Anyone else really regretting buying this?

Anyone else really regretting buying this?

Combat is really fucking simple

>block every move by holding down button
>spam attack is 80% of your strategy
>warp drive and link break is the other 20%

Then there's the really repetitive open world system where you drive around in the car looking at the most boring possible scenery I can think of. Like the game's world could be literally based upon one of the USA's most generic looking states. I know it's for the sake of immersion but the graphics look like they're from 2008 so it's both boring and ugly as fuck.

Then all the mundane bullshit in every quest, like the deadeye sidequest where you spend 20 minutes just following him until you can finally fight him.

I'm sure you can get 70 hours of content from this game because 50 hours of it will just be dealing with all the boring, repetitive bullshit.

Other urls found in this thread:

Iris is best girl


$90 down the drain

Undeniable buyers remorse from this

When it released I decided to finally start playing FF7 because that actually looked fun compared to this garbage. I'm having

a bit of fun polygon graphics make it extremely hard to take seriously but I still enjoy it.

I put 100+ hours on it and I'm really feeling that buyer's remorse too OP (sarcasm)

Hate the fucking combat. It's such a mess.

>look guys I'm playing everyone's favorite game from 20 years ago I'm one if you now

Never said that senpai. I'm playing it because a friend wouldn't stop bugging me to play it and its considered 1 of the best games of all time. FFXVs release reminded me I have it sitting in my backlog so I decided to finish it this week.

If I were one of you I probably would have been sucking FFXVs dick praising it as a master piece.

Ok so you're not one of the people that share similar feelings to me. Not sure why though? The combat is objectively easy as fuck I didn't even mention that you can basically have infinite pots because gil is so easy to get and pots are so easy to find.

And you spent half your gameplay hours (50 hours) sitting in the fucking car listening to cringey dialog. Just don't understand how someone can be entertained by this shit.

Eh, still enjoying it 35 hours in. Will probably go for the plat.

Good game, but there is a nasty bug on the Xbone version that causes the texture LOD to flicker to minimum and stay there until a restart.

I just don't understand how you can be such a faggot.

I feel like I'm going insane when people talk about this game like it's ok, or even good.
I played the fucking demo and the combat is absolute trash.
We live in a world where the character action genre exists and people think holding down the the kill button while locked on is acceptable gameplay.

I honestly want to like FFXV but I can't find a single redeeming quality about the actual fucking game.
Do you do anything other than wait for things to die while preemptively holding down the "don't hurt me" button?

>Combat is really fucking simple
that's where I stopped reading. fighting these demon things in a hunt i just did was not simple at all.

got the game for free, sharing accounts. but i will buy it once they release a version with all dlc. its a great game.

>block every move by holding down button
>spam attack is 80% of your strategy
>warp drive and link break is the other 20%

Well, if you want to play it the boring way, okay.


you do know the actual games combat is much different from pretty much all the demos

We told you it would be shit well in advance, shouldn't have believed the shills

That's the way to play the game effectively. There isn't really any depth to the game.

>mad at the deadeye quest

wait so you want all the quests to be straight? hunt and fetch?

just say you don't like game senpai, your reasons are trash

I am somewhat frustrated with the combat at times. There are often just to many enemies on screen and the dodge prompt doesn't always come up.

The absolute worst is when you are in a long fight and then goddamn imperials drop down on you.

Why did I get hit by tons of moves while holding the dodge button?

Why are you calling attacking spamming? You do know there are staggering moves and techniques controlled by the analog?

Link break should be used properly, and warp drive if you need a quick flee. You should have elixirs.

Whoah shit really?
How about you tell me how the combat is different because everything I've seen is exactly the same.
Maybe all the people playing release versions are just really shit at the game and you know some sort of secret that adds more gameplay than none at all?

>don't make use of game's combat system mechanics
>just hold the attack button and heal with items when noctis gets into danger like every braindead retard

do you even play character action games? try not to get hit? what's wrong with you/

The metacritic score is slowly dropping to a 7

Its at 7.9 currently.

