Stop playing effeminate JRPGs

Stop playing effeminate JRPGs

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Stop hating your own race.

I don't understand this meme

>wannabe fantasy novels

>wannabe action games with stats

at least JRPGs have cute girls

now play real games like pic related


its varg u fukn fag

I know but I don't get the meme.

>that JUST-tier hair
No wonder he's been wearing a cap in his recent videos.

I won't do that because they're relaxing and cute, so I can take it easy and play at my pace while enjoying the nice visuals.

Recc me some bara jrpgs then

Remember 2010-2011? Before all this?

Those were the good days.

So what's a manly jrpg ?

Fuck off ProjectPT, you can't tell me what to do

Jesus, don't remind me of this game

dark souls

They don't even have good graphics and they have even worse animations.

>Varg already a meme a decade ago
>people try to make Varg a meme again
>these people are probably unaware of the original Varg meme
Why is this allowed?

Stop killing rival musicians


>he's never played an action RPG

Souls is a solid series, most others are mediocre.


That's not true. You take that back.

dark souls is not a jrpg.
It has laggy monster hunter style combat

>I know but I don't get the meme.

Vartg is a former Black Metal musician that holds some tribalist/traditionalist pagan spiritual pan-european values (he is not exactly a white nationalist since he disagrees with them in some aspects) , more or less like a Sup Forumstard but a real one since he actually dislikes degeneration, he's got wife and kids and he is not a fat fuck that masturbate to anime and lives in their parents basements

He post videos on Youtube about living the simpler life in a farm, growing your own food raising a white family and rejecting modern life controlled by zionists/jews

Thus the meme is about him telling 4ching to stop doing capitalists jewish things they do like watchig chinesew cartoons or playing video games just like he does in his videos.

I can accept the PS2 graphics of most weeb games if the animations weren't dogshit.

Stop watching anime

Animations in the last FF are good. The problem is the writing, like the majority of jap "games".

Is Super Mario RPG okay?

>a fat fuck that masturbate to anime and lives in their parents basements
Hot strawman
>Youtube about living the simpler life in a farm
You must run away and alienate yourself from civilization in order to not be alienated from your work. Sucks that is necessary.
>raising a white family
As opposed to a green one
>controlled by zionists/jews
It's okay if my slave master's last name is Johnson
>stop doing capitalists jewish things
See above

Start playing masculine JRPGs

>>raising a white family
>As opposed to a green one
ayy lmao

>being this fuckin asshurt

russian Sup Forums and Sup Forums of 2010 forced him a lot
and all their boards that mattered are dead

It's funny reading this thread and seeing people saying it started in 2010, at least.

>good animation
>can't even make goggles that hang around a person's neck realistically
>literally everything just hard plastic with no movement

I don't watch gayboy anime like moeshit so it's all good.

>a friend plays Street Fighter, Final Fantasy, Lost Odyssey, MGS and some other japanese games
>try to recommend him anything else from same genres
>"they are too anime. SF is at least MANLY anime"
>won't even talk about any other games because they are "too anime"

>waah he doesn't like mechshit like gunbuster
>waah he doesn't like retardshit like cromartie high school
>waah he doesn't like fauxmanlyshit like hokuto no ken
>waah he doesn't like womanizershit like urusai yatsura

>not a single mention of gameplay

oh shit i just saw the word anime and went into overdrive, i thought i was on Sup Forums, like i was tranported back to the battlefield, i saw it all

Daily reminder that Varg has 7 hours into Neptunia on Steam.

Me again, don't bother asking for source. You just have to trust me. Varg may not even have a Steam account but I saw it with me own eyes. I am his roommate and I bunk with him in Denmark

Hey guy, you don't need to impersonate me. If you really wanted the source you could've just asked -

Who is this really? There isn't even a Neptunia in this list