Whats his name again?
Whats his name again?
Big McLargeHuge
Blast HardCheese
knuckles jr
My fucking husband
Excuse me? He's clearly chuckling in OP's image, and he isn't flexing his muscles at all
Brolf Mcbuffington
Chad Sexington
Hugh Mongus.
Big Guy
something dawned on me when i was on my own: any food you eat tastes better when you use good ingredients right?
then, if you take something already delicious like Cup Noodles and add in the finest, freshest ingredients, what do you get? the ultimate flavor experience!!
so I ask you: what's your favorite ingredient?
Something flowery. Rose or Lilly or Daisy even.
Shilly Shally
Thick McRunfast
Literally The Guy From Resident Evil 0
He is seriously way too good looking. It bugs me.
Chad Thundercock
definitely not a sexualized male figure created solely for the lustful female gaze of fangirls
someone better not tell Anita Sarcheesian about this game!