heh don't quit your day jobs kiddos
let me show you how it's done
Nice try, Todd. Watch this 5.
Manlet kids dont know 'bout my 9
Sorry user, looks like I took your 9. I'll also be taking that 3 from you.
This is now a 4 thread.
check this out
do you even try anons?
here, my 6 and nothing else
did someone say number nine (9)?
Check my 2
this 7 is for you todd
Somethin' dawned on me when I was on my own: any game you play becomes more fun when you pre-order, right? Then, if you take something already fun like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition™ and add in the first and fastest pre-order, what do you get? The ultimate gaming experience!
So I ask you, user: what's your favorite pre-order bonus?
Some of you guys are cool, don't get 5s tomorrow
ch3ck it
Check my 0 out
You all fucking suck
I'm not even gonna ask you to checkem
Post rare Todd
This thread is a disaster. Let me fix it by saiyng check MY 8
Surely someone is bound to get dubs eventually
not in this thread they wont
you guys dropped this 6