Let it Die

What floor you at?
Estimated death count.
Share tips and help a nigga out.

Haven't gotten to play it yet but will next week
Is it fun?

Not him but its ok like but you can tell somehow that it is f2p and not a proppa funded game like

It's pretty fun senpai
Very early on, just beat Coen so barely started. Taking my time autistically. What the fuck do I use waste oil for!?!

To be honest it feels very much like a proper game. Janky 30- 40 dollar game, but a proper game.

for a free game there's a lot to do, I've been playing for the past 3 days and haven't spent a cent on the f2p aspects, cos it's really not needed for anything other than convenience.
It's worth downloading and giving a shot, I didn't expect it to be as good as it is.

it;s alright for the first few levels than it turns to boring dark souls

go back to newcastle you jeordie fuck

I fought Coen like 4 times and couldn't progress before I realized I didn't have the entire game downloaded yet

So I've just been running around finding blueprints, collecting materials and grinding levels on the first 3 floors until it finishes


How do I unlock the path on Ukongaoka 12F ?

I heard I had to beat the boss on the 11F MAKA-TSUTSUMI but I don't find it

Senpai i have few questions

How do i unlock more decal slots?
Is 30 the level cap?
Can i have more than 3 characters in the future?
Why is this game so good?

Higher grade fighters
No, get higher grade fighters
Yes, after you unlock the multiplayer component of the game you can upgrade your fridge

>want to participate in threads
>don't want to be spoiled on what's ahead

>How do i unlock more decal slots?
get higher 2-3 star fighters
>Is 30 the level cap?
nope dunno what the cap
>Can i have more than 3 characters in the future?
Yes you can upgrade your base after the first mini boss at the police robot
>Why is this game so good?
because unlike all the indie shit rogue likes on PC this game as soul

I guess you unlock the higher grade after the first boss? didnt kill it yet

I'm sure it's the same fag posting these threads

Is this game produced or published by SCE? Think there's any chance of a PC port?

So what, at least he is enjoying his game unlike you retard

Yeah, tenth floor.

is it worse than lords of the fallen?

its not a souls clone 2bh.

>not on PC
oh well don't care then

>don't care
>still in this thread


I dunno how to prove it to you but this is the only Let it Die thread I've made

Do we have a list of the exact specifications of unlocking each of the 6 classes?

>jap game

The chances are virtually 0

I can't believe i'm saying this.
But the things I'm about to say are my honest opinions;
The game is too adictive.
The risk reward mechanic is too fucking good, this is why I never played minecraft, because I knew I would get sucked in.
Fuck this game for being too fun.

Don't worry, once the prices for everything spike up the risk/reward ratio goes to shit.

this is the first rogue-like kinda game I can tolerate

It's not contractually exclusive but the dev has expressed a lack of interest in other platforms.

Killer Is Dead came to PC, so it's not unreasonable to think this might.

Most major Japanese developers have jumped on the PC bandwagon over the last few years.

Over in Japan they're even selling physical Steam releases for some games so people can get the in-store goodies they're so fond of.

Confirmed Viral
report and ignore

I have to admit I'm a bit salty that it's not coming on PC ever. Now with TLG, Bloodborne, NIOH, probably Death Stranding and this I may consider buying a PS4. Also I'd like to try FFXV even if it seems like a shit game.

>report and ignore video game threads
how about you go kill yourself virmin

a dark soul, if you will


new game which is free comes out

looks like kusoge

turns out to be sleeper GOTY

someone starts a thread

>fucking viral garbage reported

probably alt tabbed into an eceleb thread after posting.

You guys found any rare weapon blueprints? I just got one from the Uncle Prime box, it was golden. It's called Flame Wand. Requires 650 HP, 98 attack unupgraded. Needs 3 Rosewood, 2 Copper Wire Mountain, 1 Hovering Metal, and 1 Candle Wolf Black Metal to research it. I've got no idea where to get any of that. I'm only at floor 11.

I can tell you that I have hovering metal found it on the first 3 floors from a silver suitcase I think.
Guess they're rare spawns

>spent 3 days playing this game
>only now just got up to the first major boss while everyone's already zoomed ahead
I don't know how I've managed to put so much time to waste in this game, I seem care more about making the waiting room better and I'm just going in and out of the tower all the time where I should just stay in the tower and keep going until I die, it is kinda rouglike anyway.
I'm also trying to uncover everyone room.
Should I be doing all this shit? Can I just go up? Also can I be taken straight back to the boss battle or do I have to go through the whole train segment again?

>alt tabbed into an eceleb thread
you're using a browser that can't do tabs yet so you have to alt tab between windows for different threads? that's amazing

you aren't gonna have the material to actually use that until 20ish. floors 10-20 have alot of the materials but the candle wolf black is not gonna be there.

how much money did you spend already?

