Implying nyggers can be nazis
>Goes on Sup Forums
>Gets this worked up by an obvious shitpost
I don't this this place is right for you
>the new Wild Arms game that's been hinted at for about 2 years actually exists
>thing is, it's actually a mobile game
Kill me.
>Literally all niggers
Ughh, you wouldn't see this at a Nintendo event
>worst fanbase
But that's not how you spell Nintendo.
>Ughh, you wouldn't see this at a Nintendo event
Right, no one has lined up to buy Nintendo hardware in years.
No wonder with big titles came out one after another.
ha ha le racism
xD epic
Every single PS4 is sold at a loss. If we keep buying PS4s Sony will run out of money and go bankrupt!
You're the one butthurt by their criticisms, friendo.
Are you fucking serious? There better be a way to play this shit on the Vita at least.
NO user you're supposed to say
>Yeah, in fact you wouldn't see anyone at a Nintendo event
I set it up perfectly and you ruined it!
Triggered nygger.
LEL more like salty shitposting
This isn't last gen cuck
>They're making a fucking Summer Lessons for mobile
What did Sony mean by this?
nailed it.
>TLG is mediocre
No reason for me to buy a PS4 then.
PC and Switch it is.
I have a PS4, Xbone, and Wii U, and out of all the consoles, I'd say my favorite is the Xbone.
Better controller, better OS, better online, backwards compatibility, wider use of properties, etc.
Xbox Live kicks the absolute fucking shit out of what a goddamn horrible mess PSN is, and there feels like more of a reason to actually pay for online. (And at least you can actually change your fucking gamertag with Xbox Live instead of being stuck with one forever.)
Granted I still play most of my games on PS4, but aside from Bloodborne and Ratchet & Clank, I think the Xbone simply has more to offer.
The Xbone is just this generation's PS3, and at the very least Microsoft has at least strives to better themselves, unlike Sony where they're content to sit on the cash cow, though to be fair, Microsoft was the same way last gen.
Not what i saw
Just subscribed to this anons blog
>TLG is mediocre
According to? Also why would you buy a Switch when you literally have no idea of what games will be on them?
Right on nintenbros, lets send nintendo a new thank you card after we vote Sonyggers as the worst fanbase again.
I don't read reviews, ever. I actually know how to tell if I would like a game or not all by myself.
>you literally have no idea of what games will be on them?
It will have the next Monolithsoft RPG.
Me on the right
>Xbone simply has more to offer.
Like what games? Same rehashed milked mediocre IP's? That god tier 3rd party game list? If Scalebound is mediocre then the bone is the most useless console around.
fake data.
I didn't know there was an event promoting the theft of PS4s.
Thank's for carrying the gaming world SONY.
I own a PS4 and hate most of you
ecks dee
I at least think it's interesting that there's really never a way to make a comeback in console generations, they're always determined at the start.
The same can be said about the PS4.
Well I hate you too, buddy.
The ironic shitposting in this thread is so badly done that I'm willing to bet none of us have a ps4
at least nintenbros enjoy video games for what they are.
Remind me: Who's the group carrying the "With us or against us" victim complex? The group who's constantly trying to justify their purchase to the world while everyone else is busy discussing the games they're actually playing?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
>50 million units sold
>1 game
The people shilling for the bone need to be reminded that i can play all of their games on pc
>getting offended by falseflagging
When did Sup Forums became more sensible than dumblr?
>at least nintenbros enjoy video games for what they are.
No they dont. They shitpost different genres/types of games and label them as movies and such. Sonyfans on the other hand enjoy all types of games.
>Who's the group carrying the "With us or against us"
Ever been in a nintendo thread? Say anything negative about nintendo no matter how small and everyone jumps at you at once. Hell I have seen people label themselves as nintendo harcores and begin their sentence with "I love nintendo" and they still got shitposted to death.
>he has Windows 10
who doesnt
Not him but you can dual boot, you know.
>Sonyfans on the other hand enjoy all types of games.
my fucking sides.
>all the never ever spam
>enjoy games
>not just the Sony trademark
rofl delusional nygger.
Quoted for truth
what's with the babytalk?
>The same can be said about the PS4.
No it can't retard, PS4 has better exclusives and a larger line up of 3rd party console exclusives between January and April.
What the fuck is releasing on thr Xbone between then?
>all the never ever spam
How does that prevent people from playing those games?
>not just the Nintendo trademark
Fixed. Nintendofans shitpost against AAA games and third party games in general (Publishers and Indies) for the last 20 years.
I don't know what point you think you're making. Sending a big card is autistic, but it's unimportant and irrelevant to anyone else. I don't give a shit how much Nintendo fans love Nintendo. How would that be wrong in any way? What kind of skewed world view do you have?
Sonyfans aren't shit on because they love Sony. They can love Sony as much as they want. I don't give a shit. Why should anyone? The problem with them is that they're constantly challenging and egging everyone else in an attempt to prove their perceived superiority.
