Steam avatar thread

Steam avatar thread

Guess something about the poster





Just added the hat to this one.




t. OP

hello OP


Real OP here.
I like

Go away Gabe. Steam is DRM.



>looks at ip count
Hi op

>trying this hard




These are pretty terrible.

you have a beard and glasses

you work in a restaurant

you wore jncos in middle school

you masturbate to cartoon women

you like to go out to bars

you're a freshman in college

you work at gamestop but don't want anyone to know

My friend drew it for me.

But I'm using this for now.

I definitely don't wear glasses and I have no beard kek

Post yours then cunt

so, it's not your friend anymore ?

I already did, check the OP.

why is the tongue so long/10

What? I like foxes and stupid looking things.


>has an anime avatar themselves

I guess it's kind of boring seeing as it's just a box that's the same colour as the interface but I'm kind of a boring person. It's been this for somewhere around four years now I think.

>Low Quality
>The show that became biased towards Hillary

Weebshit will always be better than fucking Simpsons.

post season 10 is not canon

Made me chuckle.

everything goes to shit when politics get involved

cute taste in waifus. probably a decent ass bro.
would play gaimus with

its not anime it's video games

how the hell did you know i wore jncos? fuckin psychic bastard

>Show biase towards a political candidate while poking fun of the other
>"What? Why are we losing sales and views?!"

Same shit with Lady Gaga and Katy Perry. Lost followers on Twitter after their full blown autistic meltdown after the election.


That's a good one.

You are smart!

On the look out for a Santa Hat thread.

Christmas spirit





Ironic falseflag shitposting is still shitposting.

>calling peoples pics shit
>not posting your own
1/10 bait actually try next time faggot



faggots kill yourselves







Absolute shit

Still the only good one. Sup Forums has shit fucking taste christ.


>he uses reaction images as his steam image
i dont think theres a red flag worse than this

user, you hero!


red flag for what? What exactly do you fear?

dont wet your diapers big baby, we are trying to have fun here.


Lemme get on my pc I can make u a better one user

Not sure if the amount of christmas avatars is increasing or decreasing compared to previous years.

people actually care what Sup Forumsermin think about their online picture LMAO

good bait

he thinks its still 2005 and internet is some secret cool club for hackers that nobody knows about. which is cringeworthy, you shouldnt take this shit seriously

c-can someone santa hat my avatar ;---;!

being an absolute shitter/faggot
then again i'm posting on a cesspool containment board on a taiwanese knitting forum so whatever
what the fuck are you even on about

please die samefag


don't be rude to me

that this is the kind of shit why you´ve kept your virginity all these years. absolute faggot towards everyone.




Do boobs have bones in them? What do boobs feel like?

Apologize for saying >anime at mine first user


ty user it's adorable

>calling samefag without knowing how to spot samefag
>Inb4 "huuuuur duuur it's an edit !"


>2 people literally doing the same thing the same way twice
>somehow its dumb to think its a samefag

ok senpai

gero gero




senpai can you santa hat this for me?

It was me all along. Ty for the other user trying to take the blame though :/




post more while you wait

it is still a mystery within the skeleton community
some of us just woke up with bone breasts and just rolled with it

you are a god among men
thank you!


furryposting is not a bannable offence, it is actually encouraged.
