Recommend me some games where I punch a kangaroo, cunts.
Recommend me some games where I punch a kangaroo, cunts
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Second Life
Leave them alone you shitkicker.
ARK Survival Evolved
Nah they taste way too fucking good cunt
Tekken, duh...
This guy walks into the bar and slaps your gf on the ass.
What do?
How do Aboriginal men even compete...
How does these freaks even exist?
I hope this kangaroo seriously has like 500 kids, so that in 50 years we see thousands of his kids around, to the point where we could have an army of super kangaroos.
Somebody sounds like they got BTFO by intellectual champ AIU. Cry more beta.
did it dieded?
Pretty sure that already happenned. They're all that size
How can australian "men" compete
>Implying a kangaroo wouldn't fucking destroy you
If you're a retrobro, there's Streets of Rage 3. If you let the kangaroo live, you can select him as a playable character after you die.
But he's like the only kangaroo you can fight.
That a wallaby if anything.
First answer best answer.
It's not every day you get to box a red who's fucking up your dog, but when you do it's a fuckin tops day.
They can't
All they can do is mire his gains.
t.b.h. he's probably taken worse hits from his fellow roos in his time.
>implying i have gf
Nah probably concussed, kangaroos don't exactly meet many things in the wild that punch them in the face so it didn't really know what to do.
This is just proof that reincarnation exists and Zyzz was reborn as Roger.
This is a grey kangaroo, and a young one. The dude who's punching it is a fucking pussy it's like punching a puppy. If I caught some cunt doing that I'd fucking flog the cunt myself.
The bloke who punched the red to save his dog however, has balls of steel. Reds will literally disembowel you.
Let's be honest here.
Australian women fuck aboriginals.
If a kangaroo that looked like this walked into the bar, they probably WOULD want to fuck it.
>no kangaroo r34
But why?
>Australian women fuck aboriginals.
I can guarantee you that Aborignals are not the Australian version of African americans. You yank cucks
>Australian women fuck aboriginals
[citation needed]
Sounds like an Aussie is mad that he'll never be the alpha species on his continent
Australia is a country m8
>Australian women fuck aboriginals.
Sweet bait. Not too subtle though.
I vaguely remember a green text story on Sup Forums I think, years ago. It was probably bait, but the guy was asking for relationship advice regarding his asian girl friend.
When pressed for details he claimed her ex boyfriend was an aborigine and that he had made the mistake of asking her about how big her exes penis was.
It turns out he had a nine inch dick.
Assuming this story is true then you'd be wrong on that account.
But there is
>anyone mixing with abos ever
This isn't the stolen generation anymore we all know they're literal cavemen
how the fuck kangaroos so jacked? all they do is hop around
what breed of doggo is that
You are possibly the most gullible man who ever lived.
You find swole kangaroos on golf courses because they eat the genetically modified grass.
This what happen during every mating season.
What the actual fuck. Why.
why the fuck are they so jacked? it's not like they do fucking push-ups all day
I said "assuming".
Genetic selection. Horses are the same. Millions of years of only ripped jacked cunts breeding gives you ripped jack cunts.
oh wow
jacked mind
Tekken has already been mentioned, but we cant forget the classic...
Space Station Silicon Valley
Australia is a continent you mongoloid.
Fuck you, OP. I'm not telling you since you called me a cunt.
>3 minutes apart
You're a dumb cunt.
but arent muscles gained? wouldnt that just give you a lot of potential?
look man, i had this tab open for a while before posting
if anything it goes to show how baffling kangoguns are
Okay well you can rest assured that it's a load of horseshit.
Why would you even visit Sup Forums? It's not 2006 anymore.
Do you realize how strong something like a Lion or Bear is naturally?
There are many other factors, such as hormonal steroids, that can dictate how strong a species is.
Imagine if humans naturally had much more powerful steroids such as the kind abused for working out or medical use. The average person would have a lot lower bodyfat percent and higher muscle mass, with very little problems making gains while working out, even while cutting.
stay in school you dumb cunt
Male kangaroos live their adolescence beating the shit out of the other males in the mob in order to be the most dominant.
They're like orcs
>Australian women fuck aboriginals.
Nice joke, lad.
my nigga.
kangaroo was OP in this game. i think the hyena was my favorite though, goddamn
Try Real Life and go to Australia for the boar hunting missions.
HD gameplay footage:
its the way their bodies metabolize the proteins in the foods they eat. its like how male gorillas can be 500lb of solid muscle only eating fucking twigs and leaves. Evolution has given them that gift.
>Oi, how does that makes you feel, cuntboi ?
daily life of australians.
>giant jumping super fast super strong rats
Australia should exterminate them all 2bh
Check this out
Basically, what your body prioritizes is based off your genes. Kangaroo bodies just happen to prioritized muscles more than humans do.
You're both right, you dinguses.
Muscles grow as a response to being damaged, This way the body knows the right amount of muscle to build compared to the amount of work you have to endure to survive. In short, it's energy management. Being too bulky when food is scarce is a waste of energy and lessens your chances for survival, essentially.
Knowing this, muscle building isn't the same in all species. In the case of kangaroos it's not like they're "lifting" to get that, their body just naturally forms powerful muscles like that.
It's strange, but humans only have to "work out" because we don't do anything anymore so the muscles build we got for free after going through puberty just declines because you do jack shit. Also we are for all intents and purposes a low-test species.
Wow, and I thought burger education was bad.
Please list all the continents you know.
Nah they just sit there and usually fuck off if you go near them, they're alright.
The already lost a war against emus, you think they can take Kangaroos?
they are also known for drowning animals with their arms
Play Tag 2 so you can punch 2 kangaroos at the same time
Way to prove his point? It's the only country that is also a continent.
You tryna say somethin humie?
Betta watch your pipe hole m8, ur gf's been textin me lately with quite a few smileys
Streets of Rage 3.
Is this the Australia thread?
the fuck is she doing so close to a red?
get the fuck out
I'm pretty sure Australia is a continent and a country.
Are you actually fucking retarded, son?
Why not open with the knife?
probably a tame zoo one.
We sometimes get lumped in with all those sheep fuckers (And pacific islands) and called "Oceana"
I like the idea of a continent made up of nothing but islands.
In America we wondered the same things about when a girl spent a lot of time with a black.
What we found out was pretty disturbing.
Make me.
I know,user. I live in Melbourne
>They turn into these 2 meter tall abominations with raptor arms
Birds not even once
Only in fucking Australia would you see someone punch a man-sized bipedal rodent to save his dog like it was a common occurrence.
Tekken Tag 2 so you can punch a Kangaroo as a boxing Raptor.
>wanting to hit a kangaroo
>not wanting to rock out with one