What are some games where the background or supporting characters have a more interesting story than the main character?
What are some games where the background or supporting characters have a more interesting story than the main character?
Is that Christopher Nolan?
Its from this video
i was really hoping id get to see him blow away some normies with shitty cgi graphics.
Final Fasntasy XII is the best example.
Almost every other character
almost every game
>blatantly checking gun stuff at school
>gets approached by a girl
>making the pew pew motion
Normalfags still dont get it holy shit.
>Posing with a gun with the message 'see you at school'
Schools have been shut down for less.
Most game employ the 'silent protagonist' trick
Essentially, by making the character a figurative mute, not only does it allow the player to better roleplay as the character, but it also serves to highlight supporting characters.
Sometimes they don't have to be silent--Final Fantasy 12 is a perfect example where the story of the main character is actually told through someone else, even if it's a pre-pubescent boy.
Skyrim. Every NPC other than the dovakhiin
>tfw teachers were super anal about writing on desks.
>All I can think about when watching this.
Balthier and Baasch were the real main characters.
I'm pretty sure the people who complain about Vaan being the lead never played for more than 30 minutes. Games like that have always been about the squad as a whole.
In the library no less.
Also the sandy hook kid wasnt even in high school, he went to his moms school and shot them up. The ones to blame there are the parents since they were the ones around him constantly.
How the fuck am I supposed to look for potential shooters when theres a chance they dont go to my place?
The worst part about the whole game is that they could have probably completely omitted Vaan and Penelope(?) and they still probably would have had a solid game, if not ADD A FUCKING BANGAA AS A TEAMMATE--REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE........
I don't know. It does apply for people like Elliot Rodger, Virginia tech and the Columbine kids. They were very creepy and anti-social. Though the video was too over the top
>kids get bullied and shunned
>suddenly they are the villains when they lash out
this is next level psyop
If they weren't shit people they wouldn't have gotten bulled in the first place.
>I'm allowed to massacre people if they choose to not associate with me and/or mock me
t.bullies and shooter enablers
Did it hurt when Chad said those mean things to you, user?
Like I said. Video was too over the top. The Columbine kids were bullied to some extent, but that was their only issue.
But the message was to find "warning signs", and the ones I listed did have warning signs.
t. school shooter
This board is only for people who DIDN'T lose their virginity to their uncle dweeb.
They're not allowed to, but it doesn't stop them from doing it.
This mentality is kinda like those people who walk into traffic without looking because drivers aren't allowed to hit pedestrians, then look so surprised for that brief moment before their life ends.
Sure they broke the rules, but that doesn't make you any less dead
Ment to say
>that wasn't their only issue
>This board is only for people who DIDN'T lose their virginity
When I was in high school one of my friends was suspected to be a school shooter because he used to eat lunch next to the cafeteria doors.
He brought a tripod (returning it to multimedia) to school one day and the school literally went into lockdown because they thought it was a shotgun.
I was bullied and mocked incessantly, but I was never a fucking nut that acts out murderous fantasies.
Better version that's more applicable to the people here.
>you kept getting detention for drawing on desks back then
>this fuck does it and finds a qt with no consequences
literally triggered right now
> kills, wounds and traumatizes countless people who never even did anything wrong by him
seems rather selfish to be honest
Very equivalent.
>Evan, you can't just shoot up the school because some jerks bullied you!
>That's where you're wrong, kiddo
>Check these dubs
>The Columbine kids were bullied to some extent
Wasn't this a blown up and exaggerated massively while they were the ones doing the bullying or something?
Evan is the faggot who vandalizes school property. Chris is the name of the kid who cleans up the mess.
They weren't just poor bullied asocial introverts, they were actively anti-social.
I think one of them was actually pretty well adjusted but the another guy roped him into it.
Oh whoops, thanks mate
>no consequences
The librarian clearly had enough of his shit at the end.
>Looking at gun videos means you want to cap everyone's ass.
That's... not how it works.
There's 1 or 2 documentaries that brought up the jocks. But the picked on everyone, and there were more issues they had.
reminder that killing people isn't a bad thing
your ancestors were killers
The problem is always deep-rooted
I was bullied growing up, but then again, I had a loving and carrying family
Conversely, there are kids that come from shit families but have friends to support them
And, there are shy and quiet kids that would never hurt a fly
And fucking socialites that people will describe that 'never see it coming'
The problem is, the media is both demonizing, as well as vilifying 'psychopaths'. If I'm a calm, quiet kid, that last thing I want people doing is getting into my face and thinking I'm going to shoot up the place. The media also needs to stop digging in and publicizing these people's lives--no wonder they shot up the place if this is the society they live in.
How long before hickok45 sues the fuck out of these clowns?
only if you're a Polynesian or a Nord. everyone else is pussies.
The main Columbine guy was popular. The last human interaction they had before they started putting bullets in people was a group of girls in a car wolf whistling them.
>tfw my friends and I used to look at gun videos and magazines all the time in school.
This video is fucking hilarious.
This is my favorite edit so far.
Who was "the main" Columbine guy?
>tfw barely any decent Sandy Hook documentaries because of that retarded conspiracy theory.
What conspiracy theory?
The other guy was a super shy fuck and the other one was a legit psychopath. Most of the shots fired at Columbine were into the ceiling because that fucker just got bored of killing people after half an hour.
