Dawn of War III

>5 hours to go

Are you READY, my ELDAR bros and hoes?


Ready for a cartoony nu-gw "we want the moba audience" shit dawn of war?


I want neo-Sup Forums to leave.


>3 races
>no execution animations
>cover is just literally a shield
>everything is literally plastic
>eldars will be imba like in literally all other 40k games
y-yea man i seriously c-can't wait!!!!

Yeah no. I'll be skipping this generation.

They had a great aesthetic going with DoW2 and it's expansions; to see them fuck that up so spectacularly...

A pity, that.

That's some piping-hot fresh irony right there.

Hey, that's what people wanted with basebuilding and simpler combat anons, Relic is just giving the RTS market what it loves, another example of same ol' same ol' bullshit instead of Dawn of war 2 Bigger and Better.

The trailer was so fucking orgasmic, how did they fuck the gameplay and ingame graphics so much? WHY

>no base building
>no nids
>not even nu-crons

At least it can't be worse than Eternal Crusade.

>people wanted simpler combat
no, all people wanted was DOW2 with base building. nobody ever said the combat was too complex.

>we want the moba audience
Oh I'm sorry, apparently Warcraft 3 hero selection doesn't fucking exist now and having clear visuals is only for ASSFAGs.
There are so many actual things to complain about and yet you fucks continue to go off the stupidest shit.

I don't know if it was Relic or Sega who decided to Jew the fuck out of their audience, but the sad fucking thing is it's going to work, and like Total Warhammer it's going to be bought in droves by retards who love being fucked in the arse.

Would it really hurt their profit margins so much to release a fucking faction complete game for once? How do such blatant anti-consumer tactics appeal to consumers?

Warcraft 3 killed the RTS genre.

Total Warhammer is actually good though. DoW3 looks like complete garbage so it probably won't sell well at all

Devs being lazy assholes and doing absolutely nothing to move past the still kings of the genre: Brood War, Supreme Commander, and C&C pre-3. They have done nothing with the tech available to them to meaningfully expand on the genre other than have bigger marketing campaigns and prettier graphics, things that mean jack shit to fans of the genre.

Starcraft stripped away all soul by trying to make the game even more focused and balanced and Grey Goo suffered from the same problem, Planetary Annihilation had no fucking sense of scale when a plane can go around a planet in seconds and no trees or shit exist, and Command and Conquer needs nothing said about it after 4.

>big name RTS coming out
>lets not buy it and complain it's shit.

Total warhammer is the GOTY and each and every DLC gets better than the last. I have come to the conclusion, that if Sup Forums bitches vehemently against anything, the game is probably good.

No base building no buy

The game itself may be great, I don't know I didn't buy it, that isn't my point though. I'm talking more about the multitude of DLC that Sega insists on putting out for the games they publish.

While I'm sure it's all optional shit and doesn't affect the experience, I'm more annoyed that as consumers we've allowed ourselves to get to the point where the company feels it's justified and worth it to keep doing it. Sure, it's cheap but I don't know why it's become standard to lock factions behind a paywall.

Starcraft objectively is a much better experience.

>base building is the major selling point of the game

Gotta get you facts straight, bruh.

>“Our biggest units ever? Check. Giant orbital lasers? Check. Base-building (!!!!!!), epic heroes, huge battles, it’s all in there.”

Why do you guys keep saying that base building isn't in the game, when they showed and said several that its a major point in the game?

Is this some kind pretending to be stupid?


She is reason enough to play and get the game

half of those things are free.
Also CA has the policy of
>no DLC for DLC
and adds free content to DLC races to make sure they remain competitive in multiplayer.

Looks awfully too much like a human and her ears are retarded.

Probably ends in people having to buy all the factions that were in the first DoW with its expansions as 15$ DLC each, just to discover that there are less units and no maps and no map editor so you can buy more map pack DLCs for 15$ each. Seeegaaa~

>That art direction
Its a shame since Relic made all of my most favorite RTS games

>knows everything you are thinking
>can literally destroy your mind


>like a human
you wish, mon-keigh

> her ears are retarded.

