Final Fantasy VX completely bombs in Japan

>Initial reports suggests 600k/700k copies sold.
>That's a massive drop of 50% or 60% compared to the previous entry Final Fantasy XIII.
>Actual numbers are coming in a few hours but don't get your hopes up, it will hardly cross the million, setting Final Fantasy XV as the worst Final Fantasy's opening week in decades.
>Given those numbers it's very likely it's gonna end up being the worst selling life to date Final Fantasy title since the Famicom (NES) days.

How could everything go so wrong?

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Also Japan isn't as dumb as the West and doesn't just eat up any shit.

>sell a product as the next installment in a longstanding franchise, while abandoning everything that people liked about it
I wonder.

but its fun

Sonyggers BTFO.

Square Enix fell for the open world meme. They knew that people wanted it, but had no idea what to put in, resulting in empty feeling world, with MMO-level quests to occopy the players. They spent more time crafting rocks than actually making the world interesting.
Seriously, nobody minded it when Final Fantasy games were linear, just as long as they masked it properly. Think of the beginning of FFVII, you're basically running on a set path with options for few distractions. Something like that or FFX is totally fine for this series, since it's much easier to tell connected story with player being on a set path, rather than being able to go everywhere they please. Even though the old games did have world map, it's not like you could explore all of that right away.
Just don't half-ass the linearity like with FFXIII, that's when people get pissed.


Japan's more autistic than the west and hate shit for retarded reasons tho.

Not this time though.

Man, you people are retarded.

Based Japan not swallowing whatever garbage they get feed unlike westerns sonyggers.

>FF15 being hated for "retarded reasons"
>Awful story
>No MEANINGFUL side content
>The awful combat system
>The banter dialogue that already starts repeating less than 2 hours into the game
>The awful open world design
>Car is on rails
>Airship is on rails (and post-game only)
>Music is basically the only good thing about the game
>retarded reasons


Remember Insomnia was supposed to be neo tokyo inspired city? What happened to that?

FFXV had ten years of hype behind it, and was sold with vague promises, with gameplay being wildly different from what series usually has.
P5 was delayed, but never to extent of XV, and people buying got pretty much exactly what they expected and were promised, more refined version of previous two Persona games.

Oh and let's not forget.

>Miniscule enemy variety
>Bossfights are a joke

more like the west will just eat up whatever shit comes out as long as the marketing campaign is good enough

gotta get those updated rosters every year

The problem is not even the meme, it's they had no idea how to properly do it.


>Sauce : my ass

Persona fanboys just accept whatever they are given regardless of the quality.

Wait, is the car on rails throughout the whole game, I remember seeing footage of the car going offroad in one of the trailers. It was a pretty old trailer but I thought they kept it.

based nips

>>FF15 being hated for "retarded reasons"
>>Awful story
>>No MEANINGFUL side content
>>The awful combat system
>>The banter dialogue that already starts repeating less than 2 hours into the game
>>The awful open world design
>>Car is on rails
>>Airship is on rails (and post-game only)
>>Music is basically the only good thing about the game
Literally sounds exactly like FF13 and Japan ate that shit up.

Not true, Japan wanted Versus 13, this is a game made to appeal to Westerners


Well, yeah. People play Persona with different expectations than Final Fantasy. With small name production you're more likely to overlook certain things, or not even question lack of some features. Nobody bats an eye when most of dialog in Persona game isn't voice acted, but if Final Fantasy does it in this day and age, people will flip.

They didn't know until they bought it, that's why it sold almost nothing past the first week.

Can we just range ban Europe and Australia?

Why is PS4 always the hardware best seller of the week in Japan?

FF13 had much better and more fleshed out story than 15.
FF13 had ton of side content on Pulse.
FF13 has the best incarnation of ATB combat system to date.
FF13 had no repeating banter, in fact it was fully scripted due to linear nature of the game.
FF13 "open world" on Pulse was done much better than anything in FF15.
FF13 had no car or airship to put on rails, but the chocobos you unlocked on Pulse were not on rails in any way whatsoever.
Music was indeed amazing in FF13.

