
whats the Sup Forumserdict?

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anyone played it?

Gameplay itself isn't bad but quickly becomes repetitive. The grind isn't really worth it.

this, it is a recursive loop of grind; grind to grind to grind to grind and so on.

i see, so its like a Diablo game in the sense its alot of grinding

Game looks fun tho. fast / smooth movement, lots of character variety, customization, etc.

anything else bad about the game other than the grinding?

Fun to play for a little while and then stop the moment the grind becomes annoying.

I played the shit out of and had almost every current frame/weapon at the time I quit, and I don't really want to go back to it at all.

Making anything takes real time on top of regular grinding.

You have to grind to get the blueprints for an item, then grind for the materials, then sit and wait for the thing to actually be put together.

Frames take 4 BPs to make, each of which you have to grind bosses to get to drop, each part taking 3 days to build, and then 3 days to put them all together.

Like I said, I enjoyed it when I played it, but I really can't recommend it the way it is now. At most give it a shot and drop it whenever, its not worth pushing yourself for.

Enemies, maps and missions are very repetitive.
Also, the amount of grinding is surreal.

It's fun, good shooty. It's free, play it until you get bored and then stop. You lose nothing but your time.

If you are a poorfag and can't afford subscription of other MMOs it's quite fun. Played it for about 2 months and don't regret it. You can sell loot for premium currency to other players and buy cosmethics to your character from premium shop.
It's a massive grindfest so it quickly becomes exhausting tho. 6.5/10 over all. 9/10 first week of playing it.
Would be solid 8.5/10 if there were more convenient ways of interacting with people and with content for bigger groups of players (like 15-20 players) like raids or proper PvP battlegrounds/arenas.

The only other "major" flaw is that you will need more inventory space, and you have to buy that with platinum (microstansatction money). The only way to get that is to grind for products people will pay plat for, or purchase it yourself. Plat is also finite, once it's spent on items it disappears, only plat that's traded stays in the game, someone HAS to actually purchase plat for there to be more.


Got one thing wrong, the frames take 4 BPs to make but one is just the blueprint for putting them together. I think I also got the time on building the parts wrong as well, it may only be 24 hours per piece.

You CAN just make all the individual pieces at the same time, but its still another 3 days to slap the pieces together no matter what.

Its shit

>Axi E1 isn't dropping
>spent over 300,000 standing from my 4 syndicates

Better than Space Hulk: Deathwing.

its fun.

except everything about the quests, fuck the twist where you are actually a skinny homosexual

no fun
pay to win
not that any skill is requiered to be good anyway
just a waste of time really

Killed by developers. One of the few genuinely good games in the making that was sabotaged by spite and incompetence of its own developer team.

>pay to win
nigga get normal frost + orthos prime (easy or cheap to get) and you win fucking everything


Insane grind, but really enjoyable moment to moment gameplay. Needs more story for my taste.