You know you can't ignore the pain forever Sup Forums
You know you can't ignore the pain forever Sup Forums
I prefer to play games on a gamepad because of this, unless they absolutely require KB&M.
My right leg hurts like a bitch right now so yeah, i can.
You DID use correct posture writing that post though, right?
You can it's called alcohol and it's got me this far..
>play vidya 12+ hours a day for the last month
>develop blood clot in leg
>mfw i could die from vidya
>tfw its getting worse everyday
been trying to play less games to give my hands a break, but i have so much typing for school/shitposting to do that its not helping much. making a living with my hands doesn't help the situation either.
cyborg hand mods, here i come
If you are
I know that feel, hurts like shit sometimes but most days I won't notice it.
>Both back- and wristpain
>22 years old
10-12 hours every day in front of PC/console and I'm almost 30. No pain in back or wrists
>pcucks and their rsi and their poor posture and general ill health
Lmao. More like arthritic race amirite? HAH
I've had my hand hurt from KB+M or from pads. If that happens, I take a break or play a different game. Smooth sailing.
S-Shut up!
So does that make it a sport then?
Same. I think I developed a bit of a hunchback stance though
I usually fix it by holding my thumb with my hand and bending the wrist forward sharply.
I literally can't do pc gaming anymore because of pain in the left wrist from wasd keys. Whenever I do wasd/esdf I get wrist pain. Without it I'm fine though. Oh well.
And no I don't want to use a gamepad for pc games cuz then u lose one of the biggest advantages pc gaming offers so fuck that might as well just stick to consoles.
I use my gamepad on the pc for some games where it work. Don't wanna mess up the wrists more than necessary.
My fave games are fps though m80. I miss playing fps on PC so much :(
After I got a Microsoft ergonomic keyboard my arm pain basically disappeared within weeks
Still get a bit of mouse arm when playing FPS games for too long but it's alright, gonna get an adjustable height desk and that should fix it.
>can't ignore the pain forever
keep thinking that
Got one of those. No pain anymore.
Who else Scoliosis here? Starting to feel my spine, I think. Not sure how to explain it, but I definitely feel my back.
Oh god no, never use one of those wrist-rests. You end up leaving your wrist on the cushion and twisting your hand to move the mouse. Without a cushion you keep your wrist raised and move your mouse with large swipes, more central to elbow movement.
Artist here. I have been drawing, painting and sculpting for 20+ years. I have been gaming since atari, mostly on PC once it became a thing. I work in a bakery as a day job and decorate cakes and pastries. I ride a motorcycle long distance.
All these things carry high risk of arthritis, which runs in my family, and yet I don't have it. You knwo why?
Because I stretch my wrists, you dumb fucks. It's so goddamn easy. Backpain, hip pain, leg pain, wrist pain. Get up and take a 5 minute breather every hour or two. Stretch. Do a dance to some faggy ass jap music. Christ, it's like you guys couldn't wipe your own ass.
That seems like such a fucking horror. There's this guy in my town who looks like he has some extreme scoliosis, his body looks all twisted and he can't really walk properly.
>tfw 6'5" swimmer physique
>tfw required daily stretches to combat scoliosis
>tfw I made shoulder straps for my chair so I wouldn't slouch and the pain went away
>tfw trying to explain the straps in my chair
I wish I could play for 12+ hours a day, but I sleep 11-12 hours
nhahaha niggas sjust streatch more hahaha
Use a trackball
>shoulder straps
Nigga that is genius.
Maybe I wouldn't fuck my back that way.
This makes mustard gas.
My wrists sometimes feel numb after a few hours of playing on a keyboard, But it doesn't happen consistently enough.
>shoulder straps on chair
show me
Same. I played fps with a wrist brace until i got into the habit of aiming with my arm and not my wrist.
Why was that meme chart deleted
I want to know
I'm not even tall but my back getting twisted is a problem
>mfw right palm seriously starting to hurt
Goddamnit. I bet it's also because of being a damn wage slave
>tfw bad posture
Too lazy to fix it, I wish i was a manlet
Just turned 30 and my right arm hurts pretty much all the time. My mom can't even do anything anymore and had surgery for it, thanks for your shit genes mom. She also went completely white at 17, half my hair is now white too.
The fuck
Are you bald too?
I had pain but I figured out it was only because my wrist kept leaning on the shitty wrist wrest my keyboard had. I couldn't avoid it so I tossed it and got another one without a wrist rest. I haven't felt any pain for about a year.
No you don't
t.Manlet suffering scoliosis
No, I got soft long hair cause I also have no fucking testosterone.
I've played at super high mouse sensitivity for years and I attribute that for my lack of carpal tunnel. Having to move significantly less due to high sensitivity helps.
>You know you can't ignore the pain forever Sup Forums
yes I can
bad posture is not height related its caused mainly by weak core strength and sitting for long periods of time
>lay on the bed when doing internet and vidya stuff
>work a job where I stand for 8 hours with occasional squatting breaks if no one is around
>regularly get up and pace around the house when feeling active
>been doing this for 8 years
>not a single medical issue from it, no back pain, no wrist pain, no blood clots; nothing
I feel for chairfags.
>tfw when no computer with monitor hanging above bed for maximum comfy and back health
>dad has arthritis
>whenever I use a fight stick or arcade cabinet my fingers hurt incredibly bad
>controllers have started doing this to me aswell
>get a $10 wooden tray
>pull bed at the wall back a good 2 feet or so
>put computer monitor on the tray
>make 1-1 1/2 feet of space at the front of the bed for mouse and keyboard with desktop somewhat nearby for cable levity
>rest on stomach, using pillows to fulcrum your upper chest/collar area and occasionally lay your neck and chin on when tired/comfy
>every now and then take a break by getting up, pace around, return, and lie on back for about 10 minutes or so
>enjoy being forever comfy and healthy without any known negatives whatsoever
If anyone can ignore the pain forever, it's Sup Forums.
Only pain I've gotten really is my fingers ached from using the triggers on the controller after playing Rocket League all day every day. Went away though.