Not a troll thread, trying to win an argument with a friend over how bad the ending of ME3 was, and thus, I come here, to find out if there are still people pissed off at how this series ended.
ME3 Ending Rage Check
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I'm not mad anymore, but ME certain died after ME3's ending. Andromeda looks like rejected Dragon Age ass with a shitty crafting system. Its a shame that the entire trilogy will always be remember for ME3's VERY shitty ending.
>red ending
>shepard died
I will remember ME as a shitty trilogy even without ME3's ending
shit-tier character-development
shallow-as-fuck companions
combat that is boring as fuck
I bought the special edition and I'm still pissed off about it. The fact that your ending depended on points and the only way to get the best ending in the single player mode was to play multiplayer is such a stupid decision.
Also Shepard can live in the destroy ending.
Why was some kid you saw for less then half a minute the symbol of guilt and the thing at the end, instead of the Virmire sacrifice?
I haven't played any of the dlc for it, but what I saw of it looked abysmal (namely sing along mode).
I heard that they put in a slideshow or something in a later patch, but why wasn't something so simple in from the start.
There is no way in hell i'm going to play ME4 when it comes out.
>come to Sup Forums to find out if people are still pissed off
no matter what the rest of that sentence is the answer is going to be yes
but year people are still mad about me3
I'm mad and I didn't even play the games
The biggest crime in the world is that people will still buy Andromeda.
Green > Red > Blue
debate me
It's absolute crap, don't let anyone tell you otherwise, however how much does it ruin your outlook on the series is what varies between persons. Still enjoyed the shit out of ME3MP after the ending and watched all that sweet fanservice on the Citadel DLC on youtube after that bullcrap.
Myself I am optimistically cautious about Andromeda, I just wish it to be good. I don't expect it to be like playing ME2 for the first time again, but to give as much of the universe and lore I love it did.
It's realistic. Everything in the universe shares the same fate. Decisions are ultimately pointless.
Of course people are still pissed off, Sup Forums loved (loves?) Mass Effect. That ending wasn't simply bad, it was insulting to fans of the series.
I only played ME1. it was okay
does anyone wanna brief me on why ME3's endings sucked so bad?? is it just that they're all so similar
Reminder, the first game in the new series will be just as open ended as the first game and people will hail it as a return to form.
Then the next couple will be shoehorning that shit into smaller and smaller options till we get a grand repeat of last time.
God damn this shit is beautiful
I replayed all 3 games in about a week and finished just a few days ago.
Mass Effect 1 is still the better written and more atmospheric game. That music man. And the gameplay hasn't improved *that* much in the sequals so it's not like it fails there.
By the ending of me3 I was just rushing, wanting to get it over with. The first half of me3 had some relatively decent parts but it was all too stupid and rushed.
jack best girl
Why is she so perfect
Similiarity isn't as big a problem as the fact that it was absolute ass.
>no end boss
>ghost child
>cutscene of normandy crashing on a planet
>absolutely nothing else
>no explanation to what happened to relays
>no explanation to post-war galaxy
>no explanation to what happens to your crew
>you get an emails telling you to buy dlc
After the initial buttblasted universal rage that descended on bioware they released a fallout 3 slideshow to make up for it.
There can be no debate when you're objectively wrong
I don't know why you guys get so pissed about this when Human Revolution did the exact same thing. The only difference was you got to the end of a hallway, pressed one of 3 buttons (4 on the director's cut) then watch a half-ass cutscene thats a montage of video clips with Jensen monologuing over it in a way that's obviously stolen from the end of Son's of Liberty.
Oh and also renegade is the only fun way to play. Paragon is for faggots.
>this did it so it's okay this other thing does it
Btw, not everyone plays the exact same games.
>I don't know why
Probably because you're an idiot
Here's a hint: Human Revolution was not the final part of a trilogy
it's less bad in HR because the whole scenario is a meta commentary on how "controlling the populace through mass media is as easy as pushing a single button"
I agree that it's similarly dumb but it also didn't have 3 games/7 fucking years of buildup to it, and on top of that the endings are actually a lot different unlike mass effect 3
They skimped on her in ME3 though. But they did on everything. Courtesy of EA wanting them to rush out a game every year or two or whatever.
The second game though, that's where they started making the big mistakes. The collectors are just the geth copypasted and made bugs instead of robots. The human reaper I don't even need to go into. Etc.
