>Game design by Daisuke "Pixel" Amaya (Cave Story)
>Graphics by Simon Stafsnes (Owlboy)
>Music by Toby Fox (Undertale)
Is this the indie "dream team"?
Pic hopefully unrelated
>Game design by Daisuke "Pixel" Amaya (Cave Story)
>Graphics by Simon Stafsnes (Owlboy)
>Music by Toby Fox (Undertale)
Is this the indie "dream team"?
Pic hopefully unrelated
Other urls found in this thread:
If it's pixelshit it's automatically bad.
If it's a 2D sidescroller/platformer it's a guaranteed abomination.
To what, spend a decade making an unremarkable platformer with pretty graphics and ok music?
>You must be 18 or older to post on this site
Jesus Christ how bad is your taste that you think cave story is unremarkable
Pixel's art is better than owlfag
>Metroid as made by indie "devs"
>better than anything released by Nintendo in 15+ years
Pixel blew his load on Cave Story. No one cared about his other game
Owlboy's graphics were nice but I'd rather not wait a decade for them
Toby Fox's music is overrated.
The fuck's remarkable about Cave Story? It has simple linear levels, mediocre boss fights, it isn't particularly challenging or deep. It's just a simple platformer.
user I'm sorry your nostalgia for getting molested by Nintendo employees blinds you to the truth.
So you admit you are under 18?
it is overall very unremarkable, so unremarkable in fact that what makes it remarkable is that it managed to be so remarkable in spite of being so unremarkable.
Right one is FF6
Literal pixelshit
Are you implying Cave Story was bad?
Did it scar you so much you have to grasp at straws?
>implying risk of rain is bad
>Graphics by Simon Stafsnes (Owlboy)
Lost me.
I'm implying every single 2d sidescroller/platformer is bad. From the NES era till present day.
>Toby Fox
>not ZUN on music
I don't darn didily think so OP
no thanks
>music not by Jake Kauffman
Only a sith deals in absolutes.
You poor lost soul.
what did he mean by this
SNK are still the king of 2d. Even if they're pretty much dead now
I'd rather have the guy who made Iji responsible for Game Design I think. Cave Story's actual gameplay isn't the part of it that sticks with me the most.
>Project supervised by Yacht Club games
Now it's perfect
>>>Graphics by Simon Stafsnes (Owlboy)
>>Music by Toby Fox (Undertale)
Neither of these people have created anything of any value. Undertale has a couple of decent tracks that don't excuse the overwhelming mediocrity of the rest.
I'm actually not sure what a ZUN soundtrack would be like for a platformer he didn't make himself, and if I would like it.
Keep in mind his shmup level themes are tightly synchronized with the enemy waves and generally end around the time you get to the level boss.
It could work though.
Iji had garbage game design, did you mean to say "responsible for a dumb gimmick story" instead?
>Music by Toby Fox (Undertale)
trash it
Your opinion is discarded.
>tightly synchronized
Yeah if "the music changes for the the midboss" can be called tightly synchronized. That stuff's not hard to implement in a game with manual scrolling, most games nowadays do something similar with their dynamic soundtracks.
>literally just taking assets that were already made by a large company 25 years ago and "updating" them
>better than devs who created something out of nothing
You could have made a valid post, but you chose instead to make a mockery of yourself.
The last third of the game was trash, punctuated by the worst final boss I've seen in years.
Most of ZUNs music is heavily rooted in traditional Japanese folk, and it wouldn't really work in most games other than 2hu or games of that persuasion.
So, it's Undertale?
>literally just taking assets that were already made by a large company 25 years ago and "updating" them
I think the guy did more than "update" the assets of Metroid 2
I think it'll take 17 years to release if Owlboy's artist is doing it alone.
>last third
The whole fucking thing was trash. "Let's completely fuck over the game design and have the Metroid bosses be artificial difficulty shitfucks!"
Jesus fucking shit, go play the real Metroid 2, kids. Please let that AM2R trash be lost. Nintendo was right to ban the living fuck out of it.
Undertale had a cute demo with a nice gimmick, followed by the worst "game" I've seen in years.
The only reason it took off is because the Homestuck fanbase is impervious to the concept of quality, and they love bandwagoning on trash.
Nobody cared because he was selling it and it looked inferior to Cave Story.
I think with good funding and a competant team, he could lead and get work done.
>Toby Fox's music is overrated.
Great word, what does it mean and why should anybody care
Fucking this.
Trumpets > incessent UNTZ
It's gotten kind of out of hand circa TD.
It also works well in the fighting games. Onigashima in the Fairyland is top tier and meshes with Suika's fight really well.
>Jesus fucking shit, go play the real Metroid 2, kids.
You do realize that Metroid 2 really wasn't a great game, right?
I'm saying this as someone who's first Metroid game was 2, so if anything I should have nostalgia improving my thoughts about it
Back in 2004, when games were hard to make for random people, it was a huge deal that just 1 guy made a simple game and then released it for free.
Today in 2017-3 weeks, no one gives a shit.