I would but I barely played the demos, I played the platinum one mainly and sadly that one is so different from the full game it should be obvious

I enjoyed it but the combat is just braindead you can't die ever.

probably wouldn't enjoy it as much if I spoiled myself I basically went in blind ignoring all demos and most trailers watched kingsglaive day before release etc

Combat is very good and has plenty of depth. The thing about combat is that it has its easy use but then there's a lot of things you can do with it.

>Anyone else really regretting buying this?
Now I have to spend another 50 bucks on DLC

At least The Last Guardian is garbage so Ill use that money for FFXV

It's also sickening to see all these Iris threads. A disgustingly bland and annoying character

They really need to add more females

Did you do Costlemark dungeon?

no regrets
but combat sucks,
not to be able to determine rest time sucks
not to be able to see active quests AT THE SAME TIME sucks.
to be able to have only one hunting mission sucks.

You don't have to hold at all.

What's the point if I can just hold attack and drink potions and use phoenix downs?

Let's fix this game

>increase the game speed up by 15%

>Remove the 'hold button to [action]' mechanic

>Display ALL activated quests when on the map screen.

>Replace that abortion of a magic system with a regular MP meter.

>Partition noctis's moveset into regular attacks and special attacks that can be manually triggered at the expense of mp

>Make attack animations interruptible by special attacks

>On the fly switching of party techniques.

>Upgrading shops now adds more items instead of just cheapening shit you already bought.

>Give your pawns their own inventory so they can use curative items automatically.

There's more females in XV than most FFs.

>start game
>do side quests for a while
>get burnt out because they never seem to end, starts to feel like that skyrim radiant bullshit
>go to main quest for a while
>after a few missions i have literally no idea what is going on
>get to the part where gladio leaves party
>fight that bullshit lightning bird boss with the highwind girl
>get gladio back after pointless powerplant sequence
>alright fuck this, back to side quests
>have new appreciation for them
>just having fun on my road trip while ignoring the retarded main quest

worth 60 bucks since i'm not a poorfag

why does hair looks so bad in this game?

Did you do Costlemark dungeon? Might as well say any game is just press attack and use healing items until enemy is dead. You aren't really saying anything other than making a blanket statement.

Name one hard Final Fantasy game

probably cause I play on shitty xbone version

How about this, can you do literally anything other than
>hold attack
>end the string
>auto dodge
>do special move with friends
I heard there was magic? How does that work?

What does that mean? I have the ability to do part of the premade menu string? I can do the same string by smashing the button repeatedly like a mongoloid?

Replace combat system with FF7 system
Add some permanent female members to the party with lots of outfits
Get 10/10 ratings

>try your hardest to not have fun with the games combat
>hurr this combat is shit

just kill yourself

Holding isn't required. Magic system is actually geeat and feels impactful because you keep magic for special use rather than spamming it. Blink cancels animations, so does impervious. Use shields too for proper blocking and enemy staggering based on proper timing.

Magic is grenades.

The closest thing to magic is techniques with your party members. There's a couple weapons that do some unique effects too I guess.

Fuck you I'm braindead

that's promptos photo thing which are all lower res blurry and have no AA.

>anno domini the year of our lord two thousand and sixteen
>Devil May Cry is 15 years old
>triple A games with millions of dollars and years of development behind them have simpler/worse combat

There is literally no excuse for this

Am I disappointed? Sure.
Did I enjoy it? Ch13 aside, yes.

It's ok, a solid 7/10, still more enjoyable than XIII and I know that's become a meme at this point, but fuck I can't stand that game.

>Blink cancels animations

This so much. It is fucking atrocious how impossible it is to use slow weapons. You have to wait for the entire animation to finish instead of just dodging on reaction. You have to dodge on prediction, which just lends it to being able to hold down the button being even better since it doesn't cost mana to just hold it down.

>so does impervious

I haven't gotten impervious yet, are you telling me I can't use it if I get hit mid attack?

How's about some Valkyrie Profile style enemy juggling?

Phase costs MP and not all attacks can be phased which is why you are better off using shields to perfect block things, which have better use since they can stagger enemies too.

You can tap to attack combo like literally any other action game so there also being holding shouldn't even be a complaint. Super Smash Bros has button holding to attack too but I never see anyone crying about that, anyone who brings up holding is a moron desperate to shit on the game because they have nothing valid to actually argue.

