Can any of you niggers help me kill this faggot

Can any of you niggers help me kill this faggot

>inb4 git gud xD


shoot the demon with bullets until it dies

Keep trying and learn from your mistakes.

Dodge forward, be fast, always try to hit from the sides/behind

If you're using Ludwigs Casual Blade then get something faster like Besthunter Saif and go into tricked mode

yep yep yep

You must learn to dodge his attacks, and only strike when he can't hurt you. Only then will you achieve true state of git gud

You guys suck :(

ah kos, or some say kosm



Sup Forums


>wait for him to do his forward jump/lunge
>dodge forward then immediately hold r2
>he will land right behind you, right before you finish your r2 charge
>lockon spins your character in a 180
>insta critical
Bait the lunge user, it's really easy to counter. Then you'll enter phase 2 w/ 20 vials

For phase 2 just git gud; i beat it with a shit ton of dodging and chip damage. Just try to be cautious and patient, good luck desu

Okay, ringing

I could never get a handle on parrying OoK, felt like too much rusk for low reward

I just went full anime and attacked from behind/sides, always moving

have you tried asking /bbg/?

All the fun in Souls bosses is taking them solo

Why ever summon on your first time?

Well that was embarrassing

All good, again?


I'm on ng5 and I'm getting my shit pushed in



I have to go but try to go to /bbg/ and asking for help. They usually have a few people who'll co-op with you.

Also, fight him in the water. He's much easier to deal with there than on land.

Thnx family

Plenty of backstab and parry opportunites. Get the fuck out of dodge when he calls down thunder tho