At least they hired a decent Starcraft player and host of RTS events instead of some clueless IGN goon.

>doing nothing
Relic made 3 revolutionary RTS games and all they got was basebuilding whiners and shitters who want to turtle in their bases all day.

So they are giving people what they want, an esports friendly basebuilding RTS.

>implying relic didn't hire him for his popularity.

No, her concept art is better.

>have beksinski art in trailer

>moba wow art in actual game


Oh trust me, I realize that the Relic real-time tactics games are great, even DoW 2, but you'd have to argue if they're RTS proper.

Thread saved.


which is dumb as fuck. Relic designed it as an RTS game that used RTT elements, just like warcraft 3 was an RTS game that used RPG elements.

Relic should have learned with dow1fags whining about wanting nids and then bitching when they got them for dow2 that listeing to fans is a terrible idea.

Can't wait to get my hands on the game and start some fucking model overwrites.

Lads, I know a bit about 40k lore, but I realize that I haven't even scratched the surface. What's the best race/faction?

Orks is made for fightan and winnin.
Honestly their all pretty good in their own ways excluding edge space elves and bolter bitches depending on what lore you want to subscribe to. I think they're cool but others would disagree based on personal interpretation which is completely valid in 40k.


Literally whoever you like. I like Imperium just because of the variety of flavour you get. I especially like Pask and DKoK because of their kind of steadfastness.
Tau is shit and so are Dark Eldar though.

There is none better.

Define "best".

Imperial Guard are the most relatable and admirable, most players have a soft spot for them.

Necrons are theoretically the most canonically powerful and would probably win the war for the galaxy if the writers didn't keep fucking with the lore.

Space Marines are the ones who will instead win the war for the galaxy, precisely because the writers keep fucking with the lore in their favour.

Chaos is probably the best faction if you're looking for fun and unique stories and characters from a lore standpoint.

Tao or Eldar are the best if you are a huge fag and want to inject weeaboo shit into your grimdark sci-fi.


If they gave you Dawn of War 1 you'd be whining about that.

Also 40k is cartoony as fuck anyway.


>guardsmen soon
>they will be voiced by the blokes that did the CoH2 brit voices.

>and winnin

I can see why the Eldar are shit but why are the Tau?


Doesn't exist. This is SEGA making it.

>people can pirate your games
>make dlc once in a while
>total war warhammer hasn't been cracked yet
>go apeshit on the DLC, paradox-tier

>forgetting the literally bestest and the strongest race

Space communists. They're just kind of boring really, they're like the Imperium in terms of reasoning but their reasons are gay and have no psykers so they're happy go lucky and don't have to deal with chaos at all, which is where the Imperium gets a lot of it's character.

In terms of who is going to win? Necrons probably.

All races have their own things going on.
Tyranids are theoretically a super army that have already devoured countless galaxies already. the lore suggests that the hive fleets we've already seen are nothing but scout parties, there are also claims they are running from something.
Orks are literally a virus, they live to fight and that's what they do. they are super psychics or reality warpers. they can make guns by gluing a handle on a pipe, when there is a Waagghh happening shit just happens to make it so. Gork and Mork wills it is the literal sense of how stuff works for them. They are easily the strongest gods.

Tau are a tiny newborn race that only exists because the big players don't see even see them as a threat worth wiping out.

but thats always been the case. expansions used to add races/factions remember?

its not like wood elves was finished and then held back from the release.

A couple reasons.
Gameplay: In tabletop they are horrendously strong with some absolute bullshit tactics
Flavor: When they first came out they were objective good guys of the setting. A bunch of naive idiots who did nothing wrong and were gonna save the galaxy. Since then they've actually gained some flaws but they're still stuck as the straightmen to the galaxy's bullshit.
Players: They're the weaboo faction with "muh honorabru warriors" and giant mechs despite the fact that really the eldar should be the weaboo faction.

