
Why is he so perfect?
who will be the DRv3 equivalent? Hitler shota or boyband?

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Hitler Shota will be the Fuyuhiko/Togami of the game
Boyband looks too much like Nagito to be like Nagito
The absolute madman will probably be Detective if they want to go with the "too much of a good thing is bad" and have him sperg over MUH TRUTH
The other option will be Maki since she will probably be Kaede's rival due to her color scheme

Maybe that guy
>Has experience traveling to many places and meeting many people in order to research folklore. From this, he has developed a pet theory about how humans have “limitless beauty” and even under the trying circumstances of being trapped, he watches his fellow students eagerly to see what kind of beauty they will display.
>"So…I’m interested in it. Under these trying circumstances, what kind of beauty will humans display?"

Kim Jong-kun will be the next Hopeman. I can feel it.

>falling for entry-level waifufag bait

komaeda's more than just a madman
he's a twink who wants to be your boyfriend

His scenes had some seriously homosexual undertones.

Post rare Hopes


What did he mean by this?

he just wants a friend desu

Talent was a mistake

could be worse

do not trust amami

Sounds good. But so interesting that he will die.

If not, I think Maki would work. Or she could be the kyoko/chiaki.

It'll be interesting to see his interactions with Kiibo.

The reason Nagito is great is very simple. He is the only participant in the entire series that is not playing the same game everybody else is. There are people who don't mind killing. There are people that don't mind dying. Nagito doesn't mind either, in fact he'd prefer to do both. The fact that you have to account for this crazy persons life in the context of the killing game makes him very compelling, he is essentially the worst possible person to have as a fellow participant under the rules of danganronpa.

Subtract him from the killing game however and I find him boring. He's a lot like Junko. Once you understand him he's an extremely simple character, he's formulaic to his particular code. I like that in the context of the killing game, but take him out and he's... well, some weirdo hope fundamentalist

I agree with this. To me Nagito works more as a plot device than on a character on its own. I tend to get tired of characters whenever I can accurately guess everything they'll say each time they open their mouths, and Nagito falls into this very early on.

Also, I remember being disappointed with where they took his character, and to me it doesn't make a lot of sense either. Like if he keeps thinking of himself as stupid and incapable of anything, why does he hold our hand and lead us on in every trial? Isn't that contradictory? I know the writers wanted to build him up as this hypercompetent and menacing rival, but I feel that went against his core beliefs. Based on that I thought he was still hiding his true motives, but he ends up being pretty much the same as he reveals himself in the first case.

I like him in that he's a machiavelli who's working for the greater good rather than selfish gain
I can't think of many other characters in fiction who fit that specific archetype

The reason Nagito isn't great is because just like every character he's just a basic and potentially interesting concept spread thin over many hours of game.
He's pretty good right at the beginning and at the very end when the story actually revolves around him and how his actions affect the others. The entirety of the rest of the game he goes between "kinda serviceable" and "oh my god shut your fucking face, I got your shtick already".

And that's the problem with every Danganronpa entry. You get small fleeting sparkles of something pretty enjoyable over hours of pointless filler. Ironically however what is actual optional content (the dating sim-style sections with each character) is pretty good, because instead of being written to fill empty space it was used to actually give some insight into the characters.

Reminder that if you found Nagito to have gay undertones of explicitly homoerotic feelings you are a fully fledged faggot.

what about juzo

He was clearly gay, a hero we didnt deserve but gay

But he lusts for Hajime's hope, at least until he finds out his secret

komaeda was just being playful is all

I think you're touching upon one of the core problems of the Danganronpa format. As you said, Nagito's good when we see how his actions affect the plot/characters, and that's because his character has agency. This is partly why the killers in the game feel more fleshed out, because they have agency in the story by initiating a killing. The issue is that for all other "good" characters, the only thing they can do is sit around singing kumbaya until they end up dead.

I'd like to see a Danganronpa game where the people are actively working towards a thing (in a bit more direct way than with Alter Ego), rather than just being two-legged killing targets expected to live together for all eternity.

He's kowaru: "muh hope mufugga" edition

I disagree with this if only because I never found him irritating. You say you liked the beginning and the end of his "story" essentially. That's where he is of his most importance, in 2-1 and 2-5. But I never really wanted Nagito to shut up, I was always interested in his perspective.

I also disagree with your point that it's an overall problem with the series. To me, you learn more about them through their actions in the killing game than the dating sim thing. The kind of pressure tends to reveal one's true self. For example, if you just have Sayaka's FTEs the main impression you'd get is that she has a crush on Makoto and that a lot, probably too much, of her identity revolves around being an idol. But her actions in 1-1 show the true Sayaka, her ruthlessness, fear, regret, etc.

I'd also like to add that the other guy that mentioned survivors tending to be boring was right. Typically survivors don't have that type of breaking point, they don't have a chapter that kinda revolves around them. Those that do, like Fuyuhiko, tend to be more interesting.

Komaeda is just a hopeslut

he even has a gay song talking about his love

She is an obvious exception, because since she dies pretty soon in the story all interactions with her are somewhat meaningful.

Also I'd like to clarify what I said. I'm not saying that the dating sim interactions are the best and everything else is the worst, but rather that the dating sim are ok to good, whereas in the rest of the game you get a couple POSSIBLY good, at times even great character moments per character, and everything else is unoffensive at best and complete garbage at worst.

Some characters act like silly retards most of the time. Some are just the butt to everybody's jokes. There are times in the story when I'd se a character portrait go up and immediately I'd think "Now the weak-willed character is going to say something, then the aggressive character is going to insult them, then the pervert character is going to say something pervy, then the hot-blooded character is going to yell something, then the cowardly character is going to be scared" and so on. And like clockwork it would happen, and none of that would serve any purpose whatsoever.

Maybe you liked Nagito. I found some of his lines neat and unique, but there were times when he'd just go with his usual crazy rants, and they'd sound just as empty as when Gundham starts yapping his mouth about summoning demons.

That seems to be a problem with how Kodaka designs characters. It seems he prefers to give them a superficial role like that, maybe to make them easy to write, and then he relies on the players who like the character to appreciate the minutiae and subtleties in the dialogue and to chase the free time events.

But for the most part, as you say, this makes the characters often appear superficial and predictable.

Komaeda is cute!


To be fair, writing scenes where 16 characters are all relevant is fucking impossible unless you resort to 'one line interjections based on their main trait'

To be even more fair, he picked his battle and (in my opinion) lost it.
Just like a developer who decides to make a fucknormous open world and then fails to fill it with enough content gets no sympathy, I can't put up excuses for a writer who decides to make a game with 16+ characters when he can't write enough decent material for a cast half that size.

I can sympathize if he really wanted the concept to come to life and he couldn't make it work with a smaller cast, but I still think he did a poor job.