It's not great

It's not great.

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Based DSP telling it how it is


I'm pushing buttons!

the way he describes it makes it sound like a game Sup Forums will circlejerk to for a long time

Its one of those games you play through once, and never again because there is zero replay-ability, and zero substance. This is probably what you get when you game is in development hell for almost a decade.

So the same as every Team Ico game.

Watched him play it for a bit. Gotta be honest It looked incredibly boring. Not even Phils cringe and failure kept me entertained.

Games are not meant to be watched.

>it's not mainstream = it's bad

>ALL you're doing is trying to figure out how to keep moving

was ico not the same thing?

Yeah no shit, but checking out gameplay is usually a good idea when you're interested in a game. Or do you just buy every game on blind faith? Nothing about what I seen made me think "this would be fun if I played it".

Fuck you faggot I beat Ico three times plus I got the lightsaber and the watermelon ending.
I also beat Shadow of the Colossus five times to platinum it.

Modern games are, they're basically fucking movies.

>Shitty Let's Player upset that a game isn't designed to let him profit off it

Why is this bad? Why does every game have to be some giant spectacle or loud and shiny?

Because feeding a giant chicken hyena barrels and telling him to pull ropes isn't fun.


Environmental Puzzle-solving.

You literally can't fall of something unless you actively jump off of it

It also is only getting any buzz because of who made it. It's frankly not a very good game with loads of control, camera, and fps issues and costs $60 for a 10 hour game with no replayability.
Literally okay when Sony does it.

phil is kinda lucky, he genuinely enjoys most mainstream games with their tutorials, difficulty selection, handholding, lots of text, frequent cutscenes, full explicit explanation of everything

So. A platformer. If you walk off a platform in a platformer then your retarded anyways.


The game isn't about making well- executed jumps or dodging obstacles.

The game isn't mechanically intensive at all.

It's difficulty stems from how to get from point A to point B, not the act of doing so.

our guy is always right

DSP is literally correct though, it's a shit game

>not for casuals=not great
wew lad

this desu

I have no problem watching streamers play games like this because playing it myself wouldn't be any different but I wouldn't watch someone play something like DMC4 because it's way more fun to play than to watch.

DSP is an absolute retard why are we listening to his opinion?

absolutely this the worst thing about the whole ordeal was that it took to long for whatever reason and within all those years, a TON of indie games have filled the void for these types of games. It's kind of sad to see that the team that pretty much inspired a ton of indie tittles fail to deliver and innovate but such is that fate of projects that experience development hell,

I don't care for DSP but he's right on the money here. Dead Rising 4 is a game you fuck around in and lends itself very well to Youtube LPers.

Just like Goat Simulator.

Yeah, based DSP telling something that's fucking obvious since it applies to every team ico game.

Because everyone hates him, so contrarians have to love him.

He's Sup Forums's guy though.

jesus christ dsp is based af

anyone have the Sup Forums approved youtube ging channels image?

It's an art piece. Every bit of footage I've watched so far, looks like a modern sequel to Ico to me. Replace Yorda with dog. Realistic behavior. Cute sequences.

Light on "challenge", but Trico endears itself to you over time. One streamer summarized it as "I care about the relationship between the two characters," didn't care about the gameplay so much, but wanted to stick with Trico

Idiots won't have the patience for it since the dog doesn't respond in ways that are helpful to the player 100% of the time. I saw one reviewer who said they just put their controller down at one part to go do something else for 15 minutes waiting for the dog to just aimlessly wander into the spot she wanted it to be in. No effort.

Yes. Pure kino.

I hope you're not implying those things are always easy to get around cuz they really aren't. And really their presence is to make you wish Trico was there since he can fight them. So whenever you have to deal with the soldiers you're thinking about Trico and how to get him in there to help you

So then you should enjoy TLG as well

That's one of the things I'm implying and the webm really proves me right. Keep shilling for this crap game though. I'm going to make some more webms.

They're about as easy as the RE zombies are. All you have to do is learn how their grab works and bait it and then run past. Very easy.

why not just spend your time going to an actual museum if you are this obsessed with picking things apart

Museums don't let you pick things apart, user.


It sounds like Ico. It looks like Ico. It's the first game I've pre-ordered this gen, and I'm sure I didn't buy anything full price the last couple years of last gen. It's been about 6 years since I bought a game at full price.

Sony have got a classic gaming revival thing going on right now and I'm very pleased.

Absolute worst case scenario is that it's bad. Then I immediately sell it and I'm out a fiver. It's just like a rental.

They're designed to be watched because you need twitch streamers and youtube lets players in order to market your game

Got a link?

>the gameplay's shit
So why even play TLG then?

muh feels


>i can't jootube this


>one is a real video game
>the other is yet another one of sonys artsy fartsy walking simulators with """puzzles"""

December is dead risings month, dont give a fuck what any autist purist says

Go back to bed, Capcom Vancouver.