>Orks are literally a virus
Orks are fungi.

Posting some art because why not.

>paradox tier
I don't see music packs or Bretonnian Faces DLC on the list.

Doesn't matter they act the same.

paradox jewery is unparallelled.


>they can make guns by gluing a handle on a pipe
Its not that simple and you know it. An ork can't just will something into existence, he needs to actually believe its possible as a part of a larger group. If a decent amount of boys saw a mek just make guns out of pipes, roks, and squig dung then they could too despite not being able to actually do that but there has to be a precedent. Red doesn't go faster just because; at some point there were speed freaks with their upgraded engines who painted their shit red then every ork, who couldn't understand the word engine let alone the concept, just associated it with the color.

Without all that its just psychic duct tape and WD40.

yeah I overstated that


such a massive downgrade from DoW2 and DoW1 in regards to gameplay and graphics

I for one am looking forward to the Sabaton DLC.


oi ya git itz not a real waagh without da orkz

On tabletop they were mid-tier shooting army that had a sci-fi elements, which was ok. Their fluff was that they attempted diplomatic relations with races before going to war. They had Alien ally auxiliaries in the form of Vespid and Kroot, which was cool.
Roll on 6th edition. Tau get this Mecha-monstrosity, called the "Riptide", that is blatently overpowered just to boost its sales. The army's gimmick, marker-lights got a buff that can ignore one of the core factors of play cover saves. Kroot and Vespid see nothing in this new update, and Kroot get shafted by losing -1 to their strength characteristic. Fluff changed significantly to present Tau as a "not-really-underdog that stomped other factions, and somehow avoided the Tyranid threat altogether". It's like they pulled it from an entirely different universe.


>implying a bloodthirsty fungus can be the bestest anything

I agree they're heaps of fun and I'm sorry I forgot them, same with Nids

post sexy necrons

>implying I was talking about orckxs

explain necrons to me, what's their deal? do they have a god and how would they stop gork from giving em da choppa

Post your models.

I dont give a crap about the eldars

Where is the orks?


How can Collegia Titanica even compete?

Necrons are the anti-warp gods. They can shut down literally everyone and are absolutely no good for nids to eat.

Oh, of course, you meant Squats

I can definitely see why players that have been with 40k from the start see them as shit then. From my perspective, they seem like an interesting inclusion and a viable alternative to the "chaos" of the galaxy (no pun intended).

I do hear, however, they're a weab faction and I ain't about that shit. Can y'all explain how the Eldar aren't the weab faction? They sure as hell seem like it


that's very nicely painted, user

hh space marines are so comfy

Post more Chaos titans

>Can y'all explain how the Eldar aren't the weab faction?
Because they have so much more influences.

>entire thread
>expect Warhammer discussion
>muh mobas wwah I hate this game

fuck nu-Sup Forums

Eldar are just "elves in spehss"
Tau have a fuckton of Asian influences, like armour aesthetics, the four elemental castes, the mechs, and they even have Japanese accents and music in Dawn of War.

Newfag here,

It also seems like the Necrons are stupid OP. What's preventing them from waking up all the tomb world and steamrolling the galaxy? They would fuck everything and everyone up without contest it seems.

Also, are they bereft of free will? They basically robots now right? How the fuck did they even end up like that



In all honesty, eldar are more weaby than tau with a lot more *teleports behind you, pitiful monkeigh* and living mechs while tau are just shonen protags in hard suits with actual tactics. Though Eldar draw inspiration from a lot more shit while tau are just mormon space commies in mechs.

Face looks like it's made out of literally the cheapest of plastics. This game is going to be trash filled to the brim with retarded design choices. Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

>>entire thread
The first 2 posts aren't the entire thread.

>this is the weeaboo faction according to Sup Forums