I know you're baiting, but just knock it out. You can go right back to it after the credits roll, and soft reset for nature if you're that sort of crazy. You don't even have to fight the E4 again.

Wait, so if I kill it it comes back??

Yup. Went back the next day and caught it without fail. That whole ending sequence though was such a bore.

Can we get a feature in the next pokemon that lets you just change your fucking Nature please. Why do they add all of these deep competitive mechanics and then make them a fucking pain in the dick? Nobody likes to sit there for an hour soft resetting just so their mon isn't shit online.


You realize there is such a feature?
Synchronize natures.

wtf is that supposed to be?

>What is Synchronize?
The real bullshit is IVs. Hypertraining was a good idea, but grinding to level 100 without any decent way to get the huge amount of exp required is retarded.

A fairy protector inside of a tiki shell.

They should have made it level 50 instead if they wanted to lock it behind a level.

I agree.

EVs should be assigned on level up, maxing at level 50.

Item to respec EVs. We have this, but it should be more simple.

Hyper Training available at level 50.

Hidden Ability works with the ability switching item.

How the fuck do you even get bottlecaps? Also I thought supertrained IVs are superficial and don't matter online, is this true???

They work like real IVs. They just don't mess with the original to be compatible with Hidden Power.

They're the same in every way, people just bitch they don't pass down when you breed.

Which reminds me also a hidden power switcher to fix the game.

>Using Legendaries
Get fucked cheaters

Tapus aren't Ubers.

You probably use shit like Garchomp which have the same stats anyway.

>that pic
Oh I'm laffin

I don't use cancerchomp but at least he doesn't have 7292773992 base speed and 1973791772 base special attack with a signiture move that OHKOs the enemy and heals you to full and Badly Poisons the entire enemy team like most legendaries.

>implying the SM meta isn't currently overflowing with Tapus

Garchomp has a 600 BST. The Tapu's are 570.

And then you capture the one-a-cart-only pokemon and are locked out of alternative natures or better IVs unless you trade/hack. "T-Thanks Gamefreak!" This is just one reason as to why pokemon is garbage.

Nothing does any of that. You're probably really bad at pokemon pathetically, and can't even tell the difference between a wall and a sweeper.

Hyper Training.

Restart the game.


You're only supposed to have one anyway.

>Restart the game.
>Just for a chance to catch that one-a-cart-only pokemon again.

Literally no one does this, they just fucking cheat it in, because pokemon is a game that doesn't just outright promote cheating, it advocates it.

You don't need more than one.

Tapus and Ultra Beasts are allowed in Nintendo's current official rules, so you're pretty much forced to use them unless you want to get stomped.

Hyperbole should be illegal.

Hold on, I just want to confirm this: if I kill koko after the elite four, I can come back afterwards and he'll be alive again and I can catch him? I don't remember that ever happening before.

Wrong. You need one with a different natured, you need one with a different set of IVs for hidden power.

Cool assumptions my cheating friend, have fun soft resetting for a week to get a good natured Tapu Bulu for your copy/pasted Smogon team!

If you're good enough, you can come up with a strategy using other pokemon. If you resort to using only top tier pokemon, you're basically using them to crutch your mediocre skill and strategies.

Not to meme or anything, but I mean this when I say GIT GUD.

what sets would y'all recomend for this thing?
i am running Subs, Belly drum, Reversal and dragon claw with Salac Berry

You can KO it and come back to get it later.

Who /captured tapu koko with a good nature on the first try/ here?

>implying any legendary has a movepool so pitiful that they need Hidden Power to REALLY get shit done

Nigga no, you're not training a Jolteon here, you have more than just monotype moves, okay?

At least he didn't use the word literally


I agree that legendaries, UBs, and Tapus are absolute cancer, but there is factually no way to beat them with a team of shitmons like Gigalith and Granbull since high tier Pokemon comps are basically just colorful math equations. Which is why everything above UU is trash and not worth anybody's time.

>Discount Bellossom poster calling ANYONE else a furry
Oh the ironing

You mean objectively superior Bellossom, of course. But that's silly, plants don't have fur.

I use synchronize for all my pokemon because I'm not retarded like you. It's part of the game if you're too dumb to figure that out.

>not using the meta till it's patched out

Jesus christ, The retarded mindset that came with PoE is spreading!

You aren't a special snowflake for making your own *unique* team. This shit has already been datamined, and the best teams mathematically determined. No amount of you yelling "GIT GUD" will ever let your mediocre team of crap overcome Tapus and UBs.

Every game in existence already has the best possible specs, gear, strategies, etc available for you to use. Purposefully making life harder on yourself by ignoring them simply makes you a moron the rest of us laugh at.

If finding viable builds is what you enjoy about a game, guess what - you don't actually like that game.

>Bellossom wasn't in S/M.
>Even though there's a fucking face cutout board of it ingame.

Gamefreak please. I don't even give a shit if they just didn't want to put the vanilla Oddish line in the game. Not atleast making it so you could find and catch wild Bellossoms was bullshit.

>Literally just an uglier Bellossom without a fun moveset or Moonblast
Lmaoing@ur shit taste, waifufag

>If finding viable builds is what you enjoy about a game, guess what - you don't actually like that game.
>I am the sole authority on enjoyment in video games, you have to enjoy the game the way I say or else you aren't REALLY having fun

>Just use the same copy/paste team, moves, and strategies as everybody else, its the only fun way to play the game!
Is this what autism looks like? Sorry, but SM has been out for 3 weeks and the meta of Tapus, Toxapex, and Pherimosa is already boring

>Get Spec Attack+ and Attack- nature
>think oh fuck me initially
>actually look over it's moveset

It could be worse like how most of my team going up to the Elite IV was only decent to above-average.

Digimon cyber sleuth let you, and pokemon copied their "box island" system (pelago) almost 1:1 from it.
Why didn't they also steal the personality patches?