What gane are you going to play today?

What gane are you going to play today?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yakuza 6

>phone posting

i want to play with my dick


Saiyuki: Journey West

How can you tell? Looks the same to me. File even has a name, and gane wasn't autocorrected.

Subnautica or The Long Dark.

I'd play Darkest Dungeon and/or XCOM 2 but that feel stops me.

DOOM classic

Either finally finish Metro LL or play Shadow Warrior 2 (protip: this game isn't that good, don't get it at retail price).

Not that user, but the file name, it has loads of numbers.
Most people would rename their file to fit what they're talking about or it would be something like "download (32)"
lurk moar

Some Red Orchestra 2

I am going to continue on Borderlands 2, I think the Hammerlock DLC and then the same head hunt and then God of War 1 for the first time.

I like to take my time in my backlog

I can see through your bullshit user

Suicide, or thinking about it.

Maybe I should be like this user.

FF15 while my cat sits on my lap watching.

FFXV if I can get the TV away from the room mates

probably none seeing as I need to study in fact I need to get of Sup Forums, have fun with your vidya anons

been playing skyrim, having a blast

Thinking about messing around in Skyrim again, might try Conjuration for a change
Have some music with that gif

some skyrim se

What the fuck happened to that cow?

that's a big hole

>but the file name, it has loads of numbers.
Most people would rename their file to fit what they're talking about or it would be something like "download (32)"
lurk moar
and that's just this thread

Overwatch after work maybe a couple games of battlefield 1

Secret World if my friend gets on. If he doesn't then probably keep playing Xanadu Next.

so fucking disgusting. Am I on Sup Forums?

Seven knights

mobile game because I'm studying for finals

terraria or csgo with the boys

A game I have not played in a decade, and am doing so after seeing a lot of it on Sup Forums recently for some reason.

Can you imagine if you suffered some horrible accident where all of your head except for just enough for the brain to function got blown off and you had to sit there slowly dying in excruciating pain with no mouth, nose, ears, or eyes?
It'd be almost as painful as being Anthony Burch.

>snow predicted for tonight/tomorrow
>just got some fresh bakery parmesan bread
>gonna make a hot and cozy soup
>play some REmake

Can't wait tbqhwy. This gonna be a good day.

If I remember correctly it got hit by a train. It's in India, so nobody can put it out of it's misery as that would be against their religion.


There's some gif of a brazilian drug guard trying to kill himself with a FAL and he only blew off the lower part of his face.

I don't have the gif but it was pretty brutal.

mp3 is the only one worth replaying

murdering favelaniggers never gets old

You rename everything you save from here? That's pretty spergy bro
I just save as is, and the default filename is always numbers.

this is why im paying 50.000 dollars in taxes every fucking year
so you can play videogames
good god how i want you to skateboard off a mountain cliff riding your neck

It could just be my day off, user.

It's not, I'm a NEET :^)

50 whole dollars? r u trump?

> paying taxes

L M A O @ Y O

I usually rename the file before I post. I suppose it is pretty spergy.
Do keep in mind you are on a Singapore mopping forum, though.

Jus played overwatch, time for steons gate and other weeb shit


Bought it after the free-weekend and have put a little over 100 hours into it so far. I am always skeptical of early access bullshit on steam, but holy fuck Squad is worth it. The content is a little lacking (especially when compared to PR, 50+ fuckin maps man), but the core foundation of the gameplay is so fucking solid. Absolutely perfect middle ground for people who like who have more patience and a greater desire for realistic, slow gameplay than your average Battlefieldfag, but don't want to submit to the requirements of a full-blown milsim like Arma.

The down-sides for me are two. One, if you are in a squad with people who don't talk, or do talk but aren't cooperative, you are not gonna have a fun time. This is a game that is extremely dependent on your teammates for success in the game, but also general enjoyment. That turns a lot of people off.

