>370k life sales against 700k first week sales

Other urls found in this thread:

Anybody seriously saying that needed a reality check. Persona and Final Fantasy are targeting totally different crowds, with one being very niche series, and other being one of the biggest there is.

But that doesn't change that Persona 5 performed very well, while FFXV did badly, and former was also received better.

FFXV had a much bigger fanbase, budget and marketing campaign (although P5's marketing campaign was no slouch either).

Everybody knows FF 15.
Persona is only known by two nerds.

>Persona 5
Already succesful.
>Final Fantasy XV
Needs to sell 10 million copies to be succesful.

Ok cool. That wont make me cancel persona 5 preorder and skip out on ffzv cuz judgement day disc played like shit and was boring.

meanwhile FFXV's budget was probably 10 times more than P5

>Persona will slaughter Final Fantasy
Said no one ever, your thread is shit OP

So the game that sold less performed better. Huh, that makes total sense. Yep, I get it all right.

it does, when you consider budget.

Well, I guess it's because he thinks that persona 5 wasn't marketed or something
Or maybe because persona 5 was only 8 years in the development instead of 10

So performance is related to budget? That means that a game with zero budget with one sale performed infinity times better than the competition? I understand completely.

Sony did most of the P5 marketing.
and the preparation for P5's development started in 2010

FFXV is underperfoming in Japan and it has terrible reviews. Persona 5 has only been released in Japan. It will sell well once it's released in 2017.

In 2010 it was already announced being in the development
I still remember promises about more mature story and shit we got

I can't believe some people actually thought that. Some video game 'journalists' said FF had to watch out or it would be eaten alive by Persona.

Isn't P5 out only in Japan right now? That doesn't seem very fair to compare the 2 metrics, unless those are Japanese sales numbers, in which case they both seem pretty low.

I've never played a Final Fantasy game before, and only know about Persona from Giant Bomb's Endurance Run

Both series are crap.

>this dub
I'm in physical pain right now

>Only out in nip

>needs 10 million copies
listen, buddy. we know since april that that's not even true. why are you still using this to shitpost?

>Persona 5 double Persona 4's sales
>FFXV sold less than half of what FFXIII did

really makes you think

What's wrong with this?

They're japanese numbers.

the difference being FF15 was eating budget for 10 years and blew a huge wad all over the place to get an animu made, a movie made, other assorted side-material shit made (which is also apparently where all the FUCKING STORY instead of being IN GAME) and had to spend money on like 3 or 4 demos over the years...

Cyberdimension Neptunia and Persona 5 are making a killing selling small numbers. Final Fantasy is hemmoraghing money by making numbers not all THAT much better...

The cheesiness of the lines and the fact they let her get away with voicing like she's akwardly reading a stage script.

She isn't trying but neither is the localization. Horrible all around.