Stop deleting the thread. Let's try to enjoy a Gravity Rush thread for a bit

Stop deleting the thread. Let's try to enjoy a Gravity Rush thread for a bit.

What he literal fuck mods? We're just talking about the game and being hype for GR2.

Seriously. What's the life expectancy this time?

They delayed GR2 to favour the Last Guardian.
They delayed GR2 to make the standard PS4 edition run worse than the Pro version on purpose.

Probably shorter. I'd like a fucking reason other than "mods are jealous because it's console exclusive" shitters.

But just to stay on topic, anyone have the GR2 demo webms?

say bye bye to your dumb little thread, kiddies. :)

Guys I'll post gameplay really quick! Surely mods won't delete threads if we talk about video games, right?
dumb niggers

>They delayed GR2 to favour the Last Guardian
pls stop reminding me. although i bought disgaea 5 to tide me over since it was cheap. did i do okay?

It seems everyone is out to get our girl Kat

looks like shit

.t shitty mod.

You know you aren't supposed to reveal that you're a mod, right?

I'm going to find you and make you regret typing that.

>timed deliveries
Gives me Spiderman 2 vibes. In a good way.

We're you the one I told to get into Nier or Drakengard? I never got to see your response because the thread got fucking deleted.

What are people here most excited for in GR2?

>Maybe the mods wont delete our thread if we dont clamor around trash waifu and talk about vidya for once!
Woah, sounds like youre breaking new ground in Sup Forums posting here

I really hope every costume comes with a quest like in GR. I'm really curious what they would do with the high fashion costume and tank top and shorts one.

Thanks for making a new one :')

Nah fuck that, let's just keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results.

>Hates Kat
>Posts in Kat-related threads
Okay lollll

Mode changes, costumes, Raven DLC, and hopefully a costume showing Kat's supposed royalty

More falling, hopefully comfy music (they better bring back the music from the first area) and a story that doesn't end when it cranks things up.

Yes, and I never got to try either nier or drakengard. I'll try to snag a nier copy before the new one comes out. I watched Demo's review of Drakengard 3, may steer from that one.

God...why do you blind people like this ugly brown bitch? Fair skin is a thing.

Because I like niggers

>actual story closure
>bigger and more vibrant environments
>more side-quests
>updated gameplay
>Alias reveal


You should go to the board where you ask mods stuff. Otherwise reporting can get you banned instead.

Does it only look fluid or does it actually play more smoothly? Shifting in tight spaces was always tough.


16 (sixteen) new Kat costumes.

What is ugly collection of characters. No, this will not do.

Seeing the top of the pillar.

Is this a ragdoll game? Can you put her is revealing poses and situtation?

At least you spoiled the YouTube faggotry. Nier was my go-to game to play when a new release was coming up that I couldn't wait for and I kind of regret it. It's worth spending a lot of time on if you're into nip games that are a bit different tonally and emotionally than others. The soundtrack is also comparable to Gravity Rush's.

there has been a noticeable improvement, especially with the stasis mechanic.

I can't speak for tight spaces, however. Neither the timed PS plus demo nor the one I played at e3 put us in tight spots.

The second one you can.

I liked gravity rush for Kat, but can't play the game for shit. Help.



More mysterious pillar bullshit.

Cute hobo shenanigans. I look forward to seeing what Kat's new abode will be.

Apparently 16 whole costumes goddamn.

On what basis are the previous threads getting deleted? If it's "waifufagging" then the whole fucking board might as well get deleted.


Long shot, but think we can take pictures during combat?

I want to pose with eldritch abominations.

Not really. She turns glowing red when you start shifting. Also, Kat is not for lewd.


Use the gyro. Crank up the sensitivity as high as you can stand.




>Raven sweetie, I can still recognize you. You don't need to change your name.

Really? It's such an easy game the moment you grasp shifting. Just fly around Hekesville collecting gems to get a grasp on the mechanics of you're still lost.

>game developed in Japan by Japanese studios for a handheld which had a primarily Japanese market
>distances in game measured in yards

...or maybe she's wondering you would shoot a girl that can fly!