This guy nailed it But to clarify, the "emails" are your in-game mails. As in, the last two words you get to see in the trilogy are "Downloadable Content"
Keep in mind people waited 6-7 years for it too
wasnt that bad
i played it this year, the complete version or whatever
i shot the annoying kid in the face after his speech, all sentients died, 4th ending. i liked that it was possible
But you're wrong.
To add to that, the Reapers' motivations ended up being completely retarded.
Needs to be hotglued.
>yes, they are all basically just different colored explosions
>none of the choices you've made throughout the series matter at all or get mentioned in any way
>the entire central conflict of the series randomly changes out of nowhere from "stop the reapers" to "broker peace between organic and synthetic life", with almost no information given about this entirely new conflict that gets introduced and resolved literally in the last minute of the entire fucking series
I started playing the trilogy the other day
I quite enjoy all three games
People tend to remember ME3 ending because it was so incredibly bad it overshadowed everything else about that game. But even if you discount the ending there were so many wrong things about ME3 that don't begin with star and end with child.
- $10 for a DLC with the plot and lore critical character
- Nonsensical opening sequence
- Many recurring characters relegated to cameo with no real significance
- "Your choices matter". This includes even the greatest choices made like the Collector Base, Rachni, Genophage etc
- Point system ending. Being forced to play MP for the best result
- Ghost child flashbacks are OOC for many Shepards
- Cerberus is suddenly power with an army of soldiers and drones that can conquer the Citadel - the military center of the galaxy
- Kai Leng
- Cut corners, reused assets, technical failures
- Killing the reaper on foot has been retarded and lore breaking no matter how cool it may have looked
- Legion sacrificing himself for no reason. It's just a software dude, copy it.
- Plot holes everywhere
- The whole ground assault on Earth thing
>I replayed all 3 games in about a week and finished just a few days ago.
You fucking lie!
It is impossible to play the trilogy in a week.
Only way I could see this happening is if you played on an easy ass difficulty and didn't hardly do any side quests.
>retards on Sup Forums still don't know about indoc theory
It's very easy to do, even with sidequests. I completed both me1 and 2 and in 4 days, and me3 in 3 because i get so bored with that one.
It's like 15-25 hours per game. Not that hard.
What difficulty? Not insanity.
It's a shitty ending. It's nowhere near as bad as it could have been and it's not going to win any "shittiest ending of all time" award or anything, but it was definitely bad. It could definitely be argued that it doesn't ruin the game in the slightest though.
Pic related is how you do a REAL shit end.
debunked lmao
The developers literally said that the theory is bullshit.
Pussy. You got feel you are Sheppard and the only was to do that is insanity. On that Collector ship if you completed insanity then you are a gamer.
no its not
just saying "hahaha debunked" is as lazy as the BHG media conglomerate talking about how pizzagate is "debunked"
you came to the wrong place user. 99% of the time around here people are pissed off just for the sake of being pissed off.
Are you having a stroke?
This. I bet people here don't know Ness is Sans either
I started with 3 and I was still pissed
>rc control all reapers (a single human running hundreds if not thousands of eldritch spaceships containing entire civilizations, what could go wrong?)
>force fuck everyone's dna with technology (????????) but hey, joker gets to fuck his sexbot
>nuke technology, all of it
>all 3 choices mean mass relays are fucked
>The final 15 minutes is the only conclusion in the entire game
If ME3's ending angers you, you must get mad at a lot of games ending's because ME3's is not even close to being one of the worst.
Good. You opened this message. This isn't actually Drew Karpyshyn. he's too busy tending to what's left of his game.
So you survived our fight on Mass Effect 2. You're not as weak as I thought. But never forget that your best wasn't good enough to stop me. Now an entire series is dying because you lacked the strength to win. The legend of Mass Effect needs to be re-written. I hope I'm there for the last game. It ends with A, B or C.
>mass effect andromeda
>red and blue dialog options
>not green option
>they literally cut 1/3 of the game
>Point system ending, forced to play MP for best result
Nnno fucking way. Did they really do this? How did that work?
The worst thing about Mass Effect 3's ending, the worst fucking thing, is just the outrageous lies that the company threw out during the prerelease stage.
Your choices matter! Oh, like, if I don't help Jack, then one of the cyber ninja's I fight in the end is named Jack?
It could have been so good! You found that fucking krogan mount fossil and gave it to the scientists? How about during the final battle, you receive support from a Krogan cavalry unit? That'd be a choice mattering! How about the Geth dropping Prime units to support you?
