Who would wina free for all?

Who would wina free for all?

No dragons or magic or shit

Just straight up rip and tear?

i would tear her dress off ;)

But since she's not pictured here I guess I have to choose between Caim or Nier

Is this a trick question? It's obviously Cain. Fucker literally beat Death.

probably Caim or Daddy Nier.

Without magic I guess Zero wouldn't be as good, she'd obliterate everyone if she could use it.
Caim > Zero > Teen Nier > Nowe


He beat death by stabbing a guy in the dick

Must not forget that fact

Why does Nowe even exist?

To make a point that betas and crazy chicks shouldn't have children.

Caim operates on raw hatred, so much that he even scares Angelus.

Come now Furie only wanted to cowgirl her big bro

Pussyboy McGee is the one that concieved a child with her corpse

Is it worth playing Drakengard 2 ? I've played the first one recently but apparently the story is shit and conventional in the second game, which is what hooked me

The story is shit
Nowe is idiotic shit

The whole game is shit

Caim is the best fucking thing in that game and he fucking dies

Fug. A friend told me that as well and how it goes animey.
Such a shame

>just straight up rip and tear

Do you really need to ask, then?

If you're willing to sit through hours of McGeneric Animufaggotry to meet Caim again and give him closure, it's pretty neat

Which -ola is the best and why is it Devola ?

>they never fuck

Damn you Taro

Cyborg pusi best pusi

Papa Nier deserved better

That he did. I'm replaying Nier these day and he is such an honest and good man.
I'm really not looking forward pic related on the second playthrough

Caim's pretty good, but he's weak to Jet.

The one with the sex hair.