Sup Forums plays XCOM

Ok, anons. It's been a while.
I couldn't recover my hard drive where we where on our way to Cydonia, and the last attempt I made to start anew was interrupted by real life problems.

But now, after probably 2 or more years, I have settled everything down for another round of xeno removal.

First things first: I will set the extra options before I start playing. I feel like turning on the custom initial base option, and probably the Force Craft Launch option, to avoid missing Terror Missions because the Skyranger misses 2% of fuel.
I will also hear your imput about these options.

I'm also turning instant grenades on to smokescreen as quick as possible. Not much I really want, but if you feel like there should be something else on, just tell me.

Well, I also turned auto end battle when every alium is ded.

So, with all that in mind, let's get down to business.

Good luck.

Where does the first base goes? Also, what's her name?

Africa. Call it KANGZ

Very well. These niggas keep allying with the ayys in every run I do, so might as well start here.

Here's the fun part. I need 8 names.

Lo Wang

Yukari Yakumo

Real Human Bean

The Phantom Bane?


Press F To Pay Respects

Revolver Ocelot (Revolver Ocelot)

user from Sup Forums

A fine team, indeed; but our aircraft also needs some names. Quick; gimme a name for the Skyranger and 2 for the Interceptors.



krispy kreme actual

strongest skyranger

ayylmaos go home


Very nice. Had to shrink the names, but oh, well...

Now, we wait until researchers and deadmeat comes to the base.


...That was quick.
It was a wise decision to start in Africa. Props to the man that told me to do it.

time to rape some aliens

And I crushed the shit outta this little fag. Should've attacked with just stingray missiles; now there's nothing to salvage.

Seems we need 2 more names.



Very well. Now we're one step closer to not be alium fodder.

We need more science men.

And we have it! Now, to make them before the first alium terror strikes.

A wonder of the modern science.

All is pointing to our first terror mission to be in Brazil.

This can only end well.

prepare to genocide the hue lmaos



Why is it always Brazil

Even the aliums can't stand BR HUE HUE HUE

Jesus fuck Brazil. Get your shit together.



Holy shit, its SecondCommander.

Hi man. Been a while

Sorrya bout abandoning you folk last time. Good luck Commander.

Thanks, homie. I hope we can get the xeno scum this time.
This faggot gets near my base, thinking he's hot shit.

We will, eventually I suppose.


I lost it in FUCKING BRAZIL.

Those favelas are becoming a pain in the ass.

This is the downside of starting in Africa. We poor as shit nigga.

Sell some shit man. Like corpses..

But at least the containment board is now open.
Nigga I haven't killed anyone yet. The first UFO got completely obliterated.

And this also is a top priority to make.

But I remember we poor and the dream dies.

Ok; my big chance to get big money is here.

The fucking madmen didn't even escaped, and instead they landed to get some fucking cows.

Time to probe some alium engineer early.


Oh, boy. I can't wait to get my ass raped by reaction fire!





barn genocide best day of my life

Fucking ayy tanked a hit.

I'm scared nigga.

>2 hits in a row with only 14% chance on each shot

Fucking yokai hax. I love it.

Everyone's hitting everything but the fucking ayy.

Ah the first mission with rooks.

At least you have a tank. Though you probably should have saved your money and just frontloaded Rocket Launchers.

And now there's 2 of them.

Just fucking hit one already, you pieces of shit.

user, I...

Not even a chance to get out.

Did.. did you not even end turn after throwing smoke, or even smoke the ranger itself?


>Using laser pistols

Wew lad

I did, but Barns are always packed with ayys, and smoke doesn't make you 100% invisible.
That's what we have. Better than rifles and pistols.
At least someone could shoot before gettion thrown of the plane.

No moneys.

>ayy comes from dark side of barn and 360noscope Bane


XCOM is one of the rare games that didn't age badly

I still play it every now and then and it looks good and I first played it in 1994.

I cant play darklands for example or doom, looks too shit for me.

should of just tossed/suicided a rookie with an HE into the barn.

B-but the alium weapons!
There's another unseen alium in the first barn, so there's 3 niggers in total out there.

Saving the day, as always.

Not such a big guy after all

Well done, yokai hax. Even if you almost kill the phantom bane? in the proccess.
Also, the fuckers destroyed my tank and I heard one more coming out of the ship. I gotta probe the shit out of it.

There's at least 4 aliums in total. And my numbers keep going down.

What difficulty are we playing on?

Superhuman Ironman, as always.

Heard only 3 this time, so I can assume those are the last left. We can do this.


Now there's (probably) only one.


Fuck yes, Respects wrecking shit up like it's nobody's business.


Fuck; it was a trap. There was a hidden sniper in an applefield.


Still saving the day.



Confirmed navigator. Now I just have to probe it...


Wait a minute... this shit didn't ended, so there must be...

When will the barn hell end?


One day, comrade. One day...
>motherfucker pops user and immediately pops Lo Wang


>fucker tries to pop Donte, too
>Donte actually tanks 2 rounds of hot plasma and avenges his comrades by grabbing the probe batton on the ground and inserting it on the deepest cavities of this fucking ayy

Even discount Dante can get curahzeee some times.

And that's how our first mission ends. Not so cool, but hey, it wasn't a total wipeout. And we got 2 ayys alive to dissect.

>xcom operatives killed: 7
>rating: GOOD!

Has been compromised? Why is the holy fuck would I want to accept javascript from Malware shit.

I actually captured a navigator and a fucking engineer. This makes everyone's sacrifices incredibly worthy.

But at what cost?