How did they manage to create the perfect gamepad?
How did they manage to create the perfect gamepad?
perfect? my LB broke within a month.
returned it and got a ps4 controller for my pc.
brought it on launch, it's still good.
probably batch 1 bs. but hey, my ps4 controller is still batch 1.
They took a 360 controller, realized it was already perfect and moved the xbox button up to pretend they did anything.
First gen bumpers were shit, they're much better now.
Dualshock a shit, analog positioning hurts my thumbs
By copying the best controller in history.
It's not perfect but it's pretty good all around.
Something I don't like about either of the current consoles is that I feel like the joysticks on them are too small. I don't know who thought this was a good idea, because I can't get used to it. I ended up putting rubber caps on them to make them bigger, and because I put these rubber caps on pretty much every controller I own since I've gotten accustomed to them and it makes switching controllers a lot easier.
I think ergononically the Dualshock 4 is probably the best official controller ever made and its D-pad is what I've come to expect from Sony (although the Vita's is best and I don't know why thye didn't just put a bigger one on the DS4). The Xbone controller feels like it's more solidly constructed than the Dualshock 4 although in terms of comfort I think it's bulkier and not quite as comfortable.
My Xbone controller is my primary PC gaming controller because it's a straightforward plug-and-play option, if you have the wireless dongle (which I do). I like being able to plug my headset right into the controller and not having to use any third party drivers or anything like that. Having standard button nomenclature on it rather than Playstation symbols is also good.
Having said that though, I give the edge to the Dualshock 4 just because it's more comfortable and I feel like I can play on it a lot longer before my hands get tired.
>D-pad and shoulder buttons are unusable
>Lying on the internet
The shoulder buttons are fucking garbage.
Where'd you get the rubber caps from?
>pic not related
Trial and error
Dpad on 360 is shit, they fixed it with the one
i game all day everyday
i am the lord of neet
you cannot possibly be on my level
i have over 500hrs put into this, and not a single thing is wrong
It's not the PS2 controller, but it's not bad either.
>Where'd you get the rubber caps from?
eBay. They're made of silicone, technically. I bought a big bag full of them because I put them on pretty much everything, although I need to resupply soon.
With the Xbox One and PS4 controllers I actually had to put some smaller caps made of a harder material like the ones in the picture on them before my regular caps would fit, because they were too lose otherwise. They make smaller silicone caps now too, although I prefer the feel of the larger ones and it's what I'm used to.
If you're used to a bare stick it might take a little while to get used to but I think it's worth it, especially since now all of my controllers feel a lot more similar when I pick them up. The only system I don't put them on is my Gamecube controllers because that controller is designed weird and they cause a bunch of friction on the outer edge.
PS2 controller was good but compared to the Xbox controller it's decent.
It depends what you play it for
its perfect for the good games on Xbone, like UFC and Gears
if the fucking bumpers didn't break so easily it'd be GOAT
Fake and gay
You, sir, win the internet!
remember me
It's not tho, you drop it one (1) time by mistake and the micro USB port is ruined
the triggers on this thing suck compared to the xbox 360 controller
same, my lb also broke
>shit battery life
>analogs too close together after using xbox one controller
>not comfy
>PS4 controller needed Xbox analogs due to theirs breaking every 3 months
>touchpad meme
>R1/L1 still sucks
>triggers are better but not as good as Xbox
Why go through all the trouble sonyger?
i heard the Xbone controller has feedback in the trigger buttons.
i wanna try that with a porn game and imagine i'm flicking the bean of a chick with Parkinson's disease.
By sticking two grips and thumbsticks on a SNES controller.