I just hope it works its way into side missions or something. Like find a good vantage point to snap a photo or something. Remember the maid DLC where you had to stalk the bitch? Maybe a mission where you have to tail someone and snap damning evidence from multiple angles.
>we literally spiderman now

All half way decent looking females are for lewd. Would be madness and mean sale drops to deny fans such service.

I'm up for more one-on-one fights like this. The first game had one with you dodging Raven, but I'd like a free-roam air battle.

Kat should fuck this nonsense the hell out of raven.

>white skin

I've been asking for a while now. Still no warning or ban. It's either a mod who thinks we're genuinely breaking rules and won't tell us or someone who's sperging out. Gravity Rush threads are usually quality and so-so on the waifu faggotry. Persona threads are 10 times more deletable in my opinion.

They should give the crow/raven a hat or something to complete the disguise. That would really throw me off!


This is some team rocket level disguise.

>Bring Me Pictures of Shifters!!

>tfw if it came out on the 5th like it was supposed to we might have gotten a Christmas side mission

Looking forward to diving in again.

>new mystery
Unless it's Raven's twin I don't fucking understand why

We all think it's a painfully obvious disguise, but I'd laugh if it turns out she has a legit evil twin or something.


Is is true that the mods are deleting these threads?

Yet they fucking take forever to delete the pony/gay/furry threads.

Really makes you think.

It's so fucking annoying. I wanted to enjoy and play before the new semester starts. I'm going to have no time

I'm guessing the real mystery will be finding out who's controlling Raven and turning her to the dark side.

Or something.

If you really loved Kat you would be patient and want as much people to play her game as possible

>Purple hair
Same person who's controlling Optimus in Transformers 5 I guess


Yes, this is our third. The first one went for 200 posts, the last hit maybe 30-50 and this one will probably get deleted any moment. Still no reason for why, but every time they delete one there's more off topic questions towards mods with no answers. Really frustrating.

Did they just have sex?

They really are, and a guilty gear waifu thread is still up too.

What are our chances for a demo this month?? Nick Accordino is being too hush-hush

is that really the reason? man, I already hated how overrated TLG is but that's crazy

>Alias reveal
It's Syd, it has to be Syd.

Final Fantasy XV was the bigger reason

I don't see it happening until January, if ever. I will definitely be disappointed if it's the same as the JP demo. It wasn't bad or anything, but it does almost nothing for you if you've played the first game. You don't even get Lunar/Jupiter (if i'm remembering right).

Oh, and it gives you a tight leash on how far you can go from the markers.

>actual explanation for why Raven has powers as well
Glad she'll have story focus as well.

Literally TLG and XV, it's not even a meme. And it's funny, since today SE announced plans to fix the story (a la Mass Effect 3) and fix all the fucking cut content. And here is GR2, literally been finished and printed since the end of November.

Sometimes there's no justice in this world.

Souls series
Senran Kagura
Nintendo threads

I mean, waifufagging has become endemic to internet culture for better or worse. My point being that what we have here is rather tame, and that if such pruning is to take place, it should occur at every instance. It should not be subjective.

But that's what they've wanted you to think since the mission when your help "Syd" steal the stone. He's a red herring.

>tfw when you like both

Well it will get more freedom with its new release date

You did get lunar and Jupiter mode. I'm assuming you must've played the beginner section. I remember thinking it didn't have it either but you had to press circle for the advanced demo.

Who else would Kat have recognized Alias as during her nightmare sequence?

The fortune teller? That douchebag whose house fell over?

I think there was some recent footage of Kat needing to take pictures of random people for a quest.

It's the school boy she had a crush on

I havent kept up with XV, did they really fuck up their ending after 10 years?

All signs point to Syd.

I hated this asshole so much, him and his unappreciative douchebag son.

Could explain why Echo had all that Nevi shit in her bag. I forgot if they explained that.


I think Syd is Alias, but I don't think he's genuinely malevolent towards her. Like he's using the Alias moniker to force her to remember what she's repressed.

Not him but is the gyro actually useful? I've just been using the stick so far.