How do you get higher tier fighters? I only have 1 and 2 stars

You have to do the train part unless you use goy metal

I think the important thing is to have fun?

you can play any way you want. there are still tons of people who are low level

>Police robot.
He's clearly a train conductor. And not actually a robot

Any plans to bring this to PC?

Kill bosses and be a hero senpai!

When is that shit hitting the EU store?

what else would you expect from someone who doesn't want there to be any videogame threads?

reminder dropkick is a best and a skrongest

dunno mate just have fun this game is like The Binding of Isaac but in third person.

Who knows

You can just make a US PSN account to download it anyway

yes but I can't shake the feeling that I'm a snail and I'm wasting the hours of the day with making little progress

3 (still grinding on the lowest floors for a little longer)
If you cancel the quests you finished after getting the notice you cleared them with used goods, you can do them again. I made 10000 coins in a jiffy killing haters and don't recall the other guys that paid 5 grand

crafting material for one of the helmets (forgot which) once you get the blueprints for it

kind of a waste of a kill though. Gotta farm dem fists.

I don't like this game.
I can't stand the setting for starters, but that's a personal problem. I've always hated "scrap heap" settings. Borderlands was a fucking eyesore and this is too.

I've already seen multiple rooms repeat and I've only been through three levels.

The menu controls are obviously trying to make things more detailed and easier to access and make choices up front with, but seem more complicated as a result. And inventory management is garbage. Why do items in my hands or on my person count as in my Death Bag? Why do I have to drop what's in my hand to pick up something new off the ground? Why can't I just pick that item up and have it drop my current weapon automatically when I do?

The combat and movement in general is janky as hell compared to something like a Souls game.

The music is actually a bit grating on me too.

I don't get it. What am I missing that makes you guys love it so much? Uncle Death is great and all, and the game has a goofy since of style, but those two things are not nearly enough for me to play this game right now.

Well it's not perfect... I'll give you that...
I think it's the numbers, if you have a type of autism seeing pretty numbers go up and getting stronger feels good.

is there a way to switch targets like in dark souls? right now, it's annoying to have to press R3 twice just to switch targets and even then, you'll never be sure it'll lock on the one you want. it seems to lock on to the enemy closest to the center of the screen, but given that things can happen quick I sometimes end up targeting the wrong guy


read the pastebin in the general

Do you think they beat deep down to their own game?
Still looking foward to that, this game restored hope in the free to play genre.

don't lock on in the first place

Is it worth putting the Fireworks Launcher mastery up?

It just doesn't do too much damage and you are so vulnerable after firing

up on dpad

it's been in the eu store since saturday

I know it's fucking rediculous. I'm feeling withdrawal right now

i don't need it...

i only like the image which is pretty heavy metal but dont give a shit about this game by any means

I never bothered with that cause it's easy to dodge the fireworks.

Azure Dreams is better.

come on what could go wrong ?

you even have an axe to deal with groups

I mean for this souls direction they are going for at some point the game is going to get ridiculous and i will be forced to pay right?

Thanks for letting me know :^)

Not really, it's only real use compared to later ranged weapons is as a portable grill.

>4theGayers exclusive
>not AAA
>anyone playing it

>Your character is named like mine
I-I like your taste, Senpai



That's really the way to go.

I did the same thing, got a bunch of blueprints and R&D done, and maxed out another beginner class character by the time the download finished. It helped acquaint me with a lot of the different systems.

To those of you on the fence:
It's actually really good and it may very well be the sleeper hit of the year. If it means anything, I played it continuously for 10 hours doing nothing but going through the stuff before the first midboss.

Plus it's F2P so why not? I haven't spent a dime on microtransactions and nothing is really hidden behind a paywall.

Where is Coen?

Near the third floor elevator.

Daily remider that this is the best game released this year

It's the first mini boss.


No, every time you beat a miniboss you get access to a fighter who can outclass anything you come across...at max cap level. You only need to put money in it if you intend to brute force your way through areas under-leveled.

You're going to have to get good.

The microtransaction thing basically just speeds up a few things or gives you the equivalent of a Golden Orb in Devil May Cry. But you can get these items as a login bonus or by completing the more difficult quests.

I already defeated him but I want to do the quest and forgot where he is

how do I beat the first major boss?

wont show up on my PS Store


Are you kidding me ? It's just a super Coen.
Stay away from him, he will come close and do the area stomp. Go behind him and do a combo.
Rise and repeat. Just watch out for his shoots.

Did you look in the "Free" section?

Do those electric fences zap you if you touch them?

what country are you in?
not released worldwide yet.

dat axe
dat spinny swing

I need more blueprints for cool weapons dang it, only have the Fireworks Launcher, Hammer and Bat.

is the side shop only place you can get the buzzsaw knuckles blueprint? I was going to buy it there but 30k was too fucking much.

Is there any benefit to getting dupes of the same blueprint? Like does it buff the existing item when crafted or what?

no, all you can do is sell extra blueprints. you upgrade them in R&D with the same materials you used to research it in the first place