Your pic!

N-noodle has breasts now... Ive been waiting for her to be a big girl since i was a kid...

>muh timer

keep crying cuck

Who else here unironically watches DSP's reviews? They're usually pretty good

Phil is only praising dead rising because it's easy enough that sparks don't fly in his head. TLG requires the tard to actually think. Lets not forget this is the guy who spent over an hour trying to figure out that he needed to crouch jump on half life.

>not a game that lends itself to commentary


im a bit mad at this comment.

Bugged neighbour mechanics

>niche platforming audience

Is DSP Sup Forums incarnate?


He only likes it because it's DSP mode, easy, that's it. It's an easy LOL XD RANDOM game that of course his stupid ass head can wrap around


If this game were released by some no name studio, nobody would even give a shit about it and the metacritic score would be in the 6s on average.

So, what's the Sup Forumssensus? Does TLG suck?

>Dead Rising is like Saint's Row now
Well, fuck that game then.

great for a nerd
ok for a chad like dsp

hard to disaggre with him here
even if he is reatrded

So, the guy who can't even tell left from right, complains about not knowing where to go (when quest markers are clearly given), and complains this game doesn't hold your hand? It does tell you how to move! But of course, Xbots gotta gravitate to every little negative to make themselves feel like Dead Rising 4 or Quantum Broke wasn't a disaster at all.

Also, OP, you are a complete faggot. I bet you have a bunch of pics and vids of Crapgamer you jerk off to every moment of your pathetic life.

DSP telling how it is

>cocka dooky bullshit bumblefuck nonsense

what did based our guy mean by this


Really makes you think


>dude a completely unrealistic scene in a trailer means X is out of touch

How can someone be so stupid? Is coca-cola out of touch because a truck will never pull up in front of my house and offer me free, iced Coke?

figure that one out

It's a straight up worse game without it, I mean are you really fucking arguing that?

the fact so many people are already drones for this game and want to like it so badly based on previous games makes me suspicious of anyone who likes this piece of shit

No they are designed to be watched because mainstream gamers are fucking retarded and can't deal with any semblance of depth

Do you not remember the Golden Claw puzzle from Skyrim?

>artsy fartsy walking simulators with """puzzles"""
A puzzle game

HAHAH DSP is mad because there is little hand holding TOP KEK

This always gets my synapses firing

really stimulates the cerebral

Shadow of the Colossus had the advantage of being the most visually stunning game on the PS2 as well as being a critical darling that people get reminded of every now and then when pretentious critics bring it up to sound smart.

Take away the visual amazement and people will see the game as it is - a 'press buttons with no danger until you move into the next area' simulator.


Flawed, thoughtful game that fans of Team Ico will enjoy.

Won't sell well at all.

Won't be remembered fondly the way SotC or even Ico are.

Most reviewers won't actually enjoy it, but will give it a minimum 7/10 because it's artsy-fartsy they're afraid people will think they don't "get" it.

This fucker is completely biased against Nintendo because Nintendo pulled the plug on lets players once

then why are they selling this game like a AAA mainstream game?

uh, they aren't
it received no fanfare whatsoever

this, the kinda people "games" like this brought in are a disease

I don't like DSP but if The Last Guardian is anything like Shadow of the Colossus, then he's right on the money.

anyone can make that statement considering devs past

who needs gameplay it's comfy :D

How the fuck did you manage to bring up the patience to collect all the boring shit in SotC? I did the same for ICO, but just thinking of collecting fruits and lizards make me want to cut my dick off.

I've watched the whole stream of Lobosjr yesterday, he beat the game after 10+ hours. I really think it is closer to Uncharted than SotC. >The game has numerous scripted sequences removing any kind of control.
>The battle sequences are just there for variety purposes just like the gunfights in Uncharted. They add nearly nothing to the narration excepting for the spears you have to remove from Trico's back.
>Trico has Nathan Drake's bad luck when it comes to platforming, nearly everything it touches collapse to put a show.
>The final part is quite a let down going completely scifi
The story/relationship between the monster and the kid was okay, not great. Something already done to death in movies.

Now when it comes to gameplay prolems, Trico obeys when he wants to, the camera is horribly broken, there are quite a few parts actually nonsensical gameplay/gamedesign wise Making the cage roll is unbelievably tedious and the part with the "master ball" is anything but intuitive as it responds differently with the shield depending on how long you focus it

It gave me the same feeling as Brothers: a Tale of two sons. It's not great, but it is unique enough for the overall trip to be enjoyable. There's absolutely no replayability, and considering how many moments are quite "that part", you won't replay the game before several years at least.

I'm glad I played it on Twitch.

>I'm glad I played it on Twitch.

I don't see much of a difference when it's such a linear story-based emotional kind of game. It's not like there's demanding or intricate gameplay involved.

ITT: People who only played SOTC pretending like they know shit about Team ICO

So it's just like ICO, which people expected/wanted.