I've not played this but most games go for a balance of healing and relying on your own evasion. If you have enough potions to just take hits and chug that's shit design

Impervious is basically knightsguard recovery from ED but you can use it in air, for that I should have been more specific as that cancels your falling damage animation by you tapping dodge as soon as you're hit. Airslip also useful in air.

The previous poster is a moron. If you want to spend all your gil on potions and spend all day earning gil just to fund a potion supply and drain them every time you get pounded, sure, you can, but like every game, it's a resource you use.

Like, goddamn, you can do the same shit in any other final fantasy--just heal with a potion every turn--but no one whines about it like the incessant faggots in this thread.

Remind me when a numbered FF game didn't have simple combat.

In any game that has potions you can max them as soon as you have access to them. I don't see this as a balancing issue so much as just something every game with potions lets you do.

Can I switch to shields and use them to perfect guard to cancel my animations? Or should I just always be on the defensive?

I just hate so much that Noctis is so fucking sluggish about when he can defend himself.

Fair comment lads

No matter how many potions you have, you can't just self resurrect after your party wipes. It's also a lot more impactful if anyone in the party dies since you have to spend a turn reviving them and another turn healing them up before they get killed again

There is no danger of losing in this game

>You can tap to attack combo like literally any other action game
Yet, it affects nothing. Usually, when you make an easy mode mechanic, you give it some kind of drawback to encourage players to learn the system and get gud. Not the case here. holding down the button is just as a effective as timing every button press, so why bother playing like a try hard 0 benefits.

I always switched between shields then quickly to sword or daggers to follow up. Perfect guard cancels enemy animations when you stagger them making them easier to be vulnerable. Durandal and radiant lance are good against daemons. Power shield hits hard itself too but the attacks are slow, I mainly use it for blocking to stagger.

In other FF games using a potion means wasting a turn you could have used to attack.

FFXV has literally zero penalty for using a potion and there's zero risk involved, You are immortal as long as you have potions, and they're cheap as fuck.

It is bad design. You have to artificially limit your item usage for the combat to be challenging. Personally I set a limit of max 10 potions in my inventory at a time.

just don't get hit? actually play the game?

So the answer is no? My best option to fight reactionary is just hold out my shield and switch to other weapons after I parry?

The party members are going to get smacked no matter how well you're playing.

wish I bought it for 30$ later on, online community hype really makes you take stupid choices

>Blink cancels animations, so does impervious. Use shields too for proper blocking and enemy staggering based on proper timing
>not all attacks can be phased
These are good things that people should know
I asked a friend who owns the game and he didn't know some of this shit

In the first demo letting go would just drop the combo iirc.

What I haven't heard and what would make it a problem would be if there was no appreciable difference in the combo regarding the timing of the hits.
If the EXACT same thing happens whether you hold or tap then tapping is just pressing extra buttons for no reason with a chance to drop.

And while we're listing examples of autopilot P4A had dial combos but they were weaker and built less meter
Not even higher mission scores or something?

Who the fuck, in this day and age, still gets hyped for Final Fantasy games?
Who fucking cares about Final Fantasy anymore?

>final fantasy in 2016
the fuck did you expect?

I haven't noticed any difference in score. As long as you blindside enemies often and don't get touched, you can get straight A+'s every encounter just holding the attack button.

Are you retarded

Did you even read the post you were replying to

Yes, everything just feels so bland.

There's S ranks as well.

>he doesn't get Star ranks

Step your game up, user.

In many of the optional dungeons like Costlemark or the sewer one, or the post game dungeons the daemons are everywhere and much higher level than when you first get access to it, members do die which is why you make use of items to restore, Ignis's healing spell too.

I'm honestly not seeing why using a resource to heal is a bad thing when you can, if you want to cheese it that's your prerogative, you can cheese any game. And here you are live managing 4 HP bars while running, jumping warping around so you are more occupied with things here, especially in larger hoards. They get turned to frogs, petrified, poisoned and a lot more during those dungeons so the entire point is you come prepared and also to make the most out of dealing with enemies as fast as possible by exploiting libra weaknesses and making good use of things like shield or the ascension abilities so that you can rely on your own gameplay to stay alive instead of having to use items.

