Now that they're all almost out and the dust can soon rest, what's the verdict?

now that they're all almost out and the dust can soon rest, what's the verdict?

never heard of it
Fun, but the card system throws players off and would be confusing to some who expect it to be a "jump in and play" kind of TPSassfaggots like smite
Never heard of it
Hi-Rez is a FOM company, what ever game is getting to most popularity or hype, they'll attempt to make a clone of it in order to profit on the others success. Like those shitty B movies that are released before a major AAA film

Overwatch is good. Paladins is basically poor man's Overwatch. Paragon looks cool. Excited for LawBreakers.

I have very mixed feelings on paragon's card system.
On one hand it lets the heroes be f2p which is always a good way to keep a game healthy.
On the other hand its incredibly fustrating to not be able to run an ideal item build just because you got fucked over in card pack RNG.
I get that the card system isn't p2w, don't get me wrong. Its just a fustrating system to work with.
Also fuck me the game feels slow as hell.

They are all shit.

Only remotely decent one is Overwatch. The rest either are total shit or will never leave beta (Gigantic).

they updated just today or maybe two days ago, it was some big thing that speeds the game up and makes it more action oriented? And they got a new map or something.

You think so? I'm interested in hearing as to why you think they're all shit, maybe elaborate a bit.

Dirty Bomb is still the best out of all those


Smite for more of the moba, overwatch for more of the fps.

Paragon has potential but needs a complete rework. The entire game runs at a snails pace, and everyone is far too tanky.

Gigantic Open beta is in 1 day.

that's why I said almost out

also that hardly counts since the open beta is only for W10/Xbone

I liked dirty bomb a lot.. for a while.

The community is too small, so you just end up matched against at least 2 of the 10 people who've dedicated their life to game every match

Call me a sissy for it but yea I can't enjoy a game that way. Also there's only like 4 maps so there's that

I just wish it had more maps but I guess that'll never happen.

thats the one thing that turned me off from the game. my friend praised it because of how detailed and fun the game is, but i could never full enjoy the game because of the cards. made it feel like a game within a game within a game, and that shit is tedious as fuck

only decent one is overwatch. The rest tried to copy overwatch essentially. Overwatch is the only game that would be taken seriously there at any Esports league.

If overwatch wants to be taken seriously as an esport they really need to work on the viewer experience. Stuff like Dota does well because you get a birds eye view, both team vision, gold graphs, buyback, etc. It all feels very natural to watch. I tried watching the recent Overwatch stuff with the BTS crew, and it is just constant camera jumping between different angles, it is actually less interesting than just playing. I am not sure how other FPS have solved this issue, but it will really hamper it actually growing.

Played few rounds of paladins and uninstalled it
I don't get what's supposed to be remotely entertaining about this genre, it's like passing school exams over and over again until you fail them.

You play against bots until you're level 5, by the way.

Did you notice that opposing team has report buttons to them on my pic?
BTW playing with bots was better because at least you didn't have to worry about cheaters

I miss MNC.

SMNC can rot in hell though.

Overwatch is bad
Paladins is pretty good
Haven't heard of the others
TF2 is mostly decent with incredible flaws

How come every OW fanboy tries to claim every other class shooter is ripping off OW? You people act like TF2 was the only existing class shooter until OW gained ""inspiration"" from it and ""perfected even the IDEA of classes in FPSs""

There have been class shooters since BEFORE tf2.

Oh right, that existed.