It's even worse if you look back to the Sup Forums of 10 years ago. I guarantee you any wave of console war shitflinging that came from Nintendo fans or anyone else has been a reaction to sony fans shitposting.
Aside from Ratchet and Clank, what even came out this year for the PS4 that wasn't weeb related?
Same. I'm not sure if this is a "le ebic troling!!!" thing, but I usually see a lot more sony shitposting threads than I do sony threads actually talking about games (and no, posting a shitty list does not count). I'm betting it is just a group of shitposters (who probably don't even own PS4s), since the guys in the Let it Die and Crash Bandicoot threads seemed pretty alright.
>Nintendofans shitpost against AAA games and third party games in general (Publishers and Indies) for the last 20 years.
Are you sure those are Nintendofans and you aren't just assuming anyone who shits on games for being "movies" and such a Nintendo fan?
Sonyggers are infamous for deflecting all criticism with "but nintendo" so you might want to check if these people are actually the people you claim they are or you're just making an assumption.
>It's even worse if you look back to the Sup Forums of 10 years ago. I guarantee you any wave of console war shitflinging that came from Nintendo fans or anyone else has been a reaction to sony fans shitposting.
Bull fucking shit. 10 years ago? You mean the time when the PS3 was released? Lol, pull your head out of the ass.
>dodging the question
>How does that prevent people from playing those games?
gloating that its a sony exclusive isn't worshipping the brand? rofl?
I really want to buy any of them but the first one is shite and underpowered, and the second is on its first version and filled with bugs and shit.
PS4 has an excellent library, not a huge one, but quality > quantity, amirite?
But seriously, I won't waste my money on this, at least not for now.
>Are you sure those are Nintendofans and you aren't just assuming anyone who shits on games for being "movies" and such a Nintendo fan?
Why dont you make a thread if people like The Last of Us or Zelda better and see what happens?
>W-W-We won bros!
We can gloat and play the games.
Not him but same could be said about the Nintendo fanbase
Call any of the games childish, rehash or whatever and they'll call you a sonyfag
Hell even if you complain about the game they'll still call you that
ReCore, Quantum Break, Gears of War/Dead Rising 4, Forza
>Quantum Break
You must be really desperate.
and why would you gloat?
what does that get you?
You gloat because you are only loyal to Sony and not to video games.
It makes you feel good that almighty Sony is getting exclusive(tm) games.
Aka you worship the brand of Sony. Not video games.
If you loved video games you wouldn't gloat.
Right back at (You)
>Th-That doesn't count..!
You know he is just toying with you or am i getting baited.
This. You should see the absurd hate I've gotten when I've chastised games like Xenoblade X for being boring and too full of filler, just like FFXV. As if I'm not allowed to criticize Nintendo's golden geese.
he is a sonygger after all.
I have an xbone and no it really doesn't. Counting that is like counting The Order 1886
>He saves images on his hard-drive bashing a console
>and why would you gloat?
>what does that get you?
Its fun and its not like other fanbases dont do it.
>You gloat because you are only loyal to Sony and not to video games.
How do you be loyal to video games?
>It makes you feel good that almighty Sony is getting exclusive(tm) games.
>Aka you worship the brand of Sony. Not video games.
>If you loved video games you wouldn't gloat.
Is that how it is? What damage does gloating do to videogames? It does no harm to videogames and only makes fanboys angry and thats why its okay to do it.
>that pic
Post your pepe folder.
Come on Pcucks, nintodlers, xbronies bring out everything in your anti SONY folder.
Unless you're like me, where you primarily play danmaku, big foot fighters, anime tiddie fighters, and weebshit RPGs. I have to occasionally remind myself that Microsoft actually makes a console.
You have to love how butthurt Sup Forums gets about this once a year. Meanwhile when 3DS was selling well, there was a thread every hour and it was perfectly acceptable and encouraged.
Damn how I would love to be Sony.
Not the Audiophile or Laptop team though their product is ass
Tell us when they beat PC
Sup Forums is Nintendo and PC central
This has been known for a while.
Keep spamming your anti-playstation pictures, surely it will slow down the sales and the popularity of playstation some day user!
no more sonygger.
And this is why everybody hates you.
Nothing has changed, Sony fanboys have only gotten worse over time.
Where are my Nintencucks at? I wanna see how they say the PS4 has no game and shit
How can Nintendo girls even compete?
>this is why everybody hates you
Um, why did you quote ? What about that makes you think i'm a sony fan?
>bragging about hardware sales
>never brags about software sales
really activates my almonds
The problem is that the 3DS is a laughable piece of shitty hardware with a feature that absolutely no one gave a shit about after using it for all of 5 minutes, and the games on the 3DS, such as Monster Hunter, were held back due to clunky controls, and 240p resolution, and trying to hunt huge monsters on a small, shitty screen is difficult in its own right.
Literally same day
>Total PlayStation 4 software sales have surpassed 369.6 million copies sold in retail stores globally and through digital downloads on the PlayStation Store as of December 4.