Japan has always had bad taste, look at their favourite anime lists for example

Ps4 is doing better than the ps3.

Nobody is bullying you.

You mean Murrika and Australia.


Better than Sup Forums's lists.

>Also Japan isn't as dumb as the West and doesn't just eat up any shit

Yeah that´s why they buy great games for 8 year olds like Pokemon, and autistic shit like Monster Hunter and Splatoon.

not on ps3 or vita

Mostly praising of not eating up garbage.

> using the word amazing in the same sentence with ff13

Nah, Euros are huge console war faggots.

Mediocre game, vague story, should not have been marketed as a main-line Final Fantasy game. Nonetheless it's worth a good 60 hours playthrough.

I just don't even know what the name Final Fantasy means anymore. They should make another FFIX type game that goes back to it's roots.


Well let´s face its, Japan is lost for quality Gaming.

It´s all smartphones and autistic Pokemon shit from here on out.

The new pokemon is pretty good.

>being THIS assmad that Pokemon, Monster Hunter and Splatoon are actually good games unlike FF15
You're only further proving my point what a shiteater you are.

Sure those games are rehashes but they offer enough new content with every new game and keep up steady quality, unlike this haphazardly cobbled together shit that was most likely only in real development the past 2-3 years.



Blame underage western retards from Gen Z that never grew up with actually good games, let them eat shit if they want to so much.

Don't forget shallow garbage with cutesy girls and hundreds off dlc bikinis.

but those are actually good games.

Mediacreate leaks, official numbers in a 3/4 hours.

700k copies means 23% of PS4 userbase in Japan. How is that not massive?

Japan liked 13. There's a point when you just have to accept they're retarded.


They'd rather spend $100 a week on mobile gacha games for their precious ships/idols/saber than buy a PS4.

They also bomb reviews on Amazon constantly for the dumbest shit.

And last but no least Square doesn't care, they're getting money from the West which is always way more sales than Japan.

Pokemon is good for exactly 2 kinds of people:

1. elementary schoolers

2. chris chan tier autists

If you´re an adult and play pokemon you should question your life choices and maybe see a doctor.

Whatever happened to FFXV-kun

FF13 sold 1,5m in a smaller install base. it's massively bad.

>Also Japan isn't as dumb as the West and doesn't just eat up any shit.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves here. Sure, they're not eating up ff15, but this is hardly the first time Square has tried to peddle a shitty product to them.


It did better then Star Fox Zero however.
Their complaints is that "It's too western", I fear for Breath Of The Wild as that has Skyrim all over it.
Dude we debunked this more then once, they are always grateful for what the get and only bitch if something is truly bad.
No, Japan hates it because "It's too western", it's a huge improvement over FFXIII.
Explain why they did not move The Last Guardian to the Vita then, they still care but if that and the likes of that, FFVII Remake & Shenmue III bomb then it will be offical that Japan became portable only, heck the PS4's sales in Japan is the only reason why the Switch even has a dock at all.

Wait until 2018 before you can say "Japan became portable only".

Nah it's pretty solid.

How much was the install base?

Smaller studios that choose to voice every character in game end up with the same VA's for way to many characters. Look at fucking Bethesda. I'd actually rather not have side characters voiced if we get shit like that

>Made to appeal to westerners
>With main cast that's made to appeal to fujos
Is Squenix retarded?


>No, Japan hates it because "It's too western", it's a huge improvement over FFXIII.


>Monster Hunter

>good games


Thank god the west is still there to save gaming from this garbage.

>Majority of reviews are ones
Ignored. I don't think FFXV is good, but no game truly deserves a one unless it actually doesn't work. Why do people do this?

>It did better then Star Fox Zero however
Why on earth is this remotely relevant?

No shit its unpopular in japan
It feels like its not an RPG anymore
close to no real modification, you have like 6 or so weapons in each weapon class and other that that you have royal arms and thats it
Outfit change barely does anything
Active combat instead of turn based

Its just not a FF rpg anymore
That does not necessarly mean that its a bad game but you can clearly see why it wasn't sold in japan

There's some dirt roads, but no it's almost entirely on rails and nothing completely off-road. You can hold R2 to go a little faster, Square for U-Turns, X to stop, and at intersections you hold a direction to turn. That's it.

