Pretty cool base concept

>Pretty cool base concept

>Has permadeath but you have an instant "teleport home" button, means surviving isn't a matter of actually playing well and not getting shot but just having good reaction time on your "oops I was about to die" button

>Hitbox is bigger than your fucking sprite, can't micro dodge 90% of the patterns in the game, making gameplay a mix of just tanking hits and macro dodging while keeping shit offscreen out of range

>Map is pointlessly loaded with dense obstacles that make it feel like shit to actually fight and dodge because 80% of both your and the enemies' projectiles get blocked

>Barely any gear and it's all just a linear series of tiers with each having every stat higher than the last, no decision making on what gear to replace and what stats to prioritize

>Each class has only one ability, it's driven by an equipped item which means they could have all sorts of varieties and different abilities per class but they're all the fucking same but with higher numbers

>Awful art style, camera is way too zoomed in, is a Flash-powered resource hog with unresponsive controls

>Map has no reason to have fog of war when it's so big and it's impossible to uncover enough to actually see its shape and layout, there's nothing to find, and the fog resets every time you reenter which happens constantly because of dungeons and teleporting out with the "oops I was gonna die" button

>Completely fucking riddled with F2P microtransaction garbage, end game gear is only accessible via spending real money

Is it possible to fuck up a game any harder than this?

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Plus it's basically dead. Loaded with spam bots.

I wish there were more games like it.

Was it not always like that? I only picked it up recently.
Well, I played a tiny bit when it was new, but I figured it was still ramping up and didn't have enough of a market for that yet.

I really only play it because there's nothing else out there like it. I just want more grindy twin stick shooters

I played it like four years ago. There were plenty of real people playing back then. At least outside of the hub area.

>>Barely any gear and it's all just a linear series of tiers with each having every stat higher than the last, no decision making on what gear to replace and what stats to prioritize
Are you an actual fucking retard or are you baiting

Have you not actually played the game? Because that's exactly what it is.
Unless it changes after you enter the "real money only for the gear that disappears when you don't press R fast enough lmao" range, but that's not exactly something worth bragging about

Are you actually accusing me of never playing the game when you don't even know what the fuck a UT is? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Even the forbidden jungle has a set of UTs but I'm guessing you didn't(see: couldn't) even make it that far

>Even the forbidden jungle has a set of UTs but I'm guessing you didn't(see: couldn't) even make it that far
I've seen untiered drops, they've all been worse than items I was already using. Good weapon design and variety shouldn't only exist at the cap.

There's still clear statistical and mechanical superiority here, it's just rarer drops that are either outclassed or only worth using when they're the endgame options. That's better, but my complaint still stands that the bulk of the game's gear climb is a clear linear progression with no decisions.

>Has permadeath but you have an instant "teleport home" button, means surviving isn't a matter of actually playing well and not getting shot but just having good reaction time on your "oops I was about to die" button
Wow it makes gameplay actually exciting and still risky instead of forcing you to always stand 10 feet away, how terrible
>Hitbox is bigger than your fucking sprite, can't micro dodge 90% of the patterns in the game, making gameplay a mix of just tanking hits and macro dodging while keeping shit offscreen out of range
Literally just incorrect. Nobody would play Knight if this was even half true
>Map is pointlessly loaded with dense obstacles that make it feel like shit to actually fight and dodge because 80% of both your and the enemies' projectiles get blocked
Yeah maybe if all you do is chase around the Bug Swarm in the forest. Not even mentioning the event setpieces
>Barely any gear and it's all just a linear series of tiers with each having every stat higher than the last, no decision making on what gear to replace and what stats to prioritize
>Each class has only one ability, it's driven by an equipped item which means they could have all sorts of varieties and different abilities per class but they're all the fucking same but with higher numbers
Confirmed never played the game. There are UTs even for lower level dungeons
>Awful art style, camera is way too zoomed in, is a Flash-powered resource hog with unresponsive controls
1/2 Subjective
3. If you're having unresponsive controls it's because your keyboards fucked. I have never had a problem with controls in this game unless it was my keyboard
>Map has no reason to have fog of war
Yea let's just tell everybody exactly where every every event setpiece is-
>there's nothing to find
Oh right, forgot you're a moron
>and the fog resets every time you reenter which happens constantly because of dungeons and teleporting out with the "oops I was gonna die" button
Play Priest fag