How about some real, tactile rewards for doing things the hard way?
All this and more, they promised. They promised, knowing full fucking well that the game would be A, B, or C at the end. Everyone's "different ending" would be the same fucking thing, just a different colour, and also some squad members might not be there.
They promised resolution, but just took any single notion of closure to a back alley and shot it in the head. The Citadel DLC mitigated this slightly, but holy crap. Who the hell thought that the initial release was a good idea?
And this comes from someone who loved ME3, a lot of people had issues with the game, but I loved it up until London. I tolerated fighting a Reaper with just a laser pointer because I thought it was cool.
It just drives me up the wall. Fucking Casey sits there in interviews, smiling his ass off, lying through his fucking teeth. Just the absolute and utter dishonesty from the devs was utterly mind blowing.
>Modern game endings
>Participation in Galaxy at War is encouraged to maximize the Military Strength given by each War Asset, as playing single-player alone will limit EMS by 50%, or half, of the overall War Assets score the player has acquired. [...] As such, the highest obtainable War Assets score is approximately 7500. If the multiplayer mode is not played, the player will only be able to acquire ~3750 EMS, which is less than the ~4000 EMS necessary to experience all possible endings.
They add a scene which hints that Shepard might be alive if you gather enough ending points. It is literally impossible to do so even with the best possible playthrough plus perfect imported saves from ME1 and ME2. The only way to get the required points is play the MP.
I've never even played the series and even I'm still kind of pissed off about it, because I watched a playthrough of the 2nd and it had some pretty strong moral choices and to see that all go to waste is infuriating.
then how the fuck did i get that scene
You probably didn't play the game on launch. Check the wiki link in the post above
>Downloadable content for Mass Effect 3 significantly affects the War Assets system. Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut lowers the EMS required to achieve all possible endings from ~4000 to 3100. Mass Effect 3: Leviathan features an additional 620 War Assets for the player to obtain, Mass Effect 3: Omega features an additional 405 War Assets, and Mass Effect 3: Citadel adds 70 points to the Alliance Frigate Normandy SR-2 War Asset. The mobile game Mass Effect: Infiltrator also grants up to 120 War Assets if completed.
The changed endings "DLC" lowered the amount required, and all the other DLC adds more assets you can acquire.
>game came out with Day 1 DLC
>Could be bought separately
>in literally a couple of days, someone found out that all they had to do was edit one line of a script in the game's files to enable the DLC
Forgot the added DlC black pill.
And yeah, it sucks huge turds.
From ashes was free with the deluxe edition and the only reason you needed to do multiplayer to get your war assets up is if you fucked up in previous playthroughs
I got the 4000+ readiness needed when the game came out without the need for multiplayer
>Mass Effect 1 & 2 on Steam
>ehhh, bretty ok
>ME3 will be Origins only; okay, fuck you EA
>original writer is phased a bit out of 2 and almost completely in 3
>ME3 is all lies, choices don't matter, ending is shit
>universal uproar, company founder promises a fix, it comes but sucks, still never buy it & forever mad at a series I can never finish(and it would suck ass if I did)
>ME4/Andromeda is announced
>director of Andromeda is a raging twitter racist and hates white people; company supports his free expression of hate to public, as though he were somehow oppressed by EA paychecks and press coverage
how can anyone buy this shit when every avenue of goodwill has been pissed away, when every opportunity or chance of something being good has been thoroughly snuffed out from the series? What RETARD buys Andromeda willingly?
You also forgot the complete destruction of established lore as well as making ME1 pointless.
Holy fuck is it bad.
>director of Andromeda
how out of touch with reality are you?
he isn't the director of andromeda, he is a gameplay designer as in he has no say in how the story pans out he works on the gameplay
>From ashes was free with the deluxe edition
How is it "free" when you paid $65 for the game and DLC bundle?
I didn't buy it for the dlc, I bought it for the metal case, so it was free
That part was just pure bullshit though. It relied entirely on your teammates not being retarded mongoloids.
>he isn't the director of andromeda, he is a gameplay designer
oh, well then, day 1 buy + season pass, that makes all the difference. All that other stuff didn't matter.
someone post that screencap where he asks about the colour blind support.
>I bought it for the metal case
a coffin to bury the corpses of your common sense and good taste in?
no, something to hold the disc that I never use cause i bought it for PC and its tied to my origin account
>journal is shit, won't track anything
>can't holster weapons creating a clear cut division between action and exploration
>one button does too much: action, cover, roll
>most major choices from previous games meant shit
>most sidequest are just the horde mode maps
>using fucking sprites
The ending was just the final fuck you.