At most I've just used the occasional elixirs because they restore max HP and current HP since daemons attacks hurt both your max and current HP, unlike regular enemies who only do current HP damage.

Are you sure blink can cancel your animations? I've been trying to dodge everytime right before I get hit when attacking with my greatsword and I always eat dirt.

But whenever I dodge when I'm not attacking I get it almost every time.


Ah, the good old "it gets good 50 hours in" argument

Manual vanquish is done only via tapping as well as some weapon abilities.

That's like saying why tap to attack in Smash when you can just hold. You are being deliberately intellectually dishonest and you know it.

>That's like saying why tap to attack in Smash when you can just hold
You probably tap in Smash because you won't win if you just hold down the attack button

Other than the greatsword spin move, what requires you to let go of attack?

60 dollars wouldn't even cover what I pay for buying lunch for a week these days so no I don't regret it - I think its pretty damn valuable for being worth like 4 meals.

>warning the final boss is come
>shit better buy 99 sliders and 99 hi-elixers

I never did figure out this combat system. Hold square and you don't get hit except i get hit all the time?

That Ifrit boss was something else I don't even know what happened eventually i just said fuck it and ran away and let me bros deal with it.

>but the graphics look like they're from 2008 so it's both boring and ugly as fuck.

Objects render when you get closer to the object. It is to save on RAM and processor capacity. Also, there's not fucking point in having a super high detailed pile of dirt 3 fucking miles away. Lighting however is top notch.
While we're on the subject of graphics, they're actually up to date standards on consoles, you're just a nitpicking faggot. I didn't see you complain about the graphics in DS3.

Opinion disregarded forever.

I played it for 10 minutes and never touched it since release day, spent 70 dollarydoos

I'd say it's not so much the rendering of the objects, which is a standard video game issue and not worth complaining about, and more that the world often looks too much like they plopped assets on a field to make it look somewhat busy. It's not quite natural and is too prone to reusing a small set of objects in particular areas, like how forests in Duscae are more like tree plantations.

>All these FFXV hate threads are really just by the ass-pained, neckbeard Nep crowd that there DARED to be game made to appeal to the Fujo crowd for once.

Your tears are delicious, cry moar. Waifufags don't have the monopoly on the Japanese game industry after all ^:)

Damn dude, atleast put some bait on that hook

I said requires you to let go. Don't link me to some 10 minute video of weapon swapping and held combos.

It's true tho, us Fujo FFfags had to endure years of Toriyama's Lightning waifufaggotry so it's only fair that we get a game meant for us now.

Cheer up though, you'll still have Lightning in your dreams!

I have to wonder how many people ignored the recommended levels per chapter and just over-leveled their characters so they could hold O just to say the game is easy.

I still don't see any bait in that hook

Report and ignore estelleposters.

Honestly, I wanted to like it. I'm only ~20 hours in. I just found Costlemark, but haven't gotten in yet.

I wanted to like it. I enjoy the 'Road Trip' vibe, I can deal with the horrifying art style of the characters (Why are they literally all dressed like emo-edge teens?), the chemistry and dialogue isn't terrible...

But the combat. The combat... why? Why is it just a "Hold circle, punctuate with square"?

I'm sitting on 705 AP, i haven't spent a single AP yet, and I haven't died once. You just hold circle. Switch weapons if you want to feel stylish. Press square WHEN PROMPTED ON SCREEN to be literally untouchable. Or hold square down permanently for nearly unlimited dodging, punctuated only by the need to press triangle once to fly to a perch on a random nearby object and instantly have all your dodging refreshed.

How is this defensible as a decent combat experience? It's some e of the most half-baked casual garbage i've ever witnessed.

Again, I've played every FF from 1 to 14 and I give credit where it's due... but what the fuck is this game's combat? Does it vastly change in the next 20 hours? Does it become deeper and richer shortly?

So far it's a fetch-quest MMO dressed up as the Back Street Boys on a Road Trip.

I hope i'm wrong and it fixes itself soon.

That's the same group of people that complains about the Junction system in FFVIII but spends a few hours in one spot stocking magic