Must have been a good one if there was literally nothing leaked onto the internet.
Funny how we get CCTVs of all the other big shootings but this one magically disappeared because "Muh chillens"
I love this one
Pretty obvious one but funny nonetheless.
Eric was definitely the leader. Eric was a textbook psychopath, loved manipulating people and getting away scot free, that kind of stuff. Dylan was a just a shy depressive that got roped into it.
If Eric never roped Dylan into it, Dylan would probably have turned out fine. Might've even been among us..
Are you sure it wasn't Dylan?
Really makes you think
I suddenly realise that I want a
>Record scratch
>Freeze frame
>So I suppose you're wondering how I got here...
Edit of this.
Beat me to it.
>Marky "Chris" Wahlberg about to unleash a storm of bullets on that vietnamese fucking shit
Where'd they find the footage of his high school years though, I was sure they locked that shit away
That it was all a ruse to take away the 2nd amendment. The people on the news were actors.
sandy hook didnt happen
That IS pretty retarded.
wtf?! I hate white people now??
wow really dude? i mean thats a good jojo reference and all but fuck dude
>everything i dont like is pol
you dont have to go to reddit, pol or any news site to see why that is
>tfw the kid who did sandyhook was my father's sister's husbands wife's son.
I'm not really related to him but its still pretty spooky.
Why do I see you guys keep doing this?
It's not looking at gun videos alone, it's a culmination of all those things.
Or are you going to tell me that a kid who is
>heavily researching guns
>a loner
>makes gun shooting signs at teacher
>and has an instagram with him holding a gun saying "see you at school"
isn't a redflag? This is normal behavior?
It is a Conspiracy, understand that there is NO theory about it. The conclusions drawn are based in evidence.
that's called your aunt, retard
>father's sister's husbands wife's son.
so your aunties step son? fucking americans
I fucking hate this. The semster after sandy hook there was a guy in my morning lecture who was constantly late and sat in the back top row where no one else sat, wore trench coat despite it not being under 75 degrees, unkept hair he would often have in a ponytail, the stereotypical "that guy".
He just gave me this weird vibe and since it was after sandy hook and earlier that summer was the TDK shooting, I transfered to an afternoon class but afterwards I realized how that was really stupid and the media had frightened me into doing that by creating an us vs them mentality. Of course that guy never shot anyone, but i let the fear mongering get to me.
No her husbands brothers wife's son, I messed up my post
>be 15
>teacher abused and humiliated me in front of class for 2 years
>planned to kill her and her kid
>mom found my manifesto and talked me out of it
>got a year of therapy instead
fuck his gay world
so your cousin?
Fuck the MSM user.
Their messaging about 'know the signs' is way off base, as it implies that a single sign is enough to make someone concerned. That's why people think the video is stupid.
People should be talking way more about a pattern of behavior. But of course that's too hard and it's way easier to sell people on the idea that if someone reads gun magazines they want to shoot up a school.
Thing is, The best propaganda is fear based.
They want you suspect everyone of everything.
It's quite the opposite here in the US, Guilty until proven innocent. It's getting to the point of witch hunting reds and white people in general, free speech is a signal to the majority that you need to be talked down out of you absurd view of reality when it fact they are minute in comparison to the greater picture that contains the good and evil painted in our subconscious; And in that way are silencing the truth of the matter.
Haruhi was going to shoot up that school before she met Kyon.
>white people
>victims are POC
>bad guy is white aryan
Better safe than dead.
Or would you walk through a bunch of back alleys at night in Detroit, because it's all just silly media fearmongering?
>Mixed race baby was just about to be made with the first bridesmaid being asian
fuckin pentagon and hollywood boys.
>The last two
yeah fair enough
If it seemed as if his research was a product of being bullied, then I guess maybe there is cause for concern, but if he was into guns long before the bullying began, pulling him aside might be a bit much.
Another thing to note is that the people who make these commercials likely actually WERE going for the whole "gun videos alone" bit, as these groups of people try and make people who own guns feel ashamed of themselves, and try and shift people to believe that those who own guns are by default, likely mentally unstable.
That's not answering the question in the OP.
Yeah but you can't say I'm related because its so distant, apparently I met him at a thanksgiving sometime in the early 2000s but I don't remember .
does that mean you guys had sex?
human revolution
This video is so bullshit
>Constantly monitor every person around you and at the slightest non-conformity make fun of them and tell everyone they're gonna shoot up the school!
>Can't tell my normie "friends" who've sent me the video that it's total bullshit or else they say some dumb shit because they can't think logically and only think about feelings
>Tfw you were the kid everyone said would shoot up the school but you loved your high school and were just kinda quiet
I liked almost everyone at my high school. I had plenty of good friends. I don't understand why people made jokes about me doing that, and I was so internally hurt by it that my reaction would be awkward, and that just made it worse.
Fuck I hate people who push others down to make a joke, especially when it's shit like that.
>>and has an instagram with him holding a gun saying "see you at school"
He obviously just wanted to show all his friends his guns, but couldn't bring them to school of course, so he decided to post pics for his friends to see. That "See you at school" is just a friendly message, to tell his friends that he will see tham at school later.
Seeing as we were around 8 at the time I doubt.
Moral of the story: all bully victims are potential mass shooters.
God this looks fucking disgusting. Like an inflated fungus.
>cranberry ricotta squidink """pizza"""
Fucking worst coreans man