Nobody can deny that ZUN is the mack daddy of boss themes. What's in question is his ability to make level themes for a non-shmup game that isn't set in Japan/fantasy not-Japan.
I think he's talented enough to handle the shift in tone myself, but it would be significantly different from what we're used to.
>Trumpets > incessent UNTZ
What did he mean by this?
>SNK are still the king of 2d. Even if they're pretty much dead now
SNK are now more alive than ever thanks to chink-dollars.
There's more than a few stage themes which don't feel intrisically 'set in fantasy Japan'. EoSD, bar a few tracks like Meiling's ones, isn't particularly Japanese sounding at all.
Same for a fair few parts of IN, SA, UFO and probably a few more besides.
He can almost certainly do it if pressed. What's unlikely is that he'll be able to distance himself from his extremely easily identified style.
Don't be dense. The soundtracks from around TD onwards have become much more synth heavy and less melodic. Not that there's anything wrong with it, but I do prefer the latter over the former.
Similarly, the music for Undertale works in Undertale because of how self-aware and meta the game is.
Im of the opinion that LoLK finally hit the perfect balance. TD was nearly too much, and I liked the percussion-based DDC. LoLK however has some of the hypest and varied music in touhou. It's my second favorite soundtrack
Plebs can't see the brilliance of Cave Story's design and see it as indistinguishable from other sidescrollers. To plebs, Mega Man 2 is the same thing as Mega Man X5 and Mega Man Zero 3. You just jump and shoot and run to the right!
>Mega Man 2 is the same thing as Mega Man X5 and Mega Man Zero 3. You just jump and shoot and run to the right!
Akira Kitamura is a genius. Him leaving the series is the worst thing to happen. Fuck Fujiwara for forcing him out.
Nope. I want 3d graphics made by Arcane Kids guys.
Call me a faggot but Playdead + Toby Fox (and his helpers) joint project would be pretty sick
I bet you wouldn't be able to tell me what makes Mega Man 2 great if you tried, just like other Cave Story fags who praise it endlessly without being able to give one damn reason what makes it so great compared to other platformers.
Please post what you consider is a good game that isn't mainstream.
Prove you're not part of a hivemind.
Otogi 2
what game design? no difficulty curve?
Add Johnatan Blow to GD and programming and youre done.
then what makes undertale so good OUTSIDE of all its pandering and bullshit "feels"
what makes it a good GAME?
there is no strategy to metroid 2. just pound them with missiles. am2r takes some skill with you seem to be lacking.
Here's an essay soldierfromthesurface.com
Here's a review web.archive.org
who here can make sprites?
Also stick notch as community rep
>music by Jake Kaufman
>graphics by Lab Zero
>gameplay by the AM2R team
Whatever, Phil fish, no one cares what you think.
To be fair the last Metroid game released by Nintendo was in 2003.
Notch as the director, Phil Fish as community rep, Sean Murray as marketer.
Nu male beta cucks. Get a red pill.
Soundtrack was good, which is why Toby was listed as the composer, and not the designer. Stay on topic for 1 second
>>Soundtrack was good
I mean, it wasn't, but whatever you say, buddy.
Amazingly, a thread can contain multiple topics, it's the magic of imageboard culture. If you don't like it, I'm sure there's some gay yiff shit you can reblog on your Tumblr, or you can go back to your Reddit hugbox and cry about how people don't appreciate your GOTY out of a possible selection of 1.
hey i know this guys kid
>go back to your Reddit hugbox
Oh good no topic these days is complete without this shitposting
>Get a red pill
And then what? Force feed it to you, so you won't die of starvation?
post it.
If you're suggesting that the Prime series, the spinoffs and Federation Force are shit and not metroid, then you're right
What will actually happen
>Game is outdated by the time of its release because it took ages to code
>Game is even more outdated because it took ages to sprite
>The soundtrack will be half-assed because Toby was busy doing other things that didn't take ages to finish
nu male beta cuck.
I can assure you by far the majority of people who jumped on the Undertale bandwagon didn't even know what Homestuck is.
If anything this webcomic(?) found new readers through Undertale not the other way round.
I would say it takes more predictive reasoning and positioning knowledge than skill.
There's no real input barrier or reaction time requirement in AM2R. It's not really a game you have to practice more than a game you have to learn.
I beat the WR for speedruns within 3 hours of the first time I beat it, for example.
please don't make this a meme
basically the 3D equivalent of indie pixelshit
>draw thing
>scale down via point interpolation
>show them online
met your wife's kid the other day
xe said hi
That's not a sprite, that's clearly a hand-drawn image resized so that the pixels look big
whatever happened to him after thatguywiththeglasses exploded?
What distinguishes it from other games of same genre?
>Cave Story
Overrated garbage that served as the stepping stone for the "games r art" crowd.
Uninteresting bottom of the barrel garbage.
It's complete shi-
Why even bother?
making sprites is easy.
thats what capcom did with their marvel vs capcom and jojo games.
I know right
Check out this awesome pixel art I did of the Mona Lisa
simply ebin.
Pixel art =! spriting