So, between the final demo update and this new trailer, is anyone actually starting to get hyped for this...

So, between the final demo update and this new trailer, is anyone actually starting to get hyped for this? Its actually beginning to like RE to me.

Trailer reminds me of SH, but I saw an interview with some guys who played a 4 hour demo and explained that the game is basically structured just like the first one. (You have a giant mansion to explore and you need to figure out how to access new parts of it. No "levels", just one giant area)

Other urls found in this thread:

Also, fighting the monster in the basement reminded me exactly of the combat from RE1. It takes a lot of ammo. This definetly means strategic ammo use will be back

>dat score
Does anyone know if thats an orginial score?

It's a over of an old folk song with lyrics changed to better fit the theme of the game.

So what's the story here? Mansion is actually housing secret Umbrella bio-experiments?

Yea I'm starting to see it too. It's basically RE1/2 in first person with the exception of an invincible enemy.

I mean, we can't know for sure, but if I had to guess, yeah, they're going to full on copy the plot of the first game and have a secret lab in the basement, but personally, I have no issue with that.

You know what? I'll give it a try, hopefully it house decent M+KB controls.

I still hate that we don't get to see some RE hotties though, this is as western as it gets.

>Welcome to the family son

Anybody else cringed there? I mean holy shit this is bad.

Super hyped. It's the only really good Q1 game dropping next year. Nioh won't be as good as Dark Souls, Nier will be a meme waifu game, same with Gravity Rush and Horizon will be a shit game running on a good engine.

Did you notice all the syringes in the demo? Im guess they gave Jack some new form of the T/G Virus to inject himself with. Him being a simple farmer and not knowing any better.

Its not any goofier than anything else in the series

Just play it in Nip with subtitles, that way you can ignore terrible voice acting. The demo has japanese VA so it's safe the asume the final game will too.

That's really nice.

>The screen will fade to white which implies the protagonist has escaped the house, when text will appear on the screen explaining that the authorities found no evidence of anything happening. the protagonist seemed convincing until the drug LSD was found in the possession of him in which the authorities simply discounted him

who the fuck just carries lsd around on them? Why in the fuck would you go to the cops with lsd in your pocket?

It probably will. Capcom usually puts out decent PC ports.

>why does this series known for its B-movie tier acting have B-movie tier acting?


>it's supposed to be bad!!

because he was trippin

>cheesy = bad

Its not "supposed" to be bad. But its exactly what the fans have come to expect from the series. Its the same reason people like Evil Dead

probably the game I'm most interested in playing since MGSV, but it doesn't resemble RE to me

which is not saying that it's a bad thing - I'll probably be more dissapointed and unsurprised if they'll start plugging in all the main characters midway through as pandering and using them as a crutch

I'm hoping it'll become its own thing

Only the first game felt like that, I highly doubt this is what the fans expect from the series other than it being an excuse to be bad.

I mean I get it, you're hyped as fuck so you won't see anything bad in the game, but the trailers takes itself SO FUCKING SERIOUSLY it's hard to not cringe.

Who else /hyped for PC demo/?

>Only the first game felt like that,
The first game isnt even the most like that. The first 3 are all evil dead levels of campy and then 4-6 are like action movies written by a 10 year old

The second game is even cheesier than the first.

I hate all this "family" shit, Umbrella was way cooler.

>not liking an umbrella engineered family of mutants

It just sounds so boring and not scary at all. I mean I just have to shoot some crazy neckbeards, it feels like the enemies of Bioshock. You know a lot of talk and blood but they're all retards.

The Silent Hill Chainsaw Massacre is looking pretty great.

Retards are scary desu

>SH vs RE for years
>SH dies and RE goes to shit
>RE now resurrected to a Silent Hill-esque game

Im ok with this


In what fucking universe?

"Who are ya? What are ya doin here? *chckkk* Oh, sorry about that babe."

Never cheesy past 1.

December 19th. They're still optomizing it. Xbox One on the 9th

Maybe its not cheesier than the first but its still pretty god damn cheesy

Now I have dilemma. Should I build new pc this month or wait till january?