Around 3 millions.

He hasn't tweeted since November 29th and hasn't been on Sup Forums since the day before release

No, I have read the comments, they say "to much Skyrim" in short.

I fear for Breath Of The Wild.

>They were tricked into eating a steaming shit once, why wouldn't they fall for the same trick again?

You are not a smart person.

Poor kid getting BFTO off the internet.


SFZ sold 120,000 units, FFXV sold 700,000 units.
They are.

>No one asking for source
>There's been posts all week suggesting its the fastest selling title in the series history
>Whatever these numbers are probably don't include digital downloads

Can Sup Forums only hear what they want to hear?

Well they do it with Monster Hunter and Pokemon all the time.

Why do you care about the sales of a video game? Especially Nintendo ones, since they will never die as long as Pokemon continues to reign supreme.

Again, how is that remotely relevant?

So the 1 stars are from people who never played it then? Last time I checked "To much Skyrim" is a real complaint.

The Japanese market is literally irrelevant. Japanese developers know the west will eat their shit up. This is true for most Japanese mediums - especially visual novels.

4 million you mean

>A guy who made nothing but mobile shovelware and 3 mediocre PSP games with awful story


Of course. It´s mostly salty Nintoddlers and PCucks shitting on FF XV though.

Everybode else knows it´s much much better than that piece of garbage FF XIII.

I'm actually curious how muh overlap those groups have, considering the high level of autism in MH and pogeymen. FF doesn't market to spergs too heavily though.

Not surprised by this at all. The game is decent at best in my opinion. Still playing it and having a great time but damn it has a lot of flaws.

>worst selling life to date Final Fantasy title since the Famicom (NES) days.

Holy shit is a bigger disaster I ever imagined.

>It did better then Star Fox Zero however.
Star Fox Zero was not in developement hell for ten years. And what does that even have to do with this?
>Their complaints is that "It's too western"
There's tons of other complaints about the game as well. Did you miss them calling Luna "Fifteen Minutes-chan"?
>Explain why they did not move The Last Guardian to the Vita then
Team Ico games consistently sell better in West than Japan, and Vita is practically dead here. Sure, if it was small name production they might've done it, but this is something that Sony has poured tons of money into.

Those games keep delivering, unlike FF.

nips swallow up any garbage that isn't fanservice though

japs have infamously shit taste.

You can it sold more than Project Steam, federation force, Wonderful 101 and Star fox Zero collectively and you'd most likely be right. Outselling those games isn't much of an compl

You don't need to worry about Zelda. It's already not going to sell in Japan. Wii U dead. PS4 Otaku only. Only way Switch pulls out is if marketed heavily as mobile device.

MH and Pokemon are actually good games that keep up the same level of quality between each game so consumers get precisely what they expect.

What did people thought this was gonna sell more than 700k in Japan in it's first week?

Consoles are dead, mobile gatcha games is the only thing that works and makes tons of money right now.

The true audience is Europe and USA.

FFXV sold more, thats it.
>NES Classic selling out in all markets.
>PSE 2016 was lack luster at best when people loved the Switch.

Face it, Japan is still relevant.

I honestly believe that Squenix execs saw what trainwreck Versus was turning into, but couldn't just can the project due to all the developement that had gone into it. So they took the valuable director off the project not to tarnish his name, and put Tabata in, throwing him to wolves.
After all, if like you've said somebody had worked only on spin-off games, would they ever turn down the opportunity to direct a main-line Final Fantasy?

Everyone knows the source for JP sales, there is a thread every week newfag.

>>There's been posts all week suggesting its the fastest selling title in the series history
Shipped =/= Fastest Selling
It SHIPPED 5 million copies, so sure, they made their money already, but the game is warming the shelves all over the world, especially in Japan. It means that any future release will have the stores not order anywhere near as much copies and as such will be tragic for Squeenix financially in the long term.

Of course ADHD Sup Forumsermin like you won't know that because you are from the instant gratification "meme" generation - The Generation Z