Is the Alien series better suited to vidya?

Is the Alien series better suited to vidya?

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isolation and AVP 1 and 2 prove that Alien does work in video games

That's a higher success rate than the movies.

How did they fuck up Prometheus so bad?

Considering that Isolation was better than anything else in the franchise in 30 years, yes.

Covenant can change that, though. Ridley Scott is directing it so I have high hopes.

Isolation was a shitty Amnesia clone, and Amnesia was not worth copying in the first place.

For AVP maybe.
Alien & Aliens are both great movies. Alien 3 is deeply flawed but good; Alien: R is bad but even it has its merits. That's a solid record for a series

On the other hand, Alien: Colonial Marines is like R, bad but with some merits. Alien: Isolation is deeply flawed but still good. AVP 1 & 2 are great, as well as the AVP arcade beat em up. I've heard the Acclaim Aliens trilogy shooter is also pretty decent. But there's a shitload of bad tie-ins forgotten to time, far more in vidya than there ever were films or comics. I think the ones I just named are the only ones worth playing out of something like 30 fucking aliens & AVP games.

>better than AVP2
kill yourself underageb&

The AVP rts game was the shit

Reminder that they're making a new alium movie

I thought Isolation was fucking boring, and I love survival horror. Too bad it's not even scary.

>Alien 3 was good
I want this meme to end. I rewatched it a couple weeks ago and it was complete and utter shit.

watch the assembly cut

>Isolation was a shitty Amnesia clone
gr8 b8 m8

Maybe eventually, but the theatrical release was absolute garbage. David Fincher disowned the movie and rightfully so.

avp 1 and 2 are amazing games

Anyone play this?

That game was fucking great.

yeah man that game was my shit

>read the poster
>the Hotline Miami 2 song starts playing in my head

I hope ol' Xeno actually wins this time.

I was young as heck so my opinion is probably not worth a damn, but it was fun as fuck.

It's a Metroidvania right? Worth $20?

Every. Fucking. Cent.

Colonial Marines is shit but there's a fanmade mod around that fixes most gameplay problems and adds better visuals (it doesn't re-add the completely missing particle effects though). I had a blast playing it - the sounds are authentic and the overall design true to the movie Aliens. And on higher difficulties shit gets nightmarishly scary.

Since I bought it for 3$ on sale I can say it was pretty good. MP is completely dead though.