>delayed again
>delayed again
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Delaying is the smart choice for them. They need to fix the issue from the beta. keeping the original date would have got them an awfull launch and a lot of bad reviews.
If it means that they release a better game, I'm fine with it.
Not that my rig could run it anyway ;_;
seriously nigger?
they take 5 extra days to make the game gooder and you throw a shit fit
>see the trailers with the space marine terminators fighting hordes of tyranids
>looks so epic I actually get into /tg/ stuff
>real gameplay comes out
>LOL there's only like 5 nids on screen at a given time
>hope you like all the sounds and textures we bought from the unreal store
pretty disappointed
It's already got a lot of bad reviews, delaying the game isnt going to make the content any less lifeless and the gameplay any more fun.
The game is shit that's been rushed out and they're now realizing the scope of the refunds they're going to get if it has ANY problems on launch.
in the beta we got to play , when you had to purge the gene stealer hives there were way more than 5 stealers on screen at a time.
Not to mention the AI makes an effort to flank and back stab you so you'll always have stealers behind you, even if you can't see them.
Sounds are pretty fucking weak tho.
Too bad they couldnt get more than five frames per second on screen instead.
Beta convinced me to wait.
Way to many main engine issues where present. From it not using a GPU to render (causing an average of 5-15fps for a lot of the beta users) to HUGE amounts of netcode issues (as well as numerous other smaller issues like engine locked settings pissing people off)
Them delaying it gives me hope.
I tried the beta, it has issues but enemy count isn't one of em
depends on the hardware, it's all over the place.
with an i5-4690 and a gtx 970, I got mostly 60 with post process and AA off.
Loading times are dog shit if you don't own an SSD, the game probably loads the entire level and dumps it all into RAM.
Only 5 days? I'd honestly be fine with them delaying the game 6 months if that would make sure the finished product was a top notch Space Hulk experience.
Sadly, it's still going to be shit and bad reviews are going to plummet the game into oblivion, killing the game and assuring no future development is added.
does this game have any of the brilliance of E.Y.E. or is it just your everyday fps with coop?
From the one level in the beta, it has the atmosphere and attention to detail. We'll have to wait for more.
It's all pretty and such but no substance.
It's also primarily Single-player focused game with Multiplayer thrown on top, for whatever fucking reason.
>primarily Single-player focused game
>campaign gameplay feels like coop with bots
what a fucking dumpster fire
I'm still hype, fuck the haters, at a glance eye was a janky mess of shit too.
>It's also primarily Single-player focused game with Multiplayer thrown on top, for whatever fucking reason.
Because not every game as to be a multiplayer open-world
>it's already got bad reviews
The game's not even out yet you retard. How the fuck does a game that's not out have bad reviews? A beta is not reflective of the final product. I swear people on Sup Forums were dropped on their heads several times as a child. Execute yourself autist.
Don't forget that early access survival bit
Sadly, you're both right.
Often, a "Beta" is what they call it after the final build has been compiled, but before it's gone gold, in the current industry.
>It's also primarily Single-player focused game with Multiplayer thrown on top, for whatever fucking reason.
They did that in EYE too, I guess they think it'll sell better if it has mp.
>game is clearly not ready
>made by frenchfucks
>is upset the pile of shit is getting delayed by a week
>depends on the hardware
no it fucking doesn't. stop lying through your teeth. my friend has a i7-5820k and 1070, still got massive frame dips.
Why are you lying?
>made by frenchfucks
At least french can draw tits in their comics
Bullshit I have anons exact setup and I still barely got dips, and when it did it only went to 50-40 frames.
i guarantee you got dips every time a horde came on screen. and 40 fps is a pretty big dip.
Enjoy your ban.
Is the comic good?
Only time I got serious dips was in the room with the boss, and when the objective changed.
Find another thread to shitpost in.
Smart decision on gen because that beta was garbage as fuck
It is. You can check it on
>shitty scans
I knew I should have taken french in school instead of sweden
noctis dies
You can seriously get ban for this ? This books in sold in the children section.
>picture related I was reading stuff like this when I was 12
What the fuck is this? It seems asinine that developers would have any hand in writing code involving the communication of machines. That seems like the type of thing where you just use what's been made rather than reinvent the wheel by programming communication protocols.