The second downside is that the game runs that unadulterated shit.

who knew that americas wage gap was so huge that you could get 1/100th of a dollar, baka desu senpai

>he doesn't keep the filename so he can track what he saved over time
unix timestamps you fucking goy

Elona and world of warcraft probably

I'm trying to get this running now, took 20 minutes to be able to launch it and now there's mouse lag that I can't seem to fix.

Can you contrast it against Insurgency for me please?

A time stamp won't help me when I need to track down a type of image. I have six images under Brat, for example.

In short, Insurgency is to counter-strike like Squad is to Battlefield, or Red Orchestra if you're familiar with it.

It's got much, much larger maps, and the best way I can describe it is that the gameplay is a lot more "free-form" than Insurgency. Your approach to an objective is determined entirely by how your squad wants to do it, for instance. The spawning system is highly dynamic. With the exception of the two main bases, every spawn point is created on the field by squad leaders. It sounds crazy but once you get the hang of it it's a lot of fun.

And just generally Squad is a much, much slower game than Insurgency. There is no running to a chokepoint, getting a kill or two before going down, all within a span of 30-60 seconds. It is very, very possible in Squad to end a 30-45 minute game with a kill count average across the whole team of like 7 kills.

Solo shangri la zombies till im drunk

Project Diva FT
Maybe UMVC 3

I "played" Steins;Gate 0. I might play some more Stardew Valley.

I also just applied to adopt a cat. I hope they get back to me soon.

most operating systems have these things called folders, use them you fucking slob

Today I'm going to try and beat Cave Story. I probably wont though, simply due to not having the will to game much these days.

It must be rough being autistic

Gonna play some DKC2. Rareware games are awfully comfy in cold weather for some reason.

Then I'll get to work until this evening, and then it'll be time for the nightly Dota.

im in dire need of something new to play

Ffxiv and some let it die

FF XV and maybe some let it die

Pokemon, probably a round of Overwatch and then I might check out Let It Die.

Let it die
Maybe some league or splatoon.
I'm really sick so I'm not sure what to play that's easy going.

Hotline Miami and overwatch on PS4

Onimusha 3

None, its finals week and the only reason I'm here is because I had to eat

>tfw supposed to work today
>boss offers me day off
>bag of weed
>picked up amazing fresh pizza bread from bakery
I'm gonna have myself a very comfy day, seems like a day for Dwarf fortress or RimWorld

Help me decide

>Let it Die, to get revenge on people fucking up my room and to keep climbing the tower
>maybe FFXIV
>a bit of Pokemon Moon
>maybe some Earthbound

Think I'll cook some dinner too so it's gonna be a chill day.

Life is strange

Cook, Serve, Delicious is a very fun memorization/'rhythm' game.
Mass Effect 2 is easily the best in the series.
The Wolf Among Us is Telltale's last good game.


video games are awful

Remove Murdered: Soul Suspect from your life.

But I have them in folders as well. That one, for example, was under reaction_good. Pic related is reaction_smug.

Wolf among us is great

Probably none. I'm gonna go wagecuck then come back home and do drugs

Probably going to continue with my NG+ on W3

Play Life is Strange and make a Youtube series out of it for autistic children.

Thanks user I appreciate it.
The CS BF comparison was specially concise and strong.

I have two monitors and I end up just fucking having the game running but not playing it and just posting on Sup Forums on the other

Probably going to finish Leifdrasir today if the final bosses don't give me too much trouble.

I just started Warframe. I'm unlocking planets to get to Uranus to farm shit for Equinox. P fun, desu.

I made it to, The Song, on Furi last night. I've got her on the ground so far. She is my end goal for tonight.

I'm playing as Janus on Smite. Currently rank II, I'll be on PSN in a few.

I might try, Stories: The Path of Destinies, out later.

Etrian Odyssey III

nice work detective, you've shown that you have no idea what you're talking about
>lurk moar

Dude Sex Mankunt Dickvided

got it already?!

Mass effect 2. Such a solid game


it's just a shitty GoW clone