What's your favourite KotOR2 moment?

what's your favourite KotOR2 moment?

Other urls found in this thread:

lparchive.org/Knights-of-the-Old-Republic-II/Update 58/

When obi won cut off anakins arm and legs

when kreia says the word 'echo'

probably when you're cruising around the slums on narshadda, in between shipping containers when a conversation triggers and you get a chance to get some influence with Atton

Then, pretty much his whole influence track is opened up. You can learn his life story of torture, sadism and guilt in one go in the middle of a brisk walk.

f̶o̶r̶e̶p̶l̶a̶y̶ training with handmaiden

Uninstalling it

That scene involving you, Kreia, and all the Jedi masters.

I think I like the first one more than this. Maybe because I only played II once and never actually beat it whereas I already beat the first one at least twice. Plus the atmosphere in most of the map (Nar Shaadda, Dxun) makes me dizzy for some reason

Both confrontations with Atris.
'Training' with Handmaiden.
Handmaiden confronting her sisters and Atris
Resolving both her and Visas' romances.
Girl-gossip time on the Ebon Hawk.
The scene at the Rebuilt Academy, especially with the Masters.
I could probably name a few more.

Good taste, user.

>Maybe because I only played II once and never actually beat it whereas I already beat the first one at least twice.
How can you even call yourself a KotOR fan, anonymous?

For a game I put 45 hours in I sure don't like it. I'd say the worst part is your dialogue choices, but the best part is when you level up and you're deciding on what useless feat to pick

The first time I read this. lparchive.org/Knights-of-the-Old-Republic-II/Update 58/

Btfoing Atris when you first met her.

The part where Kreia lectures me

>How can you even call yourself a KotOR fan, anonymous?

KOTOR II was a lot more complex than the first one (because Obsidian duh) so it was kinda overwhelming when I played it as a kid. Maybe I should pick it up again someday

>But there must always be a Darth Traya.... one who has been betrayed in their heart, and will betray in turn.

>KOTOR II was a lot more complex than the first one (because Obsidian duh) so it was kinda overwhelming when I played it as a kid. Maybe I should pick it up again someday
That's fair enough, I played it a ton as a kid and loved it, but it's only in retrospect I can truly appreciate just how brilliant it is.

I'd definitely recommend picking it up and trying again, at least to finish it once or twice; especially since the Restored Content Mod is available which restores a lot of really cool shit and it's on GOG so you can just pirate it if you don't want to buy it again

>her name is derived from betrayal
>10/10 writing it's brilliant
i hope you're joking

>tfw doublecrossing Luxa

>completely misunderstanding what I was saying
I don't know if you've finished the game or not, so I can't quite correct you.

>Btfoing Atris when you first met her.
Convincing her to aid you was even better.
>What? You hardly know the teachings of the Jedi, Exile, I do not need help from you of all people.
>No, Atris, but I do know war. And that's what you need.
>B-baka Exile.

Your versus an entire Sith complex. And it isn't even a fair fight. Thank god lightsabers cauterize wounds otherwise that entire academy would've been ankle deep in blood.

Chewing through enemies on the Onderon sky ramp with mook chatter of how terrified they are of you.

Mandalore boarding the Ravager by smashing through a side wall instead of the airlock and taking the Sith troops always makes me laugh.

The game has lots of unsung moments.

can i put my dick inside visas's eye?

No, Visas is not for lewd!
Maybe. Two extra holes.

The one where Mandalore shows his disgust for pretzels.

Jedi Enclave scene. The dialogue, music and plot revelations are all incredible.

That initial meeting and argument when you shut down Atris is incredible too.