Does anyone actually know what they're talking about when they use "net code" or is it just a buzzword that actually means "the connection speeds to the people I played with were slow"?
it means the predictive algorithms used by the game to prevent desynch between machines.
Good netcode means you'll be able to smoothly play the game without any desynch when everyone has a reasonable ping (up to 100ms or less) any more than that and things start become weird.
Bad netcode means shit isnt synching right even in the best real word conditions.
People getting shot trough walls, shots you see connect don't register as a hit, etc etc.
Are you Finnish?
At least you weren't one of those boring kids that took Spanish.
means they wrote the code of the multiplayer wrong, specifically the code that is the net based part.
The issue with the game wasnt slow connection, but MASSIVE connection problems as a whole. The actual searching for a server list took almost 30-40 seconds to populate (if it did at all), took a long time to actually connect to said servers (if you could at all) and if you got in, the average connection time was about 1m -3m before it kicked you via server timeouts or other net related crash errors. It was rare to be in a game for longer than 10m, and almost no one could play the entire level. If you did stay If you DID stay connected, you had to deal with massive lag spikes (from what seems to be a server issue since it was wide spread) and less commonly desync issues.
honestly its kinda sad that you have to be explained to on what netcode is and double that since you thought it was a buzzword.
I think it had more to do with the shitty P2P system than the netcode IMO
but hey if we actually get dedicated servers as promised we'll see if that's the case or not
>tfw playing a Paradox game online
It's sad. Because the games are so fucking fun to play with friends but only if you can stomach "game is out of sync" every 5 minutes of play.
What are you talking about.
It had EVERYTHING to do with the netcode. p2p works often and well. Hell, p2p was working for YEARS before dedicated servers were common. Even further so, it was a widespread issue with pretty much everyone. If it was just a p2p problem and not a netcode based issue, a chunk of people would have been fine since the only drawback of a p2p system engine wise is more draw on a system.
1 extra week after 3+ years development will surely help and change everything
full of shit. I got constant 60fps with a 1080 and i7 6700k
Where's her right nipple?
you guys love lying about your performance
>works on my rig
fuck off the game is trash
The game needs another year of development, not the days. It's so fucking shit. Aside from all the bugs and severe performance issues, the gane isn't fun. It's floaty, attacks are weak, the sound design is garbage, etc. It's an absolute disappointment. The 40K streak of trash remains unbroken because 5 days is not enough to make this game good.
I hope you all refund and torrent
I agree.
The devs also have no fucking clue of what the Dark Angels are about.
They didnt even know they had a two handed halberd.
The game is boring I agree, and the ragdolls repetitive.
Also no other enemies besides genestealers
>players found bugs and had problems with beta
>game is delayed because it needs to be fix
>hurr durr why are you doing this, fuck you, i'm not gonna buy this shit game
yeah, i wonder what could happend if game have still the same bugs ect. i'm sure you would love it
>tfw this should have been at least on par with Vermintide but instead makes that game look like a masterpiece by comparison
How did they fuck up the melee attacks in this shit so badly? Why do Bolters sound weaker than modern machine guns? This shit is lame.
Its quite boring anyways
rushed releases like rome 2 fucking suck
give the devs time
>They didnt even know they had a two handed halberd.
but that was the Focus PR guys not the devs.
also maybe it wasn't compatible with their two handed loadouts system and didn't wanted to waste ressources on making it work
> Also no other enemies besides genestealers
It's supposed to be based on the boardgame where it was the only ennemy race.
so why you complain about release day anyway
go fuck yourself user
Bolters are massively underpowered, but quite honestly, if they werent the game would be even more boring,
Melee sucks because they copied it from Skyrim, but the genestealers are always faster than you so they always hit you first when you try to melee them
Right now I'm just hoping for based anons to create great mods for it
Also no armor customization and you MUST play as a fucking librarian in story mode
Because I'd rather have it 6 months from now if they added shit to it.
>you MUST play as a fucking librarian in story mode
well the other classes aren't that appealing considering all weapons are available on the SP.
I'd rather be a space wizard that the healing bitch of two retarded AI
No modding allowed, GWS rules.