>just rarer drops that are either outclassed or only worth using when they're the endgame options.
>Never heard of the bone dagger
>Never heard of the EP
>Never heard of the Ogmur
please just stop embarrassing yourself

>Wow it makes gameplay actually exciting and still risky instead of forcing you to always stand 10 feet away, how terrible
Try reading past the first two words of that sentence, you fucking retard

>Literally just incorrect. Nobody would play Knight if this was even half true
Knight is designed around tanking shit and stunning enemies so their undodgeable shots don't go off, so you're effectively just agreeing with me here and I have no clue what you were trying to prove with that

>Yeah maybe if all you do is chase around the Bug Swarm in the forest. Not even mentioning the event setpieces
You have to progress through those parts of the game. The problem exists.

>Confirmed never played the game. There are UTs even for lower level dungeons
Already answered this

>1/2 Subjective
A game forcing me to fight stuff offscreen because it's too zoomed in and the hitbox size doesn't let me weave through patterns is bad design. That's not an opinion.

>3. If you're having unresponsive controls it's because your keyboards fucked. I have never had a problem with controls in this game unless it was my keyboard
I guess all those dozens of threads of people complaining about their movement being delayed in spurts are full of shit, huh? It's weird that they're able to type those posts without W, A, S, and D being in huge strings if it's their keyboards.

>Oh right, forgot you're a moron
Ad hominem, no argument, just further weakening your validity

>Play Priest fag
Priest gets to keep the map revealed when he teleports out? When did that get added?

Why are you so butthurt? How is it this hard to accept that the game is extremely flawed?

This isn't an argument until you tell me WHY those items prove me wrong.

Are you joking? If you actually played the game you'd see why. The fact you don't even know what those weapons do... seriously, I'm bewildered.

You're saying UTs are either not as good as what you have or straight better. UTs like the Bone Dagger prove you're an idiot because not only is the bone dagger indredibly easy to get if you've actually played, It's incredibly useful to have on your person. You use whatever tiered dagger you have for dps, then you go invis near a stack of enemies and blast through them, shit like Cube God.

Like, holy fuck. You don't see me complaining about, fucking, CS:GO or some game that I've only ever played one round of. Because I don't have enough experience in CS:GO for my opinion to hold any weight.

>Playing rotmg after the original devs dropped it
Why aren't you playing the superior game by Spryfox? Which uses all the same cool concepts but with none of the faggotry?
Oh right, because you didn't even know it existed.
And because the alpha servers are down as they work on it

The nexus button is needed, it's just making straightforward and accepting the panic dc that you can perform in every online game with permadeath. Unless your proposal is that you should die when you get dc. It's a limitation of the genre that really can't be removed.

>Are you joking? If you actually played the game you'd see why. The fact you don't even know what those weapons do... seriously, I'm bewildered.
I know what they do. You can't just cite a game asset to make an argument for you.

So your point is that some of them have situational uses? That has nothing to do with anything I'm talking about with gear progression, replacement, and decision making.

So do you have any arguments for anything else or is it just gonna be WAHH YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED IT BECAUSE I SAID SO AND I DON'T HAVE ACTUAL REFUTING ARGUMENTS until you get bored and leave?

I remember playing it back many many years ago when things was stored on local and you can easily dupe items. I remember the community was amazing and people worked together and gave each other free stuff.
I played it again like a few years ago. Absolutely disgusting what they did.
Extreme microtransitions. Grinding like you wouldn't believe. Very unfun.

Why should I give you "ACTUAL REFUTING ARGUMENTS"(mind you, arguments that YOU consider "ACTUAL"ly refuting) When I've already given you some and all you can say is "I-I totally knew that... but it's still wrong!!1!"?

If you so want to have an "ACTUAL" argument with me, how about not wasting my time?

So you're admitting you were wrong, nice

Yep, the only thing you actually want to listen to is my ridiculous mirror of you.

Like pottery.

Still waiting for your counter arguments to my list of fully explained points that you're continuing to ignore, any time you're ready!

Here's the best counter argument you can expect to get given the shit you've spewed on my plate: You're fucking autistic.

tl;dr: I'm bad
>he hasn't gotten top tier loot from oryx
>he hasn't gotten any UT items which drastically change the way you play a class
>he's probably never run shatters, tombs

technical complaints I can completely agree with. Frustrating that you can get one frame deaths because the servers are shit.

all the gear I'm wearing was gotten ftp. If you spend nine bucks on a bow you can get for a life~ you're an idiot