This fucker ruined TF2

This fucker ruined TF2

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I don't see anyone

no you are just a fucking baboon

t.No skill Engineer

no, this autismbait faggot did

no that would be snipers.

Snipers ruin everythig by making engagements impossible if theres an open area. an Aimbot tier sniper is the worst thing in the world to play against.

Just drag and drop the decloak file sounds into one that plays a fucking screamer loud beep.

Fuck off you faggot,how is using LOLDEADRINGER any better? I fucking hate faggots like you

At least pyro needs you to have skills,Spy is literally cancer

>5 years after f2p, shitters are still having trouble with spy

Maybe you should get better at the game so that spies don't annoy you.

>spy takes no skill

getting killed by a spy requires skill to be that much of a fuck up to call a spy a no skill class.

More specifically

>caring about TF2 past 2010

>Engineer mains will defend this

not when i play

>playing videogames

>the class that has been there since the beginning ruined it
>not the hats and other jew shit


This is what finally made the spy fun for me. Just fucking clicking heads with the Dead Ringer as an escape. I never went in for the whole disguises thing because there's no way shit like that should ever work.

It always amazed me how unaware people were in pubs. You can just tell by how people are moving and whether what they're doing makes any sense who's a spy.

>mfw I've played so much I don't fall for disguises or dead ringer anymore but that also means the spark had faded from my enjoyment of the game so now I just play for desperate grabs at the good old times

Congratulations for playing for more than 5 hours

>t. pyroshitter who stands still and waits for soldiers to shoot

No that's the Sniper.


You can't hide your mistake for me.

I go into pubs and get top points with huntsman and piss every single day and everybody hates me.

kid kept running from his past, it always came back

How can a single toon ruin a game?

Pyro just needs to walk forward to get kills. Spy, a 125 health class, has to walk behind the enemy and melee their back.

dumb overwatchists getting BTFO on damage control

The problem is that it has the speed boost on top of the spy's faster speed now.
That and the fire immunity is bananas for how long it lasts.

I hate the demo shields too because of how get out of jail free they are.


>people still die to pyros

I don't understand. Salty maybe?