ITT: 3D games that will never age

ITT: 3D games that will never age

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SM 64


What's it like to suck a game's or company's cock that hard?

first ones better

To this day, I don't understand what people hate about that thing. I fucking loved those levels.


Well, there's only a couple of levels, and a couple more if you include the rolling ball but they're not that hard if your wrist isn't completely paralyzed

I agree, but let's imagine the game gets a port a more powerful system, it will need nothing more than Anti-aliasing to look great in HD resolution.
Just try emulating it, bump the resolution, activate Anti-aliasing and see for yourself.

>any 3d platformer
By definition 3d platformers are shit. Get that trash out of gaming.

now this is a new one

Well, it's always fun to play, but the graphics really aged like milk.

>Extremely low poly-count for all models
>Shit that disappears in front of your face all the time
>The colors never struck my fancy. I really can't point out why.

I know this is one of first major 3D titles to see the day and that it was incredible for its time, but you have to admit that looks hideous by today standards.

Kill yourself

>mandatory Wiimote\Nunchuck

Choose one

Still waiting for a PC port so I can use the mouse

Objectively, no

What, dolphin?

I want to contradict you but your 90% right. The core gameplay never gets old even if the waggle levels are never welcome

Platformers are the purest form of video games.

Get coins/lives/power ups
Don't fall on spikes/into chasms

Avoid bad, get good. It's pure and doesn't have any useless fluff.

Games don't age, you fuckstick.
They stay exactly as they were created, a marvel of modern technology.

It's the things you compare them to that change.


Shame that the legacy of this game is now a debate on whether "best" version of this game is between the GCN or WiiU version. I bought the Wind Waker HD WiiU but have been slacking on getting around to actually playing the game.

>being a fat retard
>flicking your wrist is heavy exercise

u triggered? maybe the dood just doesn't like swinging around the controller

It was already pretty aged when it released.

Half-Life 2 and the episodes still look good today, although some models and textures look grotesque.

But the the animations (especially facial expressions) and the physics are still top notch to this day.

Gameplaywise, I agree that HL is much better, but if we speak about the whole package, HL2 has aged like fine wine in terms of presentation.

you don't have to swing it around you fat fuck
>u triggered?
no but you clearly are


But when you just wanna play the game and the forced in game cutscenes keep you from progressing until the ai finish their dialogue and open the door for you. It's the kind of shit Cod and BF campaigns get criticized for all the time.

Actually, WW looks better on GC because it doesn't have the bloom and the fluff of the WiiU vesion, but maybe the debate is more about the inventory screen being displayed on the gamepad?

If that's the case, then it's not really that much of a plus.

No fucking shit idiot, graphics age, it happens
What matters is the gameplay
Don't be a dumbass

The debate revolves entirely around the red sail and the triforce hunt

afaik it's the gameplay improvements HD made versus how abysmal some of the graphic changes were.

Even in 2016 the water still looks good. Exactly twenty years later.

Also the feel of the controls and shit riding on the waves still hasn't been bested.

Still, hands down, one of the most gorgeous games I've ever played.

that's what people mean when they use the phrase, bucko.

OP didn't specify the gameplay.

SMG2 is fun to play AND looks nice, and probably will still look nice by 2030 standards, because it manages to look that way while keeping the level of detail in textures and models to a minimum.

Any modern Mario game. They look amazing now.. It's a shame not more games go for style instead of realism.

>defending wagglan

Still looks like a charm to this day.

speaking of good-looking water

What's the definitive version of this?

The original PS2 version

What the fuck is a fluzzard

The giant bird in the wagglan level.


god taste

It's doomed to age like shit by definition because it's designed with the motion controls in mind.

Anyone still has the DVD? I do.






All of them except the first one. The first one's controls have aged poorly IMO


I can second that, played all 3 for the first time over the summer and thought they were excellent, although the first one was a bit iffy

>game solely designed around wowing the player with "creative ideas"
>never age

This thing is literally glorified toilet paper.

Aonuma Zelda and its clones will age.

Not even once.

Like fucking milk.

The animation is truly Pixar-tier



Absolutely not

i see the numale cuckold nintendrones have been let out of school early

Only "realistic" game I can think of that didn't age like milk

>Still caring about sega vs sonic

Do they let OAPs on this website?

fuck you sonic adventure is the greatest game of all time you fucking dumb nigger i bet you faggots never played the game and just listen to what the retarded ass ecelebs like ign and videogamedunkey gobble shit up all day along fck you

Here's your (You)
Now calm down faggot

OP said "will never"

not an argument.

>Hallway 2
>good in any way

>No anti-aliasing
To the trash it goes

not an argument lol

not an argument

I fucking love Sonic Adventure
But the game's a mess
Here's a pity (You)

i wnat another faggot

it already is very aged, even for its age

play it again cuckold

sonic adventure hasn't aged well dude

get over it

you clearly never played the game before

you clearly haven't played it since it came out

stay mad kiddo

i have played it at least once every year. get fucked retard

>having to touch a wiimote
Unplayable. Trash it.

sounds like it's the only game you play

you're so mad about this it's hilarious

Banjo-Kazooie > Mario 64

LOL nice projection i play plenty of different video games

wow you don't even know what projection is

this is sad

I'm done, I've had my fun

looks like that new berserk anime

>gets btfo
>runs away


>eww I have to shake my hand every now and then absolute fucking trash amirite guise xd