Sorry user.
It's a shit game because it's based on canon 40k. They should've just went full E.Y.E with it and added crazy ass shit
Is there software to prevent it?
I never preorder but gowdayum is GW gaming shit.
The tactical has a massively op plasma canon and the assault cannon and heavy flamer are also OP.
Librarian is just shooting a bolter and lighting from time to time, since melee is shit in the game
>Game delayed
>Game releases but is unoptimized and riddled with bugs
They may think they copied melee from Skyrim, but they didn't succeed. They made the worst melee I've ever seen in a first person game. There's only one slashing animation and it hits with the force of a nerf bat at half the speed of a normal person's ability and then the enemies just sort of fall over like the strings holding a marionette were just cut.
I would have liked it it actually had a compelling story with actual cutscenes, instead of being a cheap sandbox with almost no options and fancy textures
It'd be neat if you could run allies, pvp, other chapters, Deathwatch etc....
This isnt even going to be a full game, but one of those 20$ half games
>all weapons are available in the SP
can you read user
Nobody will have access to the tools or code, so it simply won't be possible. You sound underaged and new to this.
the thunder is fucking absurd, that thing has an AOE that clears anything around you. Team mates included.
Maybe devs should release not shit games and not waste three years of development time dicking by staying radio silent and instead fixing bugs
I did cringe at the assault cannon's
>insert stock vidya masheen gunne sound
On firing.
d-does anybody wanna trade steamids for coop?
Not canon, dont care.
Oppinion disregarded, into the trash it goes.
>delayed again
if you're serious about this, join the /tg/ spees hulk group.
This. They more or less kept people from seeing what this game actually looked like for years up until a few weeks ago they brought the backlash on themselves because if they showed it a year ago a lot of the shit parts and issues would have been pointed out to them with enough time to fix.
Not with some faggot that has to 'stutter' online, grow a dick faggot
The 14th of December i believe.
Dont forget, at any point in the level in any situation, you can literally pause the game and enter a fucking safezone to restock.
Even in the middle of a fight
Hence the delay.
Dont you fucking spooky post me.
Wouldn't be so bad if they didn't have over 4 delays in the span of a year.
What do you mean?
Unless it's been changed you can only do that a certain amount of times, decided by which difficulty you pick.
i74790k at 4ghz and 980. max settings i could never sustain 60 fps and it was nearly always in the 40 fps range. Had to turn off a bunch of settings for it to be stable.
Not that it mattered because it always crashed out at the turret part.
Honestly I'm willing to tolerate the delays. StreumOn being a small studio and having a mammoth task to complete, I'll play along.
Lel more like Refund Floor 2
Space Backcharge : Refunding
Constant delays creates lack of faith in their product from customers. Everyone is more than aware that the longer a game gets delayed the more likely it is that the game is going to be extremely lack luster. And i have a feeling that even when released, it's going to be an extremely boring game that'l die very quickly.
Refund Storm 2: Gooktown.
if you weren't expecting this game to appeal to a very small niche, you're not very bright.
It's pretty clear what they're going for. An atmospheric, dark, brooding co-op shooter built from the ground up by WH40k nerds, for WH40k nerds.
They can try all they can to appeal to a wide audience, but this shit will not sell in the mainstream, especially not in the state that it's was in.
If there's one thing that I keep hearing people repeat, it's that the focus isn't on co-op.
>muh canon
How about we make the game fun first
it's only a few days? Kick ass. Will probably get it on PS4 because my computer is shit. At least I played EYE.
Modern gaming has got me so used to co-op and online focus that, those are the selling points im used to seeing everyone repeat. My bad.
Here's the famous excuse.
Except WH40K are groging all over this piece of junk.
>yfw PC is beta testing the game for consoles
The problem isn't that theres only 5 nids attacking at a time. The problem is if more than 5 nids appear your fps goes down the shitter, plus it takes additional hits from gunfire you or your squad puts out. The game is buggy as fuck.
>for WH40k nerds
I'm a pretty big 40k fan and I think it's shit. It'll probably be shit no matter how much they delay it, too.
Just because you try and make something for a specific demographic doesn't automatically make it any good.