Listen, i'm not fan of that poo in the loo, and i have no doubt that the writing is going to be shoddy at best, but that shitskin didnt have anything to do with the story no matter how hard v tries to shill that mud persons twitter
What was their motive again?
Didn't it turn out they were trying to keep Organic life from becoming too technologically advanced or something like that?
So you got a discount on the piece of content that should have been included into the base game (and it was on the disc)? You use some weird definition of "free"
>The tacked on multiplayer was the best part
>An IGN reporter was modeled and put into the game
>Certain characters were introduced only for pandering
>Your self insert has PTSD
>Kaiden is gay now
>Kei Leng
>The new game even takes place in a new galaxy because they writers wrote themselves into a corner.
>At the start of Mass Effect 3, when the team you built is completely scattered, thus rendering the previous game even more pointless.
>We just found the plans for the most important artifact in the galaxy to stop the Reapers. And it’s on Mars.
>The dream sequences.
>Cerberus is somehow fielding a massive army capable of attacking points all over the galaxy all at once.
>We somehow built a huge weapon and we don’t know what it does.
>The final conversation with The Illusive Man.
>The conversation with the Starchild and the revelation of the purpose (LOL) of the Reapers.
>Lore rape and retcons
>In the Arrival DLC, we saw that destroying a mass relay caused an explosion with the equivalent power to the creation of a supernova
>So now we have everyone stranded in the star cluster they were in when Shepard saved the galaxy by blowing up the only efficient interstellar travel system.
>Removal of even more RPG features
>Tali is a stock photo
>Javik is on disc DLC
Their goal was to preserve organic life by preventing it being destroyed by synthetic life.l
By killing it with synthetic life.
More lies than no man's sky?
At least they brought back and improved gun mods
wait what
> instead of the Virmire sacrifice?
I didn't even think of that. That would have been significantly better.
>cant holster gun
Okay when you say that, do you mean you always have your gun out, or there are certain areas in the game where you always have your gun out?
Stupid alien AI.
I cant beleive this was the scene they decided to put in the trailer. Imagine how bad the rest of it is.
God who the FUCK thought some baby-faced 14 year-old girl with a wimpy voice could seem badass?
but it was included in my game, didn't you read what I said?
A long time ago in a galaxy not very far away, there was a race called the Leviathans. They had thrall races that did shit for them, but they noticed over time these thrall races tended to develop synthetic life which ended up killing them off. So the Leviathans made an AI to find a solution to this problem, and the solution ended up being the Reapers. They harvested organic matter and stored it (""""saving"""" it from destruction by synthetics).
Oh but this AI was also using the galaxy to experiment to find a proper solution which was synthesis where both synthetic and organic get fucked up.
So the solution to synthetic life constantly wiping out organic life was to harvest organic life with synthetics before it was wiped out by synthetics.
Nobody, thats why just like mass effect, 90% of the playerbase are going to play male ryder
Organic life, if allowed to advance, will eventually create inorganic life. Sentient robots will always eventually rebel and destroy their creators. Organic life should be valued, but it is destined to be destroyed. Reaper solution is to step in before organics create sentiment robots, destroy them, and encase their DNA/"collective essence" in a new Reaper as a record of their existence.
Also, they accomplish this by very painfully melting down organics and waging 100's of years of gradual extermination... because organic life is to be cherished.
Organic life will always inevitably build robots that will try to kill them.
So Reapers preserve samples of different species as giant robot cuddle fish and wipe out all the extras before that can happen .
I can't believe someone at Bioware wrote this all up and genuinely thought it was clever writing.
>Removal of even more RPG features
as far as rpg features go, it still had way more than 2
I mean there's not even an animation to put away your gun. It's always out except on specific areas like your ship or the citadel.
I'm more pissed that all those decisions in 1 and 2 had almost nothing to do with 3 except for some "fight da reapas" points
Also not all organic species could be "saved". Reapers just killed those that couldn't because why not.
Red is best because robots can just be rebuilt from their fucking hard drives. The citadel AI is destroyed, the citadel is evil.
Blue doesn't work because Shepard doesn't really control the machines, its an AI that pretends to be Shepard. Shepard AI rules all (AI domination)
Green forces everyone to become cyborg drones with their minds controlled by AI, slavery.
Actually 90% of the usual rpg gamers always